Chapter 2154: How to recruit fifty thousand main elite?

The feudal era is different from the capital era. In the capital era of the 19th century, French capital was concentrated in Paris. Therefore, Prussia captured Paris and France surrendered. However, the feudal era is different.

During the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the British army broke through Paris many times, but failed to force France to surrender. Why? Because France was a feudal lord system at that time, the French knight aristocrats, because of the fiefdom, were scattered all over the country.

Therefore, even after losing Paris, even after losing the northern region including Paris, and the Aquitaine region in the southwest, the French can continue to resist in the central and southern regions of France, recruiting the lords of the central and southern regions, The cavalry and militia were organized to continue to fight against the British army. The enthronement of Charles VII was even held in Reims. Because at that time Paris was occupied by England.

But the biggest problem with the British army is its lack of strength. At that time, the main force of the British army was only about 9,000 men, including 7,000 longbowmen and 2,000 heavy-armored knights. The rest are auxiliary militias and local forces in France that have fallen to England, including local forces such as the Principality of Burgundy. These soldiers and horses add up to 20,000 to 30,000. Being able to control the coastal areas of northern and southwestern France is already at the limit. Therefore, even if France loses a large area of ​​land including Paris, it still has the ability to organize a counterattack. Of course, it also includes some diplomatic alliances.

Therefore, Marin estimated that in the war with France, only three to fifty thousand people were unworthy. This can defeat the main force of the French army, but it is difficult to suppress the French resistance. If you only control parts of France, then some will be hit. The other party organized a counterattack and wanted to regain the country, and then there would be no end.

If you want to defeat France at once, you need to take the army commander and drive straight in. Then, it is divided into three or four parts in France, with each army at least 20,000 to 30,000, controlling a large area. When confronted with rebellious forces, they immediately sent troops to suppress and eliminate them. As much as possible to isolate the connection between several districts, at the same time, suppressed the resistance in various places. In this way, it can be guaranteed that the victory after the defeat of France is guaranteed.

Of course, even with an army of 100,000, Marin can't beat France. Because if the North Sea country annexed France, it would become a public enemy of Europe. At that time, Austria will also become a hostile force against Marin. Including Spain and the princes of Germany.

Therefore, Marin not only needs 100,000 troops to sweep across France, but also needs to carve up France with Austria and Spain. In this way, France can be completely suppressed, so that it can no longer raise its head.

In other words, Marin intends to act real this time, completely dismembering the powerful France. Specifically, he intends to annex the northwestern part of France. Then, give the southwestern region close to Spain to Spain. At the same time, the eastern and southeastern Provence regions, including Burgundy, were sent to Austria. In this way, the two companies will not object.

If Austria and Spain are supported, then the remaining German princes can basically be ignored. Because they are alone and hard to support.

This is also very helpless. After all, Marin is a nouveau riche in aristocratic circles. If he wants to monopolize France, Austria and Spain will definitely join forces with the French resistance to destroy.

It is not difficult to occupy a country, but to maintain the occupation. Is the Soviet Union strong enough? But when he occupied Afghanistan for ten years, he was dragged down abruptly and even disintegrated. It's the same with Lao Mei, after 20 years of nothingness, she finally got out of trouble.

Later, Huaxia was clever, and after teaching Nan Yue a meal, he immediately retreated. If they did not covet their land, they did not endure the resistance of South Vietnam.

But Marin had to completely suppress France. After all, the location of France is too important. France can't destroy England, but it can always add trouble to England. No way, who made the French be on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean? Originally in history, the British North American colonies were the French kingdom, and at the cost of Louis XVI's self-sacrifice, it gained independence.

In the same way, France occupies the land on the Atlantic Ocean, and Marin wants to develop the American colonies, but there is also the danger of being destroyed by France.

Therefore, he simply did nothing but dismembered France and took over the northern coast of France, including the northern half of the western coast, including the Brittany Peninsula.

In order to capture this part of the area, including defeating the main force of the French resistance, Marin felt that 100,000 troops would be enough. But resisting afterwards can be a headache.

However, Marin also has countermeasures. He plans to reduce or exempt the land rent after occupying that part of the area and improve the income and living standards of French farmers. Only focus on attacking the original nobles, as long as no farmers follow the old nobles to resist, they can still rule stably.

It is even said that Marin had no intention of searching the people's money and food there after occupying the northern coastal areas of France. All he wants is to eliminate the future threat from France to America.

Of course, there is a local resource that Marin still needs. That is-population. There are 16 million people in France, and the northern region has several million people. There are millions of people, how much land has to be developed...

But the question is-how will the 100,000 army come? Marin hurt his brain.

At the moment, because of fear of the mighty power of the North Sea State, the North Sea State has been unable to recruit mercenaries from the southern region of Germany. As long as it is discovered that the North Sea State sends people to recruit troops, they will be expelled and besieged by the princes. Even if the emperor sent people to send farmers to Beihai Country, the princes dared to block them, let alone Beihai Country sent people to recruit soldiers.

As for all the people? Marin dare not think about it. Because when all the people are soldiers, production will be greatly affected.

Some people may talk about the Eight Banners system of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but you have to make it clear that although the Eight Banners soldiers say production, in fact, the main source of money and food is to rob the Ming Dynasty by entering the customs. If they rely on their own farming, they might be able to stay starving. But it is impossible to be strong.

If the country is to remain prosperous, it must ensure that agricultural production and industrial production are not affected. Otherwise, after a few battles, a large number of laborers will die, and production will inevitably be greatly affected.

Of course, Marin intends to rob hundreds of thousands of people from the Grand Duchy of Moscow, but he can liberate tens of thousands of local farmers. But the problem is that not every peasant is suitable for military service.

Why does Marin favor mountain people in southern Germany? Because the mountain people are aggressive, they often walk and hunt in the mountains, so they are very suitable for soldiers. The famous Swiss mercenaries are made up of Swiss mountain people.

Want to defeat France and suppress its resistance, UU Reading www. Marin estimates that out of the 100,000 army, at least 50,000 people are from the mountains of southern Germany. The other 50,000 people can be improvised with ordinary farmers.

Of course, it's not just improvised. Marin's previous method of selecting soldiers is still effective. In addition to Qi Jiguang's "Four Don'ts", there is also a competition that can fail but cannot easily give up.

According to this condition, from the 400,000 serfs in the North Sea country, 40,000 qualified soldiers can be selected, even if it is very good. After all, this era is still dominated by close combat, which not only requires discipline, but also physical strength and strength. Soldiers of later generations only need to follow the command and shoot, and don't need to be too strong. In the final analysis, the army of later generations will use thermal weapons in an all-round way. In the North Sea National Army, two-thirds are spearmen. They are the most typical cold weapon arms, and they still require strength and courage. The serfs were not given the strength and courage due to chronic malnutrition and being accustomed to being oppressed. In other words, there are a small number of talents.

Marin estimated that after the Grand Duchy of Moscow snatched hundreds of thousands of laborers, he would be able to select forty to fifty thousand courageous and strong farmers from the North Sea country and put them into the army as auxiliary arms. The 50,000 people who are the main force still have to be recruited from the German mountains to the south.

But the question is, how to recruit 50,000 main talents in the mountains of southern Germany under the heavy obstacles of the German princes?