Chapter 266: Send a half-length plate armor to Edward

British troops cannot be accomplished in a few days. After all, there is no standing army in Britain in this era. Therefore, if you want to send troops, you must first call up the army.

Although London has thousands of soldiers, it is impossible for Henry VII to use this force. After all, London is the core region of England. If all the troops were sent out and the French attacked London, Henry VII would be over.

Therefore, this time, Henry VII used the soldiers and horses of the nobles recruited throughout the country and the 7,000 long bow soldiers. The Longbowmen in England are a very special class. They are not nobles, but they enjoy certain privileges. They belong to the warrior class between nobles and civilians.

Right now, muskets have just emerged. In addition to Marin ’s army, the Spanish army and the Teutonic army, as well as the supported Swedish army and the West Frisian Resistance Army (most of them were killed when Leeuwarden was broken) The army has no history of large-scale use of muskets.

Therefore, in this era, the English Longbowmen are still the largest and longest firepower in Europe. Of course, due to the enhancement of plate armor technology, the lethality of the English Longbowmen to the Cavaliers is declining. However, it is terrifying to fight infantry with little armor.

Even the famous Swiss phalanx must kneel if it meets the English Longbow Corps. Even the Marin phalanx of Marin encountered the English Longbowmen.

After all, no matter whether it is a Swiss mercenary or Marin's Spanish phalanx, only veterans in the first three rows will wear chest plates and helmets. The soldiers in the back row have little armor. As long as the English Longbowmen shoot, a large number of infantry in the back row will be a piece of cake.

The Musketeer's only advantage is the low training cost. Like the spearmen and musketeers under Marin, they were trained on the battlefield for a few months. Even if you can't fight, go to recruit and train again.

But the English Longbowmen are different. They started practicing archery from a young age. The spine of many Longbowmen in England, because they often pull their bows during their development, have become deformed.

If you die a musketeer, it ’s a big deal to recruit or catch a farmer to train for a few weeks. But if a longbowman is killed, the loss will be great. Because it takes more than ten years of training for the Longbowmen to get out of the division. This is very similar to the knight. The training of knights also takes more than ten years. Therefore, if you fight hard, you can't make up for the loss of the Longbowmen.

This is also an important reason why England finally decided to cancel the longbowmen class. England cancelled the longbow system in about 1596, which was in the later period of Elizabeth I. At that time, with the religious war and the splendor of the Spanish phalanx, the musket had gradually become the mainstream of the European army. But the bow and arrow slowly withdrew from the stage of history.

In addition to the excessive training cost and the inability to lose, the plate armor is made as much as possible, making it difficult for the longbowmen to shoot through, which is also one of the important reasons for the longbowmen to be eliminated.

Although, at a very close distance, the longbow bursts, it can still shoot through the plate armor. However, on the battlefield, where is the chance for the Longbowmen to leisurely aim at the plate armor at a close distance? When the plate armor is close to the longbowmen, this means that the longbowmen will be slaughtered. Therefore, longbowmen generally can only hit the plate armoured knights by throwing away. However, with the advancement of plate armor technology, long-range strike is ineffective.

However, the musket is different. Even if the distance is hundreds of meters, as long as the lead bullet hits, the huge impact can also damage the plate armor. Under such circumstances, countries naturally prefer to restrain plate-plate muskets, rather than longbows suppressed by plate plates. Moreover, training long bow soldiers is too costly and takes too long.


Of course, because of the high cost of plate armor, plus the aristocracy in this era, most of them are very poor. Therefore, it is also difficult for you to find a large army with plate armor.

Speaking of which, the largest number of plate armor knights is probably France. As a matter of fact, the fact that France has so many plate armoured knights is actually afraid of being shot by the British. Later, the French plate armour became stronger and stronger, and it could resist longbows. With the use of artillery, it gradually won the British-French Centennial War. Unlike in the beginning, basically the British were shot as dogs.


Henry VII ordered the whole country to recruit troops. The movement was naturally very large, and it was impossible to conceal it. The news that the seven thousand longbowmen were called was naturally heard by the intelligence personnel of the London branch of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce. Then, this information was quickly sent to Münster ...

After receiving the intelligence from the North Sea Chamber of Commerce agents, Marin deduced it and found out that the presence of the longbowmen was really amazing.

Because those longbowmen can use intensive fire to suppress the defenders at the head of the city. In addition to the soldiers wearing plate armor, other ordinary soldiers may be overwhelmed by the rain of the English Longbowmen. Whoever dares to show his head will be easily injured by Jian Yu.

Although said, Marin supported Earl Edward's 2000 matchlocks, which can be used to shoot longbowmen. However, the British had 7,000 long bowmen, and Earl Edward could only bring out 2,000 musketeers. If it is a crossfire, the result is that the relatively small number of Earl Edward's musketeers will finish first.

After all, the English Longbowmen are not only large in number. Moreover, the speed of archery is faster than that of a musket. The musket is loaded and one shot, the archer may shoot more than three arrows.

Therefore, the only way is to allow the musketeers to wear plate armor, and the helmet must also wear a hood, plus the cover of the city wall, in order to shoot each other with the longbowmen. Otherwise, the 2000 Musketeers without armor will definitely serve the English Longbowmen.

However, Earl Edward's Musketeers, because of the cover of the city walls, certainly do not need armor for the lower body. Because there are battlements blocking it. But the upper body and head definitely need tight armor to ensure that they are not shot by bows and arrows.

Therefore, Marin intends to support Earl Edward's 2000 half-hull plate armor, equipped with Musketeers, so that those Musketeers have the ability to shoot against the English Longbowmen, and can be self-protected without being injured by the English Longbowmen.

However, in a short period of time, Marin could not bring out 2,000 half-length plate armor. Moreover, it should be noted that in order to hide his identity, Marin cannot give out the East Frisian army-style simple armor to Count Edward. Otherwise, it's exposed ...

Suddenly, Marin remembered the plate armour seized from the army of former French King Charles VIII that year ...

At that time, Marin ambushed Charles VIII's army and seized 7,000 sets of plate armor and 5,000 sets of horse armor. But in the end, Marin indulged in 1,000 sets of plate armor and 1,000 sets of armor.

However, these plate armor and horse armor are French. Now, Maximilian I has developed a more powerful Maximilian armor, and Marin also plans to replace the army's plate armor with a more advanced Maximilian armor and eliminate the 1,000 sets of French plate armor. .

So Marin decided to give Count Edward the upper body plate armor of the 1000 sets of French plate armor. As for the 1,000 sets that are still missing, Marin decided to buy a batch of second-hand plate armor, which is cheap and enough to resist bows and arrows ...

In this way ~ ~ Marin arranged for Kohler, in the name of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce, to purchase second-hand plate armor in the Netherlands and France. At the same time, Marin also collected the original 1,000 sets of plate armor from the army. Of course, those officers and heavy cavalry who turn in French plate armor can get a set of the latest Maximilian armor as compensation. Moreover, they can also keep the French plate armor pants.

With half of the old-style French plate armor, exchange advanced Maximilian armor, these people naturally want to. The prestige of Maximilian armor has spread to East Friesland. Because of the use of a new type of convex structure, the protective power of Maximilian armor is more improved, especially for bows and arrows and bullets.

In a hurry, Kohler instructed the North Sea Chamber of Commerce to acquire the old plate armor from the homes of the Dutch and French knights at the price of the new plate armor. Such a good opportunity, many knight families will not let go.

In this way, Marin quickly put together 2000 sets of half-length plate armor, and most of them are French and Dutch-style plate armor. Even if the British see it, they will not doubt themselves ...

While the British army was still gathering soldiers, horses and grains, Marin quickly sent the North Sea Chamber of Commerce to quietly send these 2,000 sets of half-length plate armor to Dublin by clipper and give it to Earl Edward ...