Chapter 154: Cultivate Chinese Translator

Columbus's fleet has set off to find Panama, but Marin understands that Panama is just a springboard, a springboard to control North and South America, and to China and the Japanese nation.

Chose the Pacific route because it was a tailwind. From the Indian Ocean to Huaxia, we have to bypass the east-west coast of Africa, then pass the Straits of Malacca, and then pass the South China Sea to reach Huaxia.

The biggest problem with this road is that the direction of the wind is variable, and it has to pass through several wind belts. In the era of sailing, sailing is not the shortest route, but to find a route that maximizes wind power.

If you take the African coastal route to enter the Indian Ocean, you will start from the prevailing westerly zone north of 30 degrees north latitude, into the windless zone of 30 degrees north latitude, continue south, and then enter the northeast trade wind zone from 30 degrees north latitude to the equator. After that, it entered the southeast trade wind belt from the equator to 30 degrees south latitude. In South Africa, the southernmost part of Africa, we have entered the prevailing westerly zone ...

After reaching the east coast of Africa, the other way around ...

In short, the total distance is not longer or shorter than that of the Pacific route, but the wind band changes too much. It will be windward for a while and headwind for a while.

Marin remembers that in the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company shipped silk and porcelain from Taiwan back to China and used advanced Galen ships, which also took up to 10 months to sail.

However, if you take another route, that is, the Spanish “Manila Galleon Trade” route, you will take the Pacific route and the time will be much shorter.

This is because the Spaniards made the most of the trade winds in the Pacific. For example, when sailing from the Americas to the Asian-Philippine colony, the Spanish sailed the northeast trade wind between 30 degrees north latitude and the equator. Moreover, on this latitude of the Pacific Ocean, there is an ocean current from east to west-the northern equatorial warm current ...

Sailing along this route is equivalent to having a smooth wind and water, and the speed is very fast. Even the Spanish galleon, which is a little worse than the British-Dutch Galen ship, takes only three months from the west coast of the Americas to the Philippines.

The voyage from Europe to Panama, using the Galen boat, only one or two months. In other words, if you marry from China to the southeast coast of China and take the Pacific Ocean's "downwind" route, the total time is only 5 months, which is half the time of the Dutch.

As for the return trip, it is basically the same. Manila galleons generally depart from Manila, sailing northeast along the "Kuroshio". After reaching the waters near Japan north of 30 degrees north latitude, we follow the prevailing westerly winds in this area and the North Pacific warm current in the north-north direction of the east, all the way to the east. After arriving in the California area on the west coast of the Americas, head southward along the California cold current to the west coast of Mexico, or simply go to Panama ...

However, although this route is also downwind, because it is very detour, it has to go north and then go south. The total duration of the whole voyage has reached 6 months, which is twice the time from east to west. This is the gap between the smooth wind and the bad wind in the sailing era.

Returning to Europe from Panama is also a bit unfavorable, it is estimated that it will take 3 months. In this way, the total time will also reach about 9 months, and the time of the Dutch coastal routes in Africa is not much different.

Of course, that is the time it takes to use a regular Galen boat. If you change to a flying shear ...

A horrible figure suddenly appeared in Marin's mind-the flying shears "Carty Sark" (also called the short shirt) used by the British to transport tea leaves from Guangzhou, detoured the Cape of Good Hope, and returned to London. It only took 100 days!

And how long is a hundred days? 3 months and 10 days is one-third of the Dutch ’s 10-month sailing time ...

Can be sure that if you use a flying shear to take the Pacific route, it will take from Panama to southeast China and from east to west in about one month. Even if the return journey is not so smooth, more than two months is almost ...

Marin's consideration is that-if other countries are attracted to the African coastal routes and do not set foot in the Pacific, he can use the flying shears in the Pacific. In this way, sailing time can be greatly saved.

Moreover, if other countries do not set foot in the Pacific Ocean, they will not find the secret of flying shears. Then, they walked silly along the east and west coasts of Africa and the Indian Ocean. They used the old Galen ship (it seems that they do n’t even have a Galen ship), and they spend three times as long as the flying shear ...

As for the Atlantic route, from the mainland to Panama, Marin naturally uses the Galen boat for confidentiality. Moreover, this route is not stable, and there will definitely be many pirates in the future. Therefore, a Galen ship that can install a lot of artillery is the first choice for this route. As for the flying shears, the quicker is faster, but the artillery cannot be installed and there is no self-defense capability. Therefore, you can only take the remote route, don't let people discover ...

Once the trade route to China in the Pacific Ocean is opened, Marin can expect that by then, China's silk, porcelain, and tea will bring all kinds of huge profits.

Know that the Spanish Manila galleon costs between 1 million and 3 million pesos to be purchased from China every year. This peso is the silver dollar, which is called "the ocean" in later generations. One million pesos is one million oceans. Specifically, each silver dollar contains about 24 grams of silver. According to the current gold to silver exchange ratio of 1 to 12, it is 2 grams of gold. One million pesos is 2 million grams of gold, which is equivalent to 561,000 Ducat coins ...

Moreover, this is only the purchase price, and the price is higher when shipped to Europe. Marin read a piece of data in his previous life. That is, the Dutch bought the smuggled raw silk in Taiwan at a price of 4 guilders per pound. When shipped back to Europe, the sales price is 16.6 guilders per pound, which has more than quadrupled ...

That is to say, the goods worth 1 million pesos are shipped back to Europe, and the selling price may reach more than 4 million pesos, which is equivalent to more than 2.3 million gold coins. Specific profits, I am afraid that there are also one to hundreds of thousands of gold coins ...

In the face of such huge profits, how could Marin not be moved? So he decided to open up China's trade routes within 5 years. To this end, what he has to do now is to train a batch of Chinese translators ...

Yes, cultivate a batch of Chinese translators. After all, only Marin understands Chinese throughout East Friesland, or Europe. There are also two Mongolian doctors in Mozhigen and Battle, who know a bit of the Tongue dialect.

However, when sending a fleet to China Trade, you can't let yourself or two court doctors go in person? Therefore, we still need to train a group of translators.

Marin carefully considered this point. Dealing with Daming is very complicated. First, the language is a big problem.

Among them, there are two cases. One is dealing with the government, the other is dealing with the people ...

When dealing with the government, you need to understand "mandarin". The Mandarin of the Ming Dynasty is different from the Mandarin of later generations. Mandarin in later generations was actually formed after absorbing a lot of Manchu vocabulary after the Manchus entered the customs. For example, "Hutong" is one of the words introduced by the Manchu.

Ming Dynasty Mandarin in this period actually used Nanjing ’s accent as the standard ~ ~ because Nanjing is the capital of Daming. At the beginning of the founding of the country, it was also the “elegant sound” with the accent of Nanjing as the national standard.

Of course, after Daming moved to Beiping, the main residents of Peiping were a large number of officials and family members. In this nationwide city, the official "Ya Yin" naturally affects the local language.

In other words, the mandarin of later generations is actually a mixture of the Mandarin of Daming, the local dialect of Peiping, and the local dialect of Manchu people who later entered the customs.

Marlin later lived in Nanjing and found that there was no problem communicating with local people in Mandarin. In other words, there is no problem with mandarin in dealing with Daming Mansion.

As for dealing with people, it is troublesome. Because most people engaged in maritime trade are Hu Jianren and Cantonese. These maritime merchants who dare to smuggle in violation of the law are not scholars and naturally do not understand Mandarin, they only speak Min and Cantonese.

While Min and Cantonese, Marin doesn't understand, and can sing a few Cantonese songs with a relatively high degree of singing. However, if you want him to communicate with people in Cantonese, you will be blind.

Therefore, Marin's final plan was to communicate with Daming officials, using Mandarin and Daming Mandarin.

For this reason, Marin ordered that in school, choose young people with better language talents and teach them Mandarin by themselves. A few years later, he was sent to Huaxia as an interpreter and engaged in trade ...

As for the number of people, Marin is tentatively set at 30 people. No matter how much, I have no energy to teach. Moreover, if you want to teach this group of people, you have to write textbooks yourself. For example, Chinese Pinyin or something must be worked out. Then, a small dictionary similar to "Xinhua Dictionary" will be created so that the students can check it by themselves. It's just that this book compilation volume is so large ... Marin feels that he is going to be used as an animal ...