Chapter 191: The magic of perfume

After discussing the relevant matters, a deacon of the Temple of Lateran came to report to Julius II that the bishop of the Bishop of Fulda from the Principality of Saxony came to see the pope.

The bishopric of Fulda is just an ordinary bishopric, so naturally it is not eligible to receive the invitation letter from the Holy See. However, after hearing of the new pope's ascension, the bishop of Fulda rushed to Rome without stopping to come and meet the new pope. After all, it was the boss of his own boss. It's just that I was one day late and missed the throne ceremony ...

Julius II said that he knew that the deacon told Bishop Fulda to take it to the reception room and wait, but waited for a while before passing by. After all, he is the chief boss of the Catholic group and a district manager in the diocesan district of Fulda. It is not worth paying too much attention to him, so let him wait a while ...

When the deacon left, Marin couldn't help sneezing. Julius II quickly asked:

"What's wrong? A cold?" The word cold was still taught by Marin when he was living in East Friesland.

And Marin also attached great importance to the health problems of his father-in-law, and specially selected two highly skilled Mongolian doctors from the batch of court doctors from the Golden Horde as the special doctors of Julius II, so as not to Julius II was killed by the superstition doctors of the two knives of the Holy See. With those two Mongolian doctors, Marin estimated that he should be able to live a few more years with the old man ...

"No, just, how did the deacon smell like pepper? My nose is allergic to pepper ..."

"Oh, Deacon Kelly likes to put peppery perfume on his body, so there is a peppery smell on his body." Julius II was probably familiar with the deacon and introduced casually. It ’s no wonder that it ’s not a familiar deacon, and Julius II did n’t dare to stay by his side. What if he was assassinated?

"Pepper-flavored perfume?" Marin was completely shocked ...

Marin has heard of lavender-scented perfumes, rose-scented perfumes, and fruit-scented perfumes ... But, what a special pepper-flavored perfume, I have never heard of it ...

"It's a fuss, every spice can be made into perfume. Pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc. can be extracted from essential oils to make perfume. In the Holy See, all priests must apply perfume, otherwise it is rude!" Lius II made a popular science for Malin with contempt.

Indeed, the archbishops of the Holy See, because of their religious beliefs, do not like bathing very much. If you don't put on a perfume, you won't smell bad? A group of cardinals have a meeting together. If everyone is stinky, what majesty is there? Wouldn't it be almost the same as the beggars and the gangs called Hanako to hold a meeting?

Therefore, the priests of the Holy See will choose to apply perfume to their bodies to cover up the odor. Over time, this has become a practice-if the missionary did not touch the perfume, it was rude ...

Marin just noticed that his father-in-law seemed to have lavender perfume ...

However, Julius II is different from other bishops. During his stay in East Friesland, under Marin's "confusion", he was used to taking a hot bath, and no longer insisted on not taking a bath for a long time like some stubborn old bishops. The main thing is that Julius II, who was Archbishop of Rovere, if he did not take a shower, Marin would not let him hold his grandson Caesar ...

Later, over time, Julius II also got used to taking a bath. However, after returning to the Holy See, Julius II did not persuade others to fall in love with hot baths. Because, not to take a bath has always been advocated by the Holy See. As a pope, he couldn't immediately advocate the opposite of what he had done before. Therefore, Julius II could only secretly take a bath himself. Whether others wash it or not, it ’s his business ...

But even after taking a bath, Julius II still put on a lavender perfume to cater to the public and avoid "disrespect" ...


"So, tens of thousands of priests in the city of Rome, all perfumed?" Marin asked in surprise.

"Of course, everyone in the Holy See wears perfume, and when the ceremony is held, the hall must be scented. It can be said that the city of Rome is the most expensive city for perfume and spices in Europe." Cop's son-in-law popular science said.

"Perfume ... perfume ... so, Yue ... Admiral Pope, there must be a lot of perfume makers in the city of Rome?" Marin's eyes flashed, he didn't know what he thought of.

"Of course, the best perfume masters in Europe are mostly in Rome." Julius II said proudly.

Of course, he did not brag. Before the "Cologne Perfume" came out in the 18th century, Italy was indeed the most developed region in the European perfume industry and the region with the largest consumption of perfume. Even the craftsman Giovanni Maria Farina who made the "Cologne perfume" in Cologne, Germany in 1709 is also a perfume craftsman from Italy.

In this era, the best perfumers are indeed in Italy. As for France, you have to stand aside. What is needed for science is that whether it is the famous French perfume or the French dinner, it is especially the Catherine de Medici who married the Medici family of French King Henry II in 1533. The first perfume shop in Paris was also supported by the Italian perfumer brought by Catherine de Medici. The famous French meal of later generations was driven by the development of several Italian chefs who were married to Catherine de Medici.

So, if you want to talk to the beautiful women about French perfume and French dinner, if you do n’t know this, it is very low ... Catherine de Medici is clearly the grandson of the French perfume and French dinner ...


"Master Pope, can you reward me with dozens of perfume craftsmen?" Suddenly, Marin played a big face change, with a flattering face around Julius II, asking the perfume craftsmen to come ...

"What do you want the perfume craftsman to do?" Julius II was puzzled.

"I plan to open up trade routes with China in the future, and intend to use perfume as the main product ..." Marin quietly said to Julius II.

"China doesn't have perfume?" Julius II was a little unbelievable. Isn't the perfume thing strange?

"Yes, but they are all bad goods." Marin is right, Daming also has perfumes, mostly from Persia and the Arabian region of the poor quality Middle East perfume. The concentration of these perfumes is not enough. In addition, due to the lack of distillation technology and the use of high-concentration alcohol, the quality is very general, at most the level of the toilet water of later generations. Moreover, even this kind of "perfume" level of broken Middle Eastern perfumes are available in Daming and are not available at all.

"Then you want to ..."

"Yes, you give me a group of top perfume craftsmen, mix the top perfumes to sell in China, and don't worry about exchanging exquisite silk and porcelain!" Marin said brightly, as if seeing gold and silver coins like a torrent Rolling in ...

"You can't exchange silk or porcelain with other goods?" Julius II was puzzled.

"Boss ... don't you know, the Ming Empire over China has no shortage of supplies, and everything is several times cheaper than Europe. Will you let me pull supplies to trade? Are you looking for losses?" Marin Said silently.

"This is it?" Julius II was a little surprised. At this time, Europeans only learned about China through Marco Polo's travel notes, and no one has ever been to China specifically, and they don't know anything about it.

However, Marco Polo's Travels is a bragging novel, which is seriously misrepresented in many places and cannot be used as a reference book. It can only be used as a children's book ...

"Well, did you know that I did have a teacher who taught Einstein and really visited China. He said that the prices there are generally only a fraction of those in Europe ..." After the "price revolution", Will become one-tenth and one-tenth ...

"Ah ... didn't you make a lot of money going there?" Julius II said in surprise.

"Of course, please be quiet, don't let others know. Remember to leave China's trading rights to me in the future. To me is to leave to Caesar, your grandson ..."

"Well, I will keep it for you. When Spain and Portugal re-sign the treaty, I will find a way to deliberately remove this piece of Huaxia from their split agreement and keep it specially for you. However, when you reach the time You have enough strength to protect such a big interest, do n’t be coaxed and torn up by someone ... Perfume craftsman, I ’ll get you dozens when I ’m fine ... "Julius II After taking a deep look at his hairy-legged son-in-law, he went to meet Bishop Fulda ...

In fact, Marin said that bringing perfume to trade with Daming is just one of the uses. Another function of perfume, Marin has not yet said ...

The toilet water mentioned earlier is actually a weakened version of perfume. The fragrance content of perfume is about 1525, while the fragrance content of toilet water is only about 3.

It is a piece of cake to make perfume and produce toilet water. Perfume can be used to trade with Daming. However, it will take a long time to wait until the opening of the Daming route.

But the toilet water is urgently needed now ...

Because, Marin remembered, many parents in their last life, in order to prevent children from being bitten by mosquitoes, often apply water to children to prevent mosquito bites. The very famous "Baby Golden Water" toilet water is said to be made from the liquid soaked in wild chrysanthemum.

Marin estimated that the composition of this wild chrysanthemum water is similar to that of pyrethrum, which can achieve the purpose of repelling mosquitoes.

If you use perfume craftsmen to soak the chrysanthemum of the pyrethrum, extract the ingredients of the pyrethrum, and mix it with the toilet water, then this toilet water is very powerful when used in tropical colonies.

Pyrethrum ingredients are not harmful to humans, but mosquitoes die when they touch them, so they dare not spray them. If pyrethrum is used to make toilet water, then colonization in tropical areas will prevent the colonizers from being bitten by tropical poisonous mosquitoes, leading to malignant diseases such as yellow fever.

Previously, Marin's idea of ​​using wormwood and pyrethrum to drive mosquitoes away was not perfect. Because there are always mosquitoes that will bypass the lines of defense of wormwood and pyrethrum and sting to a certain unlucky egg. However, if the body is covered with mosquito repellent toilet water, then the mosquitoes can't start, or even dare to get close ...

In this way, ~ Marin can safely emigrate to Cuba and Panama on a large scale, and develop a lot, without worrying about mass deaths. Of course, the premise is that the amount of mosquito repellent toilet water is enough ...

Moreover, Marin knows that wormwood is also mosquito repellent and non-toxic. If the chrysanthemum dew drops should be used with caution for babies, then the dew drops made of wormwood are much safer.

Therefore, Marin needs a group of perfume artisans to develop toilet water containing pyrethrum or wormwood ingredients to supply the needs of tropical colonies, to avoid a large number of deaths. After all, tropical poisonous mosquitoes are terrifying. Thinking of the tens of thousands of people who died of poisonous insect bites while building the Panama Canal, Marin was frightened ...

However, if there is mosquito repellent toilet water, Marin's road to conquer tropical regions will become a smooth road. And a country that has not mastered this "artifact" will die in tropical colonies ...

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