Chapter 12: After all, this villa is still registered in my name

Xi Jingxing looked at Yan Xi and pondered for a moment, "Yan Yan, Chen Xun is Chen Xun, but Xiangxiang is a good child. I hope you will not affect your perception of Xiangxiang because of Chen Xun's affairs."

Yan Xi smiled and said, "Dad, you've been worrying too much."

"Chen Xiangxiang is Uncle Chen's daughter. Uncle Chen passed away for many years. She lived a hard life in the country. You can take care of her." She sat upright, smiling confidently and calmly, "Anyway, our family has been doing charity all the time. It has also subsidized many poor students in the past year, right?"

Xi Jingxing pursed his lips.

How can Chen Xiangxiang generalize to those poor students who are sponsored?

The corners of his lips twitched, but in the end he didn't refute anything.

After a long time, he said sullenly, "Yan Yan, are you still blaming your father? I didn't pick you up yesterday because there was a car accident on the way. Xiangxiang's birthday party was to make the family more lively. I have no objection, but I also I didn't attend. The jewelry and the room were indeed my lack of thought..."

Every year on this day, he and Xi Yan would be very sad and uninterested in anything.

Chen Xiangxiang had all the good intentions, but he and Xi Yan were both absent. I really felt sorry for Chen Xiangxiang.

Out of the psychology of compensation, after learning that Chen Xiangxiang's room had been flooded with rain, he let Chen Xiangxiang move into Yan Xi's room, and also allowed her to borrow some of Yan Xi's jewelry.

At that time, it was certain that Yan Xi would not come back, but who knew that Yan Xi had just run home by herself and caught everyone by surprise.

He also felt that Yan Xi's character was generous and generous, and he dared to do this.

But it turned out that Yan Xi would really care.

Looking at her daughter's thin and thin body, and thinking about the two doses of anti-cancer single-cell injections... Xi Jingxing couldn't help feeling guilty.

Yan Xi was silent for a while, then stood up.

"It's okay to apologize. I just hope that next time this happens, you can ask for my opinion and give me the least respect."

Butler He had told her that the matter of changing the room and jewelry was not brought up by Xi Jingxing, but Chen Xun's casual "suggestion" when Chen Xiangxiang encountered various situations.

Although it is excusable, but after all, things are done in a confusing way.

Yan Xi smiled, "After all, this villa is still registered in my name."

The Xi family is not a well-known family, and their wealth and status today is entirely due to the support of the Yan family.

Yan Xi's mother, Yan Qingcheng, is not only a famous lady and a scholar, but also a first-class businessman. After marrying into the Xi family, she invested her dowry in opening a film and television company, and she quickly became prosperous and became a leader in the industry for a time.

After she fell ill, she transferred the company shares and several properties to the names of her children.

Xi Jingxing had a deep love for his wife, and he would not object to what she did—of course, he probably knew that he was not qualified to object.

But it is estimated that he did not expect that one day his daughter would swear the ownership of this villa like this.

Xi Jingxing frowned slightly: "Yan Yan, we are a family."

Since we are a family, we can't say such words that are easily distracting.

Xi Jingxing felt that his daughter came back this time as a lot of strangers, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Yan Xi's expression was calm: "Because we are a family, I hope everyone can communicate well with each other."

She grew up in Yan's family when she was a child. After returning to the Xi family, she spent a short and warm time with Xi Jingxing.

She still has some admiration for her biological father.

But Xi Jingxing let her down again and again. His mother was sick and he was more miserable than anyone else. He couldn't support everything, so the burden of the family was all on her, who was only fifteen years old. After her mother passed away, Xi Jingxing was even more helpless. I was completely lost in grief.

Because of the pain, he was even afraid to face his daughter who also had cancer.

During the three years of hospitalization, Xi Jingxing visited Yan Xi very few times.

Yan Xi didn't blame him. During the hospitalization, she even took the initiative to reduce her contact with her relatives and friends in order to reduce the ties between them.

If there is really no human resources, I still have to walk the same path as my mother, it is better to walk without any worries.

I believe that with the reduction of contact, time can heal everything, and my father and brother will not be too sad.

But even so, Xi Jingxing should not adopt Chen Xiangxiang as his replacement.

This is disrespectful to both parties.

Thinking of how in the novel, Xi Jingxing actually married Chen Xiangxiang's mother and let that woman go on TV and smear her mother's reputation on the show, she felt unhappy.

She was unhappy, so she didn't really want to get used to Xi Jingxing.

"My room at Yan's house, although I haven't lived in it since I was ten years old, has been kept very well. Even if someone goes in to borrow a book, my uncle and grandfather will call me specifically to ask."

This is the attitude one should have as an elder.

You can teach children to be generous, kind, and willing to share, but never ignore their will.

Xi Jingxing was dumbfounded, and immediately wiped his face in despair, "I know that Qingcheng is such a person..."

Gentle and kind, but firm and principled When mentioning his wife, Xi Jingxing's face was full of nostalgia and sadness. Yan Xi knew that he would probably be immersed in his own thoughts again.

Yan Xi opened the door and walked out.


After Yan Xi returned to the room, she made a long list and sent it to Yan Yunzhi.

Yan Yunzhi's phone number followed: "Yan Yan, what are you planning to do, can your body handle it?"

Yan Xi: "I want to continue my mother's previous research, don't worry, I will take care of my health."

Yan Yunzhi didn't know that the two doses of single-cell injections had been generously given to others by Xi Jingxing. He thought it was the injections that worked, and he was very happy.

"Well, I'll buy the medical equipment you want as soon as possible, and then I'll go back to China with your grandfather to see you."

Thinking of Grandpa, Yan Xi's voice was muffled, and she said hello.

She also misses her grandfather.

The Yan family was a well-known academic family back then. Grandpa abandoned literature to pursue business and became the richest man in the province. He is full of legend and his deeds have always been talked about.

It's just that my grandmother didn't have a holiday, and my mother died of an early illness. My grandfather found out that Yan Xi also had blood cancer, so he could hardly stand it any longer.

The old man has earned countless wealth in his life, and he takes money very lightly. He only hopes that his wife, daughter and granddaughter can live well, so he does not know how much charity he has done.

But there are rumors outside, saying that the grandfather did something wrong when he made his fortune back then, and only got his retribution on the family woman.

This made my grandfather very sad, and his head turned white overnight.

"Miss." Butler He knocked on the door outside, "Can I come in?"

Yan Xi put away her sadness, put down her phone and got up to open the door, then she was blinded by the scene in front of her.