Chapter 2173: Austrian black knight

Leaving the palace of the Electorate of Saxony in Worms, Marin sighed. In fact, he didn't want to leave any evidence as a reference. However, Frederick III, the elector of Saxony, can become the leader of the princes, which is very difficult to fool. In desperation, he can only leave a note so that he can trust himself.

Fortunately, Frederick III did not know that he was going to use the war between Lithuania and the Grand Duchy of Moscow to expand his army by tens of thousands, and he did not make himself a written commitment not to expand his army. Otherwise, it would not end.

This can’t be blamed on Frederick III’s negligence. How did he know that Marin was so ambitious that he still wanted to kill France. Therefore, it is not that Frederick III could not think of it, but that Marin dared to think too much.

It is really too late to wait until the North Sea country has a large army of 100,000. Because a hundred thousand army is enough for Marin to defeat the union of the princes and the French.

Moreover, the real trump cards in Marin's hand are the single-headed bullets and single-headed cannonballs. In fact, most of the 100,000 army is auxiliary. But it won't work without these people. After all, to defend the North Sea country, it is necessary to suppress the opponent's resistance. Really have to face-to-face confrontation, in fact, now the North Sea State army can defeat France and the army of the princes alliance. But after defeating, nothing can be gained, and the opponent can't be killed. Instead, they can only watch the opponent return to recover their strength. If the opponent learns the secrets of single-headed bullets and single-headed shells, it will be over.

Therefore, Ma Lin would rather leave the written evidence as a reference to temporarily stabilize the princes. When the tens of thousands of troops are brought back, all the dust is settled, and then change to another posture.

After leaving the Worms-Saxon Palace, Marin went to the Habsburg Family Palace in Worms to find the emperor’s court minister Ettel Frederick III, Earl of Hohenzollern, for a drink. This meal is more like a bitter drink. Marin accused Ettel Frederick III of the arrogance and dominance of the princes. Marlin also expressed serious helplessness regarding the "serious concession" commercial terms signed with the princes.

However, even though Marin "experienced all difficulties", he still unswervingly supported His Majesty the Emperor to retake the entire Switzerland. In order to express his sincerity, Marin plans to provide an additional batch of about 2,000 clockwork carbines for the Cavalry of the Habsburg family.

Swiss mercenaries are dominated by spearmen, plus a small number of crossbowmen, as well as tomahawk and hammermen, specially used to deal with the plate knights of the Habsburg family. But they lacked musketeers, mainly because muskets consume a lot of gunpowder and lead bullets, and the cost is quite high. Swiss mercenaries are poor mountain people, not willing to use high-cost and expensive muskets, but prefer crossbows.

Of course, they also have enough ability to deal with the army of the Habsburg family dominated by plate knights. The army of the Habsburg family is dominated by plate knights. To deal with the plate-armored knight, the spearman inserted the bottom of the spear into the soil and slanted forward, enough to withstand the impact of the plate-armored knight. As for the plate-armored knights who fell from the horse, the spearman can hardly hurt them, but the heavy infantry, which uses the battle axe and the warhammer, specializes in dealing with the plate-armored knights who fall from the horse. The crossbowmen among the Swiss mercenaries were actually mainly aimed at the infantrymen of the Habsburg family. After all, the infantry is not wearing plate armor all over, and cannot withstand the shooting of the crossbow.

And Marin equipped the Habsburg family's plate armor heavy cavalry with a clockwork firing carbine, which was actually prepared specifically for the lack of muskets of Swiss mercenaries.

The knights of the Habsburg family, who wear plate armor or a steel plate with a leather bag inserted into the armor, are not afraid of the Swiss crossbow, and can shoot at the phalanx close to the Swiss. Then, he fired the carbines with the clockwork, causing casualties. Then, pat the horse and leave. The Swiss are all infantry soldiers and can't catch up...

Although the shot rate of the musket is very low, the Austrian knights can get close and fire again, shooting at a distance of 20 or 30 meters. At this distance, the musket hit rate is already very high. Moreover, I am not afraid of the Swiss Spearman catching up. After all, where can the infantry catch up with the cavalry? If the opponent dared to chase out chaotically, instead of maintaining a local formation, the Austrian heavy cavalry would most likely use the scattered formation of the opponent to initiate a charge and overwhelm the opponent in one fell swoop.

Therefore, in the face of Swiss mercenaries lacking muskets, the cavalry used carbines to shoot at close range and ran away after shooting. It was actually very awkward, but very effective.

In fact, this tactic is not only effective against the Swiss Spear Array, but also particularly effective against the plate knights. For example, the French knights in plate armor...

If you encounter a French plate-armored knight, this unit will change its gameplay-remove the horse armor, leaving only the zha armor on the shooter. Then, use the "kite flying" style of play to tease the French knights.

The horse with the horse armor removed will make the action more convenient, and the French knights in human harness cannot catch up. The clockwork and firing carbines can cause damage to the French knights and even knock them off the horse.

Therefore, this "black knight" is a very good mobile force.

In the original history, Charles V also hired a large number of black knights to deal with the French plate knights. Because the clockwork flintlock is not afraid of wind and rain, it is especially suitable for attacking on rainy days. It can even crush the opponent's matchlock shooter on a rainy day.

In fact, the clockwork flintlock was very expensive at first, and it was just a spare weapon for the noble knights to defend themselves. But later in the battle, everyone found that the use of clockwork flintlocks was very effective. Then, there was an established "black knight".

It was also because of the black knights, France, which had always been dominated by plate armor and heavy cavalry, was beaten to shame by Charles V's army. Fortunately, the cost of a clockwork flintlock is so high that most people can't afford it. Therefore, the French plate armor was not completely defeated.

The Habsburgs are also here, because clockwork flintlocks are expensive and clockwork is expensive. Therefore, although Marin was supplying at a "preferential price", Austria still only had 2000 "black jersey knights". Sadly, each of the "black knights" in the North Sea has 5 clockwork carbines. In poor Austria, each of the black knights has only one clockwork musket...

Now, Marin has given away another 2,000 in private, finally allowing the black-shirted knights of Austria to equip each with two clockwork firing carbines.

Speaking of which, the status of Austrian "black knights" is very special. None of them are formal knight children. However, they are all from the Cavaliers family...

How should I put it, the children of the knights in Austria felt that the black-shirt knights' tactics were too trivial and not enough. Therefore, the children of knights refused to become black knights. However, the emperor's face had to be given. Because the black-shirted knights do not have high requirements for horse fighting, they only require good riding skills, and they are good at using muskets on horseback.

So, in the end, those knight children recommended their own grooms...

What needs to be explained is that every knight child goes out, except for those who have no money, many people will bring three to five followers. Among these three to five guards, one must be a professional groom who raises and cares for the knight. This kind of person is familiar with horses and often rides well. However, they were not children of nobles, but ordinary serfs, and their status was very low.

Therefore, the children of the knights recommended their own horsemen to apply for the "black jersey knight", which is "not honorable". Then, the instructors sent by the North Sea State secretly selected 2,000 people who could use firearms calmly on horseback among those horsemen, and formed the "Black Knights" troops of the Habsburg family.

This unit has two sets of tactics, one is the armour of the man-horse and leather bag inserted into the steel sheet, to attack the Swiss infantry phalanx with crossbowmen. The human harness is equipped with armor, and is not afraid of bows and arrows, which can guarantee its own safety to the greatest extent, and at the same time cause blows to the enemy.

The second set of tactics is aimed at the French knights. When encountering French knights, the Austrian black-shirted knights will throw away the leather bags on the horses and insert the steel-sheeted vests to reduce the weight. Then, play kite tactics with French knights in plate armor.

Of course, there will be armored knights who will protect this cavalry unit from being chased by the opposing light cavalry. After all, this group of people is composed of horsemen, and their riding skills are very poor, or even almost none. Therefore, when encountering the opposing light cavalry, the armored knights from the children of knights had to protect them.

What needs to be clarified here is that although they are both heavy-armored cavalry, they can wear leather bags and insert steel-striped armor, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com load is almost half lighter than the French knights with plate armor. Therefore, the mobility is also stronger.

Although the protection power may not be as good as the plate armor knights, but these armored heavy knights do not fight hard with the French knights. Against the French knights in plate armor, there are knights in black shirts. Those armored knights just protect the black knights from being hurt by the opposing light cavalry. The French light cavalry, faced with armored knights, was helpless. After all, the level of protection on both sides is not at the same level. Moreover, the light cavalry are often not the children of knights, and their martial arts are not as good as those of the armored knights who came from the children of knights...

After sending out 2,000 clockwork carbines, Malin immediately gained the trust of His Majesty and his magistrate. Then, whether it was the Habsburg family or most of the princes who benefited, no longer hostile to Marin. At least, not so hostile. Only Duke Anthony of Lorraine and other pro-French factions, because of the relationship between interests and positions, are still very hostile to Marin.

However, they are only a minority of the princes. Even if they jump up and down, as long as leaders like Frederick III, the Elector of Saxony, do not nod their heads, all their opinions can only be opinions and cannot be implemented.

Moreover, the focus of the discussion among the princes at the moment is not how to deal with Marin, but how to block the emperor’s military operations to conquer Switzerland...