Chapter 170: The rogue method learned from Yuan Datou

Because of the importance of the matter, although the meeting was held all night, the Roman Cardinals gathered in the main hall of the Basilica of Saint John of Lateran and continued to discuss intensively.

In fact, the cardinals of the Cardinal Group did not expect to give the new pope now. Because even if the army of Archbishop Rovere surrounded Rome, at least it would be good for many days. If Archbishop Rovere ’s army failed to defeat Rome, and Rome was waiting for reinforcements, it is possible that the Holy See would not need to be under the control of Archbishop Rovere.

However, the fact gave them a ruthless blow:

"Not good, not good! Archbishop Rovere's army entered the city!" At this time, a guard of the cathedral suddenly rushed into the venue, causing the cardinals to frown.

"Don't want to make rumors indiscriminately!" A cardinal vehemently refuted the guard. Other cardinals also agree with the cardinal. After all, Archbishop Rovere had only 7,000 soldiers, and it took a few days to win Rome.

But shortly afterwards, an officer rushed into the venue and also shouted:

"No good, no good, Bishop Rovere's army respects the city!"

This officer was the only one who escaped when the north gate of Rome was attacked by the sword and shield soldiers in the city, named Eldo.

Many Cardinals are obviously Erdo, so someone asked:

"Eldo, what the **** is going on?"

"A few hundred people ambushed Archbishop Rovere in the city, rushed out of the city, attacked the north gate, helped open the gate, and put the army of Archbishop Rovere in ...

"Ah-how could this be?"

"How to do?"

"Yeah, what should we do?"


For a time, most of the cardinals were panicked, and only a few of them were close to Archbishop Rovere, but they looked at everyone in a hurry and looked indifferent. Anyway, they are allies of Archbishop Rovere. When Archbishop Rovere became the pope, they will follow suit. Why should they panic?

"Everyone, everyone! Please listen to me!" A cardinal named Ericado suddenly took up and quieted everyone down.

Sure enough, everyone was quiet, and see what Bishop Ericado wanted to say ...

Ericardo is a neutral cardinal, neither belonging to the Borgia family camp nor the Rovere family camp. There are still many such cardinals. They opposed both Alexander VI and Archbishop Rovere. Because these two people are basically the same thing, and they are both masters of trickery. It's just that Alexander VI did worse, and Archbishop Rovere wasn't much better even though Alexander VI was better.

Therefore, in the eyes of the neutrals, Archbishop Alexander VI and Archbishop Rovere actually belong to the “criminal power” of the Holy See, and they are not good people. As a result, Elikado was unwilling to make Archbishop Rovere the new pope.

So, Ericado said:

"Everyone, I believe that everyone has experienced the period of Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. These two periods, although it was said that the newly deceased Alexander VI did more, but the period of Innocent VIII, Lowe Archbishop Lei did not do so kindly. They are all gangsters who play trickery, and they are not good people! "

Neutral cardinals have agreed with Bishop Ericado ’s statement, but this statement also offends the Cardinals of Pogia and Rovere. So, everyone quarreled again.

Ericardo signaled everyone to calm down and continued:

"I think that during the ten years of Alexander VI's reign, will you not want to experience it again?" Many bishops nodded. In fact, the reign of Alexander VI was too horrible, and he would be poisoned if he didn't agree ...

"So, we must not let Archbishop Rovere become the new pope. So, while his army has not yet reached the Basilica of Lateran, let ’s quickly elect a new pope! In short, we must not let Rovere became Pope! "

Bishop Ericado ’s words were unanimously endorsed by the Cardinals of the Neutrality and the Cardinals of the Borgia. The Cardinals of the Borgia, although they wanted to launch their own people as popes, they knew that neither the neutrals nor the Rovereites would agree. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the Borgias decided to temporarily unite with the neutrals and chose the neutral cardinal to become the pope. In this way, even if he does not get the pope's position, he must not allow his opponent Rovere to get the pope's position ...

So, after some urgent discussions, the Bishop Piccolomini, who had always been a good old man, was selected as the new pope urgently under the compromise of all parties, and the honorary name was "Pius III" ...

However, just after the elections ended, the Cardinals had not left, the Schwarz army surrounded the St. John ’s Cathedral in LaGrand ...

Archbishop Rovere, with a group of heavily armed soldiers, broke into Lagrand Hall ...

However, Bishop Ericado glanced at Archbishop Rovere happily and said:

"Juliano, you are one step late. We have chosen Bicolon Piccolomini as the new Pope, called 'Pius III'."

Archbishop Rovere was stunned for a moment, and for a moment did not know what to do ...

Now, the overall situation is fixed, he ca n’t kill the cardinals, kill all the cardinals present ...

At this time, Schwartz, who was next to Archbishop Rovere, suddenly remembered a story about "election" that Marin told him before coming.

The protagonist of the story is from the far east, named Yuan Datou ... Oh no, it's Yuan Shikai ...

This Master Yuan is very capable. When he ran for the president of the Chinese National Congress, the person elected by the parliament was not him. However, Mr. Yuan Datou controlled all the army and police in the city.

So, under his indulgence, hundreds of gangsters, calling themselves "citizens", forcibly represented the people, and demanded that the parliamentarians re-elect the big president who "returned to the public"

Parliamentarians are very dissatisfied with these hooliganisms. However, they are all literati and cannot beat the hooliganism. Moreover, the military police turned a blind eye to the behavior of the hooligans ...

Moreover, these hooligans are very cunning. They do not have a weapon in their hands, they just surround the parliament building, and they are not allowed to leave, claiming that "the big president who is not elected" will not be allowed to leave "...

So, under the persecution of these hundreds of rogues, the parliament voted for the second time, Yuan Datou was still not elected ...

Then, the hooligans continued to "represent public opinion" and prevent the lawmakers from leaving ...

In desperation, the third vote, the lawmakers voted against Yuan Datou against their will. The student Yuan Datou was also elected as the great president ...


Obviously, Marin had expected that such a thing might happen, and gave a solution ...

So, in the ear of Archbishop Rovere, Schwartz briefly told the story in German, and the eyes of Archbishop Rovere suddenly brightened ...

Then, Archbishop Rovere, on the grounds that he was absent, thought that the result of this election was not counted, and requested a new vote ...

Cardinals such as the neutral cardinals such as Ericado, and the cardinals of the Borgia, sneered at Archbishop Rovere-what about re-voting? We have more people than you, and it ’s in vain to choose again ...

Sure enough, for the second vote, Bishop Piccolomini was elected ...

However, just when the neutrals and the Borgias thought they had won, at the front and rear doors of the Basilica of Saint John in Lateran, suddenly hundreds of "mass" gathered, claiming to be composed of Roman citizens The "citizen group" requires watching the pope's election process to ensure "fairness and justice" ...

These "Roman citizens" are actually people of the Rovereite lurking in the city, and they are gangsters hired urgently from the streets of Rome. And, among them, it was the followers of Archbishop Rovere ...

For these self-proclaimed “Citizens of Rome”, the cardinals present were furious and ordered the guards to drive these “untouchables” out of the cathedral. However, as soon as the guards wanted to get started, they were controlled by the soldiers of Schwartz, and their weapons were dropped ... Moreover, the servants and bodyguards of the bishops waiting outside the church were also Schwaz Ci ’s soldiers were brought under control ...

That is to say, those cardinals at this time are "call every day should not, call the earth is not effective" ......

Archbishop Rovere did not speak, but held his shoulders and looked away ...

Then, those "Roman citizens" shouted one after another, dissatisfied with the results of this election, and believed that the results were not in line with public opinion ...

Those cardinals were dumbfounded-for so many years, the pope was elected by our cardinals. When did you ask the public opinion?

Therefore, the cardinals ignored the shouting "Citizens of Rome" and directly planned to leave and leave ...

After all, they held a meeting for a long time with the night, and the cardinals were old and some could not eat ...

However, they were too naive. Those "Citizens of Rome" thought that the Cardinals did not elect a pope that was "in accordance with public opinion", and blocked the exit, that is, to prevent these cardinals from beating and even the toilet ... …

There are already several bishops present because they want to go to the toilet ~ ~ turned his face red ...

At this time, the cardinals finally reacted-today, if they did not choose Archbishop Rovere as the pope, I am afraid that they would not want to go out of the Basilica of Saint John of Latran. The point is, do n’t even let the toilet go, do n’t even want to eat ...

After a long confrontation, finally the bishop couldn't help but pee on the spot ...

Of course, those cardinals of the Rovere school have no problem with going to the toilet and eating. The crowd will automatically make way for them. But what other bishops want to go? no way……

The two sides faced off until dark. At this time, many bishops hold back their bowels, endure hunger, and still want to sleep ...

In the end, some bishops chose to succumb, and soon got the opportunity to be accompanied by someone to the toilet ... If they would not succumb, they would really be pulled onto their pants ... then they still have faces in Rome?

After the opening, more and more neutral bishops chose to surrender, and then received humane treatment ...

Vote once again, Archbishop Rovere was finally voted as the new Pope, honored as Julius II ...

Then, the unlucky cardinals were finally able to go home. However, before returning home, under the "friendly persuasion" of the "Citizens of Rome", they were all forced to caress, swear in the name of God, insist on today's choice, and never change things afterwards. Moreover, this time, they are all "willingly" ...

After seeing the hungry and sleepy cardinals staggeringly leave the Basilica of St. John of Lateran, Archbishop Rovere was paid ... Oh no, it was His Majesty Pope Julius II ... ... sitting on the throne of the pope, laughing with pride ...