Chapter 122: Capture King Hans

In the city of Copenhagen at this time, the number of defenders was very large. In addition to the 7,000 regular army, there are more than 10,000 people strong, reaching more than 20,000 people.

Of course, those Zhuang, let them help defend the city, and can also play a certain defensive ability, but used to fight face-to-face, the Zhuang is not as good as the regular army, and it is easy to be repelled.

Therefore, when the city gate was broken, most of the coalition soldiers who rushed into the city encountered regular soldiers, arranged densely on the street, blocking the advance of the coalition forces. Every time the coalition advances, it is very difficult. Because, on their road to the Danish Royal Palace, there are thousands of regular troops ...

Coalition soldiers are not familiar with Copenhagen from the Danish army. Therefore, after the gate of the northeast city was opened, under the command of Danish officers, those civilians took over the tasks of the regular army. The Danish regular army soldiers, from various alleys, quietly merged to the street leading to the northeast gate to the royal palace, and blocked the coalition forces desperately.

When thousands of people are crowded on a street, coalition soldiers are really hard to move. Fortunately, the large shield soldiers can resist the enemy's attack, and the musketeers who were lifted to a high place also leisurely killed the Danish soldiers. However, because there are too many people, the advancement of the coalition forces is blocked ...

Standing on the head of the northeastern gate just under control, Marin looked at the dense enemies on the central street, and Marin was also a bit dazed. He understood that it was too difficult to move forward when the enemy was cruel.

Through the telescope, Marin found that many enemy torches on the city wall only poured into the city-obviously, the enemy forces on the city wall are supporting the street ...

Marin's heart moved and called his men to call Weizmann, the commander of the Hamburg army ...

"Master Marin, are you looking for me?" Weizman came over quickly.

"Well, Weizmann, I found that the Danish army is rushing down the street. In this case, we are moving too slowly. You take two thousand burger mercenaries and kill southwest from the city head! "

"The head of the city? The head of the southeast? There are a lot of enemies on the wall ... Are there enough people in 2000?" Weizman scratched his head a little.

"I just observed and found that most of the enemy's regular army ran to the street to block the main force of our army. Most of the remaining people on the city wall did not have armor, they should be civilian strong. 2000 soldiers, enough to deal with them. And The southeast city wall faces Copenhagen Bay, and the defensive task is light. Before, the Danes did not arrange too many people on the southeast city wall. Its main force was on the southwest and northeast walls. "

"Well, okay, I immediately went to organize mercenaries and killed from the head of the city towards the Royal Palace of Copenhagen!"

Soon after, Weizmann organized 2000 burger mercenaries, starting from above the northeast city wall and starting to kill toward the southeast city wall. At the forefront are the two-handed swordsmen wearing chest armor and helmets. The chest armor and steel helmets worn by these two-handed swordsmen were loaned to them by Marin, so as to reduce their casualties.

As Marin guessed, most of the defenders who remained on the city at this time were young and strong in the city. They stood at the head of the city and hit the stone below with no problem, but facing the two-handed swordsmen wearing armor, they were somewhat unable to resist. After all, these people have never practiced martial arts, and their fighting abilities are so bad. Under the assault of the two-handed swordsmen in Hamburg, the Danish people's rebellion on the city wall retreated.

Because of the cover of the night, the Danish officers who had brought the regular army off the city wall to participate in the street fighting did not notice the changes in the city wall. Moreover, they did not expect that the enemy would break through the weakest defense on the southeast city wall ...

Under the obstruction of thousands of regular Danish soldiers, the main force was unable to move on the street towards the palace, almost moving forward. But at the same time, two thousand Danish mercenaries moved quickly on the southeast wall of Copenhagen.

Marin saw that the mercenaries in Hamburg were going well, and simply sent 2,000 additional soldiers to assist those 2,000 Hamburg troops. Of course, these 2,000 soldiers did not help the Hamburg mercenaries attack. Because the city wall is so wide, there are only a few people rushing in front, and it is useless to send another 2,000 people. However, they can control the stairs along the way to prevent Danish reinforcements from climbing the city wall again and attacking the Hamburg army from the rear. Hundreds of people placed on each staircase that climbed the city wall can stop the army in the Danish city from rushing to the head. In this way, the 2000 Hamburger soldiers who attacked on the city wall had no worries.

Until dawn, on the street leading to Copenhagen ’s Royal Palace, the coalition forces struggled to advance 300 meters, almost moving forward. And on the southeast city wall, two thousand burger mercenaries are about to kill the wall near the Royal Palace of Denmark ...

Seeing this, Marin immediately dispatched 4,000 elites and ran towards the Royal Palace of Denmark along the controlled wall ...

However, the walls on the other side of the Danish Royal Palace are not so well controlled. Because, the Danish Royal Palace Copenhagen Palace (later called Christian Palace) is not in the main city, but on an island in the city called "Castle Island".

The southeast side of Castle Island is the long and narrow Copenhagen Bay, and the main city is also separated by a river. In fact, Castle Island is the core area of ​​Copenhagen. Here, the earliest fortress and fortress in Copenhagen are built. To put it more bluntly, Castle Island is the earliest core city in Denmark. It was only after Copenhagen became more prosperous and expanded that it expanded beyond Castle Island and became larger.

Therefore, the Hamburg mercenaries who hit the core area of ​​Castle Island encountered a gap that hindered the connection between the main city wall and the old city wall of Castle Island.

Moreover, there is only a stone bridge in the northeast direction between Castle Island and the outside world ...

If you want to enter the castle island from the main city, you must first get down from the main city wall, and then enter the castle island wall through this only bridge ... even, there is a gate on the castle island wall ...

When Marin rushed from the wall to the gate of Castle Island, he was relieved. Because, this city gate is not an iron gate, but an oak gate ...

Marin organized a large number of musketeers, boarded the stone bridge, and confronted the Danish Imperial Guard on the city head. Under the continuous rain of bullets, the Danish Imperial Guard was not an opponent, and was suppressed so that it could not lift its head. Of course, the stones they dropped and the arrows they shot also caused some casualties for the musketeers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the demolition team led by Donnie Curry, under the cover of several large shield soldiers, with a chisel, came to the gate under the old gate of Castle Island and began to pry the slate on the ground Then start digging ... As for what to do? Of course, the gunpowder barrel was buried ...

After a loud noise, the gate of Castle Island was directly destroyed. Donnie Curry specially put two barrels of gunpowder for fear of not being damaged. As a result, the oak gates of Castle Island were directly shattered. Even the foundation of the stone bridge leading to Castle Island was almost shaken.

Once the city gate was broken, the coalition soldiers rushed directly into the old city. At this time, there were only a thousand Danish guards in the old city. Where were the opponents of the thousands of coalition forces?

Those Danish guards, martial arts are indeed very high, you can fight a few ordinary people. However, in front of Marin's Musketeer, no matter how good you are, it's all a shot and you can't wear plate armor ...

Then, the army moved on and arrived at the Copenhagen Palace on Castle Island ...

It's not too much trouble to conquer this bigger castle. Because its door is also made of oak ...

"When I go back, I must change the city gate and the palace gate to iron!" Marin told himself.

Now, in the context of Marin's creation of an oak door buried in a gunpowder barrel, this technique must have spread quickly. When the time comes, the military of other countries will also learn such a trivial method. If it is used to attack Aurich, it is dangerous. Therefore, Marin intends to learn the Danes after going back and replace all the city gates and palace gates with iron. Even if the other party buried the gunpowder barrel, it wouldn't explode ...

When the gate of the Copenhagen Palace was destroyed, allied soldiers poured into the Copenhagen Palace. There are only more than 300 court guards at the ~ guarding in front of the Danish King Hans.

Unfortunately, these palace guards were also afraid of being shot by muskets. Because, before the court guards who rushed forward, they were all shot by muskets ...

At this time, King Hans was also disappointed, and he looked like he had no love at all. He did not believe that he would be killed, and he would lose to the hands of a newly formed count and two Hanseatic cities.

King Hans, who had already retreated, shouted to Marin loudly:

"What the **** are you going to do? Do you want to kill it? Don't forget, my two brother-in-law, one is King James III of Scotland, and the other is Frederick III, the Elector of Saxony. In addition, my eldest son-in-law is Brandon Château I, the Elector of the Fort! "

Seeing that he must have been captured, the King of Denmark began to find a backer ...

Marin's eyelids jumped, and he almost forgot. The queen of the Brandenburg constituency, the eldest daughter of the Danish king Hans, looks like it was married last October.

As for the king of Scotland, Marin never put his eyes on it. Because Scotland and Germany are separated by the North Sea. Not to mention that the Scottish navy is scumming, even if they have enough ships to transport the Scottish army to land, Marin is confident to defeat them. Moreover, James III wanted to bring the army to Denmark, and he had to ask the nobles in Scotland whether they agreed or not. Because, on the edge of Scotland, there is the enemy of life and death in England.

Therefore, in the end, King James III of Scotland still had to rely on diplomacy to pressure himself. The only trouble is that the combined pressure of Elector Frederick III of Saxony and Joachim I of Brandenburg. Under the pressure of the two electors, Marin also felt that Alexander ...

However, let him pick up the old thing of King Hans first ...