Chapter 2157: Party 3 "Gold Master"

Shibel wasn't completely wrong in thinking. If Marin's plan was completely disclosed before doing this, the difficulty would definitely be hell-level. At that time, the princes would definitely prevent Shibell from recruiting soldiers at any cost. But the premise is that those princes know Marin's plan.

If no one knows, this matter is really not too difficult. After all, Malin went around for a long time, making it difficult to see Malin's purpose. Even, Marin didn't intend to let Shibel know the true purpose of his army expansion. In other words, what he said to Siber was half-truth.

"Don't be nervous, Siber, it's like this. Do you know that war broke out in Lithuania?" Marin asked casually.

In fact, this is a nonsense. Because Shibel was the leader of the mercenary group that failed in Bohemia to reinforce Lithuania, how can I not know. It's just that Marin's following words need to be elicited.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know."

Marin nodded and said:

"Well, how should I put it. I am not very optimistic that Lithuania can win this time. They are likely to lose this time!"

Marin decided to discuss matters, this time only Lithuania.

"No? Lithuania and Poland are so strong..." Siber looked disbelief. He knew that Lithuania and Poland had deployed 20,000 to 30,000 cavalry, plus nearly 10,000 infantry. It would be very difficult to lose. Such a huge army can run wild in the German region... No, it cannot be compared with the abnormal existence of the North Sea country...

Marin smiled and explained:

"You are right. These two countries are indeed very powerful. But the Grand Duchy of Moscow is also very strong. Did you know that in 1480 the Christian calendar, when the war broke out between the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Golden Horde, 200,000 troops were dispatched? !"

Marin avoids the heavy and takes the light, but he didn't make it clear that most of the 200,000 army were the cannon fodder serfs who had been forcibly conscripted. But this number really scared Shibel.

"200...200,000?" He almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. You know, most of the German states do not necessarily have a total population of 200,000!

But Siber suddenly remembered that he had heard in Bohemia that it seemed that the number of troops sent by the Grand Duchy of Moscow was 50,000. With the strong strength of the Lithuanian and Polish coalition forces dominated by cavalry, although there are fewer people, it should not be defeated. Therefore, he put forward his own views.

Malin shook his head repeatedly:

"You are right, but the Grand Duchy of Moscow did not say not to increase troops! Therefore, once they increase their troops, Lithuania is very likely to fail. Therefore, we are likely to send troops to help repel the heresy of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. ."

When Siber thought about it, it was true that he did not stipulate that the Grand Duchy of Moscow would not allow any increase in troops. Once the war becomes tight, it makes sense for others to increase troops. Therefore, the probability of this happening is very high at that time.

"But... if the Muscovites win, what else can we do?"

"I want you to go back to the mountains in southern Germany now, and start recruiting troops, training and preparing. At that time, once the news of Lithuania's defeat comes, you will bring your troops east to assist Lithuania!"

Schebel was a little unhappy:

"But, Your Majesty, by then, the morale of the Muscovites will be high. I recruited tens of thousands of people, and with tens of thousands of recruits, I couldn't beat the opponent's 100,000 or 200,000 troops!"

His worries are not unreasonable. If the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow wins, not only will morale rise, but the recruits will also grow into veterans in the battle. The mountain people recruited by Scherber in southern Germany are complete recruits. With tens of thousands of recruits colliding with the main force of the Grand Duchy of Moscow with more than 100,000 recruits, it is basically sending people away from thousands of miles...

Marin waved his hand and said:

"You are not allowed to die. At that time, Beihai will have 20,000 elite veterans. You can bring mercenaries as far as possible and train on the roadside. When you arrive at the battlefield, you will basically train well. When the time comes, the main force will be the main force. Can’t fight, can’t it be done to assist the 20,000 elites of the North Sea country? My people are responsible for resisting the enemy frontally, and even breaking through the enemy frontally. You bring tens of thousands of recruits, the main task is to follow my troops to rush and kill. In addition to being strong, it can also help take care of many things that cannot be taken into account on the battlefield."

In fact, this was also the norm in ancient wars. Generally speaking, an army of 100,000, with a maximum of 20,000 or 30,000, is the main force and is responsible for fighting tough battles. Most of the other people are actually mainly responsible for shouting 666 and picking up the bargain.

If the elites in front win, they will rush together, covering a larger area, and gaining exploits. If the front is defeated, then run away desperately.

So, don't look at the ancient army of hundreds of thousands at every turn. The elite who can really play, can account for one or two achievements. Therefore, there is a saying that more than 10% of the casualties are easy to collapse. No way, the veterans who can fight the most account for 10 to 20%. Moreover, it is often at the forefront (the habit of European mercenaries). If the front row veteran was almost dead, this battle would be impossible.

This problem is particularly prominent in the European battlefield of this era. Because, the characteristic of the battle formation of the European era is that the first three rows are veterans, and the back are all recruits. If the veterans in the front row are burned out, it is less reliable to expect the recruits in the back row to fight tenaciously than to expect the sows to climb the trees.

However, you can't say that the recruits in the back row are useless. Because these recruits have another function-to fight the wind!

Recruits alone can't do it, but most of the recruits can do it by following the fierce veterans and picking up the bargains. Moreover, it is self-explanatory. In other words, this is human instinct. This practice is also called holding the thigh to pick up cheap.

But don't underestimate the recruits' ability to fight tailwinds. Once they go smoothly, these recruits can not only quickly grow into veterans. Moreover, the impact on the enemy is also multiplied.

In the face of an enemy who is escaping and revealing his back, the difference between veterans and recruits is not very big, they are all taking advantage of them. And if the number of veterans is insufficient, even if the enemy is repelled, there is no way to chase and destroy the enemy. Without him, there are too many enemies and not enough people to chase and kill. If most of the enemies are allowed to escape and regroup, it will be another protracted confrontation.

Therefore, the ability of recruits to fight downwind is also needed for war. Not only can it solve the problem of insufficient strength, but it also causes great damage to the enemy.

In addition, after the battle, the winning side also needs a large number of manpower to be stationed in the occupied area to consolidate the fruits of victory. At this time, using veterans is obviously a waste. It is obviously the most suitable to use recruits who have accumulated a little combat experience.

In addition to the above two points, the larger the number, the more self-confidence can be brought to the comrades. In the era of cold weapons, even in the era of hot weapons, confidence is very important.

Of course, this is the reason why Marin made Spell "understand". In fact, what he wants is fifty thousand elites. If Shibel can bring in more than 50,000 mountain recruits, he can easily accumulate combat experience and grow into a veteran as long as he fights with the main force led by Marin. At that time, they will be able to play their greatest role.

"But, let me recruit troops alone. I don't have enough money and food. Moreover, I can't openly accept the money and food support from Beihai. Otherwise, I will be blocked by the princes..." After listening to Marin's arrangement, Shi Bell raised an objection.

According to Marin's arrangement, he and his men returned to the mountains of southern Germany to recruit people. However, people need to be raised after they are recruited. It’s okay if there are hundreds of thousands of people, if there are tens of thousands of have to prepare a lot of money and food to raise...

As a mercenary leader who "strucks on the street", in theory, Shi Bell can't afford to recruit soldiers... If you suddenly have money and food that can feed tens of thousands of troops, it will be blamed not to be suspected...

Therefore, Marin must "fabricate" a third-party "funding master". This "golden master" must be able to provide enough money to feed tens of thousands of mountain recruits. Moreover, it does not make people doubt that Beihai Country’s head...