Chapter 111: I see you as a page of Shanhaijing

Li Tao turned his head and said to Chen Xiangxiang, "Are you okay?"

Yan Xi's words reminded him that the girl's physical strength seemed to be unable to keep up.

Physical strength is also a part of strength in such high-intensity activities.

He was in the third place after being pressed one after another, or the third place in the fault that was thrown far away, and he felt very aggrieved.

If the opponent's physical strength can't keep up, the next level may be his chance.

Chen Xiangxiang looked weak, but in fact she really just looked weak, her physical strength was not comparable to these pampered urbanites.

"I'm fine, thank you, let's do our best in the next level!" Chen Xiangxiang's smile was very healing, and Li Tao's eyes hidden under the lenses were embarrassed again.

He felt that the little beauty obviously had a crush on him.

In the next level, you need to choose one of the two rooms C and D. Although both are S-level difficulty, the focus is different. Room C focuses on memory and knowledge base, while Room D focuses more on knowledge extension and thinking.

Chen Xiangxiang's eyes flickered. Although Room D may be very good, there is no doubt that Room C is easier to grab time.

Li Tao: "I choose room D, how about you?"

Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lips, "I choose room C." After a pause, she smiled helplessly, "You know, girls are actually far inferior to your boys in terms of thinking, so I can only learn books well. knowledge on.”

This sentence calmly flattered the male players present, and everyone listened to it very ironically.

At the same time, it really fits the stereotype of girls.

Girls have great achievements in the early stage, and that's all because of the simple rote memorization of introductory knowledge and hard work. Anyway, girls can't do it, and they will not have enough momentum in the later stage.

Even though there are not many girls who have broken into the present, the boys obviously don't take girls seriously.

In fact, Chen Xiangxiang's performance in the first few levels has not been bad, and the overall score is definitely in the top ten, but she is willing to take the initiative to show weakness, which in itself can please many people.

"You are too modest, but you are actually quite powerful." Li Tao immediately complimented Chen Xiangxiang.

"Yeah, you are really beautiful, and it's rare to see a beautiful scholar. I believe you can make it to the finals."

These boys were afraid of Yan Xi, who was far ahead, and the girls in the top ten, but they were not afraid of Chen Xiangxiang.

On the contrary, she felt that she was gentle, amiable and hardworking, which easily stimulated their desire to protect.

The girls next to them looked at each other in dismay, feeling that they were somehow represented.

There is a clearly uncomfortable feeling, but I don't know what's wrong.

After all, there are many such arguments in the environment where they grew up.

"That's not right, I'm a girl, but I'm going to choose Room D." A short-haired girl said, she looked like that kind of very healthy appearance, and she was tall. "I don't think girls' thinking ability is not good, the first place is still a girl!"

The one who shook his wit continued: "Yan Luofei, forget it, what kind of girl are you, you are as strong as a cow, you are a man's wife at all!"

This sentence immediately caused a burst of laughter.

Yan Luofei's face suddenly flushed, why are these people attacking with appearance?

She tried to reason: "I'm just talking about things. You're going too far, aren't you?"

"Why is it too much, can't you tell the truth? It's too glassy. Well, I know you are a girl, and only girls are so little belly!" Gao Tianlang deliberately winked his eyes and made a helpless expression .

Yan Luofei was obviously not good at quarreling, his eyes were red with anger, but he couldn't say a word.

It seems that if he continues to entangle him, he seems to be particularly lacking in air, which completely confirms that girls are all "chicken stomachs".

But why should I be inexplicably attacked on my appearance?

Yan Xi turned her head and suddenly took a serious look at Gao Tianlang. The other party was stunned for a moment, then frowned quickly and smiled, "What are you looking at, do you think I'm handsome?"

To be honest, visually speaking, the face value is significantly higher.

But he's too tall, so he doesn't look weak enough. In addition, the thick-faced type is more aggressive in appearance, and his grades are outstanding, so Gao Tianlang can't appreciate it at all.

Girls should be softer, in order to stimulate the desire to protect boys.

But even so, the big beauty noticed that she was somewhat proud of herself. He flipped his hair and showed a smile that he thought was very handsome.

Yan Xi smiled, "Well, I just think you look like a book."

He had never heard of this kind of compliment, did he want to praise him for his bookish scent? Or do you want to say he's talented?

Gao Tianlang said with a smile: "What book?"

Yan Xi: "I see you as a page in the Classic of Mountains and Seas."

The tone of her speech was so pleasant that Zhao Qingxuan let out a sneer, and the other party realized what she meant by her words.

Yan Luofei glanced at Gao Tianlang, and the other party's appearance was actually average, the kind that could not be found when thrown into the crowd. However, the facial expressions and movements of the five senses are exaggerated. Looking at it this way, combined with Yan Xi's words, it somehow feels right.

She couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After laughing, I found that not only myself, but the girls and several boys also laughed.

Gao Tianlang couldn't laugh at it, on the contrary, he was very angry, his face was covered with clouds, and he clenched his fists aggressively, "I warn you not to talk nonsense!"

Yan Xi is not afraid of him, "What I said is also true. Human beings are so tolerant to you, why can't you be more generous? Could it be that you are the one with the belly?"

Li Tao and others stopped Gao Tianlang, and the next level was about to start, so it was not worth arguing at this time.

The door opened, and Yan Xi walked into Room D first.

"By the way, I don't want to be represented. On the contrary, I think girls have strong thinking skills, at least I can prove it."

Originally, she planned to slow down the pace, but these idiots are so annoying.

She hadn't been so motivated for a long time.

Xie Changze also walked towards Room D with his long legs. The young man turned his head back, with black hair and snow skin and black eyes. He was cold and solemn in the midst of the noble, as if it was an unreachable dream I also think that girls have strong thinking ability, at least Yan Xi is the existence I need to admire. Some people just admit that they can't do it, don't force it, you can't represent anyone. "

Chen Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment, she knew that Xie Changze's words were aimed at herself.

She lowered her gaze and felt a little irritable as she felt several glances at her.

Did she say it wrong? And it is also a strategy to show weakness in this occasion and not to take the lead.

She is also running for the championship, okay?

Xie Chang Ze, a person destined to be trampled under his feet, has the right to criticize himself here? !

Zhao Qingxuan: "Boys don't all have strong thinking skills. Like me, of course, I only admit my own dishes, not all boys, so I choose room C."

After he finished speaking, he walked directly to Room C.

Chen Xiangxiang: "..."