Chapter 43: Lightning burst

Marin is a believer in blitzkrieg. Although he opposed fascism, it did not prevent him from admiring Guderian's blitzkrieg. The big powers that fell under the blitz even included powers like France.

Know that it is precisely through "blitzkrieg" that the Germans conquered Poland in 27 days, Denmark in 1 day, Norway in 23 days, Netherlands in 5 days, Belgium in 18 days, and France in 39 days ...

These conquered countries, except for Norway, are weak countries, and the others were not weak countries ...

For example, Denmark was conquered by the Germans in one day, but he has long dominated Northern Europe and is a famous Viking. Even in later generations, it is considered a strong country.

It's just that the Germans moved too fast, and Denmark's area was small. Therefore, under the sudden blow, the Danes did not even have a chance to react, and they died directly ...

Only in a country like the Soviet Union with a very large area, because of the speed of the army's advancement, was it able to relieve the breath and did not fall under the blitz.

However, looking at Europe, a country as large as the Soviet Union, there is only this one, no semicolon ... Even in the world, there is no bigger than the Soviet Union ...

And other European countries, the area is relatively small. Even France, which has a large area, is only 550,000 square kilometers, and under the impact of aircraft tanks, it can not support it for long.

Of course, Marin has no planes or tanks. But he has horses ...

Moreover, Yevre is only a small place. The most important thing is-Jever is not far from Aurich, the total distance is only forty kilometers.

In order to speed up the march, Marin gathered thousands of horses across the country, and let 5000 soldiers make one horse per person, and it was very convenient to rush ...

As for the grain load and artillery, Marin walked to prepare a large number of oxcarts to transport. The speed of the bullock cart is definitely not comparable to that of the carriage, but the victory is good in endurance, and the cargo is more and heavier ...

At around 9 am, Marin completed the mobilization. Then, Marin took most of the soldiers, rode the war horses and the horses, and the soldiers were divided into three roads, and began to rush towards Jever, more than forty kilometers ...

More than 40 kilometers is the distance between Aurich and Jever, and the distance from Aurich to the south of Jever is even shorter. The distance to Wangerland, north of Jever, reached about 50 kilometers.

However, this is not a problem. Because, Marin ordered that the whole army advance at full speed, don't care too much for horsepower ...

Marin pursues speed as well as speed ...

At a distance of more than 40 kilometers, the warhorse or the horse ran down quickly, maybe you have to rest for a while, but it is not a problem. Because Ma Zairen can also run at a speed of 20-30 kilometers per hour.

Marin did not hesitate to horsepower. As a result, everyone worked together. More than two o'clock in the afternoon, the Middle Route Army arrived in Jever and then surrounded Jever Castle ...

Almost at the same time, the Southern Army also reached the southern border of Jever and began to guard the main roads of traffic. At more than 3 pm, the army also arrived in the undefended town of Wangerland in the north of Jever.

Even, the prosperous small town of Wangerland, because there was no response, I forgot to close the gate ...

Commander Stade, who commanded the North Road Army, saw the opportunity in front of him, without hesitation, he ordered the army to rush towards the city gate directly ...

After stepping on a large number of Yevre civilians congested at the city gate, the North Road Army successfully controlled the south gate of Wangerland Town and launched a **** battle with the counterattack enemy ...

After the defender's counterattack was repelled, Stade successfully led the main force into the city ...

However, Stadt did n’t forget that Malin wanted to seize the orders of all Wilmken family members, sent out cavalry, and blocked the other three gates. As soon as he saw someone escape, he stopped ...

Sure enough, a few people rushed out of the east gate on horseback and tried to flee, but were stopped by the cavalry. During the first interrogation, it was really a member of the Wilmken family ... And the cousin Smyr Wilmken, the baron Edo Wilmken who was responsible for the management of Wangerland City, led the not yet East Frisian Hundreds of soldiers surrounded by army divisions shrank into a rudimentary castle in the middle of the city, and resisted ...


At the same time, when Stad attacked Wangerland, the Chinese Army led by Marin had just completed the siege of Jever Castle ...

Although Jever is the capital of Baron Jever, the main core building is a castle. As for the street houses outside the city, there is no wall protection. In the view of the Wilmken family, those pariahs cannot commit to building a wall for them ...

It was Wanggland, because it was a wholesale center for salted fish and supplies led by Baron Jever, and the city walls were built to protect commercial safety.

Yevre is also an area close to the sea, and there are many Frisian fishermen. Wangerland is the largest salted fish wholesale center in Jever. Here, there are vendors every day who sell salted fish from the coastal fishing villages to Wanggland for wholesale and distribution to the inland areas for sale.

Because of strict medieval regulations, there is a lot of time during the year when meat is not allowed. Therefore, salted fish that can be eaten during fasting has become an important food for people. Therefore, as long as the seaside countries are generally not too poor. Of course, you can't make a fortune by selling salted fish. Only by developing maritime trade can we really get rich ...

When Stad ’s army surrounded the castle in Wangerland, Marin ’s side had just drove out the people of Jever in the houses around Jever Castle, and managed them together to prevent them from chaos.

Is the baron's residence, and the guards in the castle are very alert. After seeing the dust raised by the horses of the Marin army in the distance, the gate of Jever Castle was closed immediately. This made Marin unable to send troops directly to the city gate like Stadt.

But Marin is not in a hurry, unlike siege now. Having lost the opportunity to seize the city gate, there is no need to come back. Moreover, the 20 24-pound Cohorn mortars used to bomb the castle, along with the iron ball shells, were in the bullock cart behind, and they would not arrive until about tomorrow.

Therefore, Marin is not in a hurry to attack now. After driving the original residents around the castle into several large courtyards, Marin placed the troops on the spot. As for the horses that were tired from running, the soldiers took out the oats prepared in advance from the pockets around the horse's neck and fed them.

Then, Marin himself first chose a residential house of principle castle, lived in it, and used it as a temporary headquarters.

Next, Marin divided the army into four parts, and surrounded Jever Castle in four directions ...

At this time, there were only 200 warriors in Jever Castle, and they had to explode them in any direction. Therefore, no matter what, the defenders in the city have no ability to defeat the East Frisian army in any direction.

It's just that in order to prevent someone from breaking through in the middle of the night, Marin has arranged a watch and secret whistle on duty to closely monitor the movements of the four gates. Even, in order to prevent the occurrence of Edsad I using the tunnel to escape, Marin is also preparing to send a horse team to patrol in the middle of the night ...

Because the bullock cart for transporting the tent had not arrived yet, the soldiers of the Middle Route Army had to squeeze in the houses around the castle first. However, several sentries were arranged to closely monitor the castle's movements in case of a night attack ...

As for the Southern Route Army, it was divided into three groups, occupying three junctions leading to the Old Kingdom of Oldenburg in the southern border area of ​​Jever. After occupying the intersection, the commander Steindorff of the route sent a herald and ordered three men and women to dig the road first to block the reinforcements of Oldenburg.

Waited for the road to be dug, and Steindorff began to order the construction of camps. Of course, a number of private houses were also requisitioned ...

There are many Musketeers in the Southern Army ~ ~ Steindorff was born as Musketeer Commander. This time, in addition to the infantry, the South Road Army is the 300 black shirt knight he brought.

Before, in order to achieve the purpose of blitzkrieg, Malinte ordered all the soldiers participating in the war to practice horseback riding for a long time. Although he didn't dare to say that he was skilled in riding, but riding a horse on the road was no problem. I really ca n’t learn to ride a horse, so I have been replaced ...

However, in this era, because horse farming was popular in Europe, soldiers did not have much contact with pulling horses when they were farmers. Therefore, most people still ride horses, but save a lot of things.

Relying on the rapid speed of lightning, Marin completely beat Yevre by surprise. The Jever army, except for the defenders of Jever Castle, was completely unresponsive and was defeated or captured ...

Because the speed was too fast, not only did the North Frisian army of the East Frisian rush into the city of Wangerland, but it also made Baroque Evre Wilmken, who had no time to send a messenger to Oldenburg Begging for help. Even if you want to send, it is too late. Because, whether it is the Central Army or the Southern Army, they have brought a lot of black shirt knights to patrol on the road going south to Oldenburg. When you encounter a messenger, you will definitely be shot down with a carbine ... Marin once ordered-if you encounter horseback riding, if you don't want to dismount the horse for inspection, you will shoot directly, regardless of life or death ...

In this way, by virtue of the rapid advance, Marin ’s army not only captured Wangerland, the important town of Jever, but also surrounded Jever Castle and controlled the border road between the south and Oldenburg, making the news Did not spread ...

Next is the moment of siege. When the artillery and ammunition arrived the next day, it was the moment when 20 large-caliber mortar shells bombarded Jever Castle ...