Chapter 84: Rumors and rumors

Although the Fleet of East Friesland returned to the military port near Emden in a low-key repair, the Hamburg side was not low-key. Although ten ships were lost in the naval battle, in a blink of an eye, the Hamburgers won more than 80 warships surrendered by Denmark.

When the Hamburg fleet returned to Hamburg ’s outer port Cuxhaven with a large number of captured warships and Danish sailors, it caused a huge sensation. Many people in Hamburg know about this expedition to Denmark. After all, Hamburg initiated a general mobilization throughout the territory, recruiting a large number of merchant ships and sailors into service, and it was impossible to keep secrets.

It's just that the Hamburgers are not optimistic about this battle. After all, everyone knows the strength of Denmark at sea. If you joined forces with Lübeck early, there might be hope of victory, just like the great battle of the 14th century. However, the Danes are obviously not fools, and it is impossible to allow the Hamburg fleet and the Lübeck fleet to converge. Therefore, most Hamburgers are pessimistic.

Unexpectedly, the fleet did not arrive within 10 days of departure, and met the main force of the Danish fleet. Moreover, the Danish fleet was completely defeated, and a large number of warships and sailors were captured, which had to excite the Hamburgers.

So, in the burgers in the main city of Hamburg and the outer port of Cuxhaven, beer sales have increased significantly. At this time, the sailors who participated in this sea battle were popular with all Hamburgers.

In the tavern, as long as you have identified yourself as having participated in this sea battle, the Hamburg sailors will have a large number of people asking them to drink beer. Of course, it's not in vain. While drinking, tell the curious citizens about the exciting experience of the sea battle.

And precisely, those bottom-level sailors like to brag about their experience of sailing and fighting. Even if there is no wonderful past, there will be a wonderful experience. Not to mention, this naval battle is really exciting ...

So, the pubs in Hamburg City and Cuxhaven became the special events boasted by the Hamburg sailors on this expedition. Some people ca n’t help asking them to drink, and they brag about the wonderful process of naval battles over and over again.

Most sailors are bragging masters, obviously they are only responsible for containment of the Danish fleet, but they are boasted as "a big kill, the Danes scare" ...

But not every sailor likes to blow around, some sailors are more honest, and honestly set out the Hamburg Fleet's task this time-to hold the Danish fleet, and then let the East Frisian fleet raid from behind ...

And the spectacular scene of the East Frisian Fleet "A Thousand Cannons" has gradually spread from the Hamburg Pub ...

Know that Hamburg, as the second largest Hanseatic city in Germany, can be described as a gathering of merchants and people from all over the world. Soon, these news spread.

According to the description of the sailors, East Friesland used about two or three hundred heavy guns this time. This is not the most important thing. What is important is that the heavy artillery is made of expensive copper. Each gun is said to weigh more than 2,000 pounds, and 300 heavy guns are worth 40,000 pounds of silver, equivalent to 400,000 gold coins ...

Then, the rumor changed ...

Everyone began to go crazy, saying that Marin, Earl of East Friesland, discovered a huge treasure of Viking pirates, which contained countless gold and filled the house.

Therefore, Marin had the money to hire tens of thousands of troops, and the warships were equipped with expensive copper heavy artillery ...

Rumors soon reached Gluckstadt, the capital of the Principality of Holstein, not far from Hamburg. At this time, Marin had just taken the army and captured the royal palace in Gluckstadt. It is still a familiar recipe, and Doni Ciri, who was mistaken by Marin as Dong Cunrui, used the method of burying gunpowder barrels to blow up the gate of Gluckstadt ’s palace. Then, the large shield soldiers swarmed in with a large number of East Frisian warriors, and soon defeated the stubborn Holstein defenders and captured a large number of local nobles trapped in the palace.

Captured the recalcitrant Holstein defending the Principality and captured a large number of local nobles. Marin's mood was originally very good. But when I heard this rumor, I was in a bad mood ...

This rumor is simply putting Marin on the fire ...

If it is rumored that Marin has a way to make money and make a lot of money, maybe no one will be jealous. That is Marin's ability. However, if it is rumored that Marin started his house because of the discovery of treasure, that would be bad ...

Accidental wealth always makes people envious and jealous. Just like in the future, no one will be jealous of Ma Yun because he is rich because of wisdom and hard work. But there are definitely people who are jealous of those lucky winners who have won 5 million or even tens of millions of prizes, because these people made fortunes ...

Therefore, many of the big winners have to be masked with stockings, that is, they are afraid that they will be robbed by someone who is interested in them ...

Similarly, if Marin earns a lot of money through his own efforts, although some people are jealous, not much. But if it is determined that a great fortune was made because of what treasure it was obtained, it will be hated. Maybe someone will secretly covet their wealth ...

Marin ca n’t wait to stab the people who made up the news, because it clearly hurts him ...

In fact, the person disseminating the news was indeed in Peng Marin. And this businessman named Wildster is a spy from the Principality of Saxony. As a trading capital, Hamburg naturally has people everywhere. In the Principality of Saxony, many businessmen will naturally come to Hamburg to do business. Moreover, many Saxony businessmen not only do business here, but also help the Duke of Saxony with information.

After hearing the rumor of the naval battle in the tavern, the clever Wildster decided to use the rumor to pit Marin. After all, the East Frisian Lambert is the bitter master of the Principality of Saxony.

Then, this rumor that Marin discovered the huge treasure of the Viking pirates, it just spread like this ...

Because Marin paid attention to the news of the blockade, only the aristocrats in China knew about his rich things, and not many people knew about it. Moreover, East Frisian Lambert has only one open port in Emden. There are few foreigners involved in other areas. Therefore, the intelligence of East Frisian Lambert is very difficult for other countries to obtain. Even those big-mouthed sailors, because they were directly selected and trained by Frisian fishermen and young people, did not generally talk nonsense. Because, when training in a sailor school, "control your own mouth" is an important criterion ...

But Hamburg is different, it is a free trade capital, there are all kinds of people here, everyone has it. Sailors are also more used to drinking beer and bragging at the tavern after each voyage. Here, rumors always spread quickly ...

Marin knew very well that if he did not refute rumors, he might be targeted. Then, when the enemy spy finds his salt cooking center on Baltrum Island and Texel Island, his weakness will be exposed to the public ...

Because it is located by the sea, the salt cooking center is easily attacked by pirates or enemy ships. Therefore, Marin did not want his money bag to be discovered anyway.

Therefore, Marin decided to immediately rumor ...

So, Marin called for the scout leader Sauer and asked him to send hundreds of scouts to be scattered in taverns in the bustling Hanseatic cities such as Hamburg and Bremen ~ ~ to spread the news It is said that the "copper" used in the East Frisian cannon was purchased from India.

In order to cleanse his suspicion of "discovering treasure", Marin decided to expose the secrets of India's low copper prices ...

So, people learned that India's copper price is only a fraction of Europe. Very cheap. The reason why the East Frisian Lambert was equipped with so many bronze guns is because they bought a few ships of copper back ...

As for why Marin ’s merchant ships do not purchase spices in large quantities in India, the reason is also very simple-Spain does not allow ...

After the news spread, many people suddenly realized. In particular, many big businessmen who have been to Spain to purchase spices know that this is the case. Those spice merchants who have been to Spain are indeed on the Spanish side, and have heard that the Spanish kings have monopolized the Indian spice trade. Marin Hoffman, as the Earl of Spain, was not allowed to purchase a large amount of spices, but had to buy a lot of copper back. Unexpectedly, these coppers, "all were cast into artillery" ...

But what Marin did not expect was that because of this rumor, Marin sent Columbus to lead the Spanish fleet and took them to India. The news was also made public. Then, Marin was hated by Portugal, another maritime power ...

All along, Portugal thought that Columbus was appointed by the Spanish royal family to discover the Indian route. However, through this rumor incident, they discovered that-originally Columbus was appointed by Marlin, Earl of East Friesland to discover India. Then, he also sent Columbus to the Spanish fleet as a lead party to grab business with the Portuguese ...

So, Marin was thoroughly hated by the Portuguese. Now, if Marin dares to take a boat through the Portuguese waters, if the Portuguese know it, he will surely exhaust the warship, come over to destroy him, and even be arrested.