Chapter 54: War needs excuses

No matter what kind of war is fought, it is best to stand on the moral high ground. Otherwise, they will be beaten by groups. Like Hitler the mustache, even though Germany is strong, it still has to drink hatred after being beaten by groups all over the world.

Therefore, to find a justifiable excuse for war is to avoid being beaten by groups ...

Actually, really fighting, Marin is not so afraid of Denmark. Perhaps, Marin's current sea power is not as good as Denmark. However, the army is definitely stronger than Denmark. What's more, the Danes are now pulling most of the army's strength to Sweden. Even if it is not possible at sea, Marin can rely on himself to smooth out the land of Oldenburg, Principality of Holstein, Principality of Schleswig and Jutland. At that time, Marin can use the land territory as a bargaining chip to force Denmark to bow his head.

However, being a person should not be too arrogant. Too arrogant, easily lead to group beatings. Therefore, even if Marin wants to move Denmark, he must find a suitable excuse. To make everyone think that Denmark is a bad guy, and his Marin, a victim, is forced to fight back ...

In this way, after the fight, other countries will not stand on the side of Denmark, and will not let Marin be beaten by groups. It would be better if Lübeck and Hamburg were added. Not only can you use the powerful navies of the two city-states, but you can also let them share the pressure and avoid becoming the focus.

As far as the Quartet is concerned, Sweden ’s excuses are sufficient-the faint monarch (King Hans of Denmark) has no way, Sweden is deposed ...

Lübeck and Hamburg also have excuses because, in order to fight against Sweden, Denmark increased the toll tax on the Øresund strait and extorted the Hanseatic merchant ships. Therefore, they can also use their reputation to be blackmailed by Denmark and "fight back" ...

Only Marin, there is no suitable excuse. The letter from the Danish King Hans can be used as an excuse. However, that was superstition, and Marin could not steal it ...

Therefore, before the Danes really came to blackmail Marin, Marin had no excuse to use troops against Denmark ...

However, after seeing the Quartet allies plan to deploy troops after the autumn harvest. If there is no excuse, East Friesland will send troops, it will become a "strong soldier" ... and the strong soldier is the most likely to be beaten by groups ...

Europe in this era is similar to China's Spring and Autumn Period, and pays attention to "cutting no way". Moreover, the national war prohibits the killing of the other nobles. Unless it is to calm down the civil strife and face the rebels, it is only possible to kill. Of course, there are also ambitions who seek the territory and wealth of others. But the premise is that you have to make a good excuse. Even if it's a weave, we must make up an excuse.

Therefore, before using troops against Denmark, Marin must find a suitable excuse. Otherwise, he will become "no way" ...

It's just that Marin knew that when Denmark took time out and sent a fleet to lay siege to its own port, God knew it would be the year of the monkey? In particular, Sweden now has the support of other three parties. Therefore, there is no chance to expect Denmark to bully itself within this year ...

Therefore, before the end of the year, Marin needs to find a way for the Danes to take the initiative to bully themselves, so that they can be transformed into Dou E, shouting injustice, and then reincarnate to revenge the gods, and flatten Denmark ...

However, Denmark currently has no time to ignore itself. Did he run to the Danish King Hans to beg for abuse and insult?

Marin was in deep thought ...

After thinking for a long time, Marin suddenly remembered that he attacked Jever and caused the accidental death of Princess Hedwig of Oldenburg, seemingly not yet spread ...

If things don't spread, how do you occupy the moral high ground? Therefore, Marin decided to send someone to kill and spread rumors in various countries, explain the cause and effect of this incident, and show his innocence ...

Hedwig, it ’s really not his own killing ......

This way, Denmark and Oldenburg will be anxious. If public opinion is not good for them, they will not be able to shoot arbitrarily. So, when the time comes, they will definitely come out to refute. Even, the Danish fleet may take the time to transport grain and take the time to scare itself ...

Yes, the Danes now intend to use more than half of the warships for grain transportation during the autumn harvest. Only during this time, Denmark has the energy and strength to send a large number of warships to scare itself.

And myself, all I want is for the Danes to scare themselves with the fleet. Under the witness of various countries, Marin can successfully play the victim. Then, after sending troops to fight back, they became famous, rather than force troops ...

So, before the autumn harvest had begun, Marin sent Kohler's gang of "three religions and nine streams" to let them walk in the German states and explain the war situation to the people and the last crazy behavior of Edo Wilmken. Take out East Friesland ... Even the two principalities of Oldenburg and Denmark in Germany, some people started walking ...

John V, Earl of Oldenburg, immediately became ugly when he heard the news-especially, if you were whitewashed, who would I blackmail 500 square kilometers of land with? So, while sending someone the opposite news, he sent someone to his cousin Hans for help ...

After receiving help, Danish King Hans thought for a long time, and then wrote to ask John V, Earl of Oldenburg-was there a third party at the time?

John V, Earl of Oldenburg naturally knew that there was no such thing. ~ ~ So he immediately replied to Hans. King Hans was very happy when he got the reply. He sent a letter to John V, and asked John V to immediately send someone to take a walk rumor, saying that the soldiers under Marin accidentally killed Hedwig. As a result, Marin deliberately fabricated a lie, saying that Edo Wilmken killed Heidewig ...

John V immediately followed suit, announcing that it was Marin ’s men who accidentally killed Hedwig. Moreover, the people of John V repeatedly emphasized-who in the world would kill his wife casually?

Many people immediately believed in the propaganda of Oldenburg, because in the Middle Ages, people who killed their wives were really rare ...

Marin does not care about the publicity of Oldenburg, but continues to increase his publicity. Anyway, he vigorously promoted, just to anger Denmark, not to really clean himself up. In short, as long as this matter is outrageous ...

At the same time, Marin announced that he was willing to compensate 5,000 gold coins to Oldenburg for the error.

But while announcing the news, Marin also sent messengers to provoke John V and told John V face to face that East Frisian Lambert did not feel that Denmark could take the time to find its own trouble in the past two years. Because, they haven't been able to clean up Sweden yet ...

The lungs of John V were exploded, and he soon reported to his cousin King Hans. Danish King Hans was also very angry. Originally, the idea of ​​going to trouble with Marin after calming down Sweden was passively shaken ... He wanted to start as soon as possible, the sooner the better ...

And Marin, it is hoped that by angering the opponent, let the opponent launch a siege of his port in advance. When the time comes, Marin will admit public opinion and be wronged ... and get an excuse to send troops ...