Just then, the little guy vomited again and cried pitifully. Gu night let Yueyuan from the medicine box, take children's medicine, with warm boiled water, personally feed the little guy to drink.

Although the little guy can't speak, he has already known that he resists taking medicine, struggles to be unwilling to cooperate, and cries to the utmost. Gu Ye is still very patient with children. She said in a soft voice, "little silent, this is not medicine, it's sweet water! Sister does not cheat you, sweet Oh, do not believe you lick a mouthful

Xiaosilent is the little guy's nickname. He likes to eat sweet food. When he hears the word "sweet water", he stops crying and looks at Gu Ye's medicine suspiciously. Found that it is not that kind of black smelly juice, in Gu night's light coax, with a small drink.

Eh? It's really sweet! Small silent just is vomiting and diarrhea, the stomach has been empty, a mouthful of medicine quickly drink down.

Yang felt relieved. Children have low resistance and are prone to illness. Every time her son got sick, she felt as if she had fought a very difficult battle. In particular, coax son to take medicine, it is almost any move all over, people just do not take. Finally, I had to force it down with brute force, and the crying son would spit out more than half of it.

"How sweet?" Yang couldn't help asking, "can this sweet water really cure diseases?"

The Rao president on one side said with a smile: "Madam has no idea that this kind of sweet children's medicine has been popular in the north of Dongling. This kind of medicine is not only good in taste, but also popular among children. Its efficacy is no less than that of common decoction.

Unfortunately, this medicine is only used in pharmacies for sick children, and is not sold out. Otherwise, I will buy more and bring them back when the great medicine meeting is over! My son of a bitch is more noisy than this little guy when taking medicine

Gu Ye touched the little guy's head approvingly and turned to Chairman Rao and said, "Uncle president, when you are in Dongling, why don't you open your mouth? If you defend me in the big pharmacy Association, if you open your mouth, can I refute your face? "

Magistrate Cheng looked at the two men in a confused way. One called each other "little sister" and the other called "Uncle chairman". Is that not a bad generation?

When he was in Dongling, during the big medicine association, President Rao always called Gu Ye "little girl". Gu Ye saw that he was older than his father, so he called "Uncle president". He was used to it and didn't want to change it.

He is an old man of medicine. He is always informal and doesn't care about these things. This name, Gu Ye, has been used to this day.

Rao said with a smile, "I'm afraid I'll give you trouble? You have answered my request. If other presidents, vice presidents and elders come to visit, should you

"Thank you very much, uncle president. You are still thoughtful." Gu Ye gave him a sweet smile, "children's medicine. I took a lot of them out this time. In a moment, I'll take some more back for the president's uncle.

When I get to Shengjing, if you have any discomfort, please come to me. Although pediatrics is not my best, I can still cope with common cold, cough and fever! "

Rao Hui was so happy that he revealed his white teeth: "OK! I'm waiting for you! Are you good at pediatrics? What are you good at? Caesarean section? Tuberculosis? "

Magistrate Cheng's eyes widened more roundly: what? Doctor little girl can cure tuberculosis? It's too Isn't it amazing?

Such a small girl, but so proficient in medical skills, all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases How did she do it? How do medical immortals and medicine saints teach their disciples? The world of genius, he really does not understand!

Gu Ye, together with the envoys of Yan and Dongling, stayed in Xicheng for two days. Good news came from villages outside the city with serious epidemic situation. With the Imperial Envoys and imperial doctors there, the burden on Governor Cheng and Gu Ye is much lighter.

left a pile of drugs at Gu's night. He also discussed with the members of Shengjing pharmacist's Association a prescription for rehabilitation after dysentery. Then Shi Shi ran left Xicheng and set foot on the road to Shengjing

Gu Ye sits on the carriage and thinks whether brother Chen's battle is over? Have you rescued general Ling successfully? Were there any injuries on the battlefield? Will you have already returned to Beijing? Can she see him when she gets to the capital?

Ling juechen, who was far away in the Western battlefield, had just finished a great victory. He not only captured the big and small leaders of the other side, but also disabled the other side's army. In the past five years, the other side has no power to fight again!

Ling juechen, who was riding on a high horse, was shining warm in the sunset. His handsome face was facing the East, which was the direction of his little girl. His little girl, if she had not been delayed, would have arrived in Shengjing by now.

He can't meet his little girl at the first time. I wonder if she will blame him? Just then, a white spot in the sky was diving down in his direction. The guards around him clenched the bows and arrows in his hands and were ready to go.

Ling juechen made a gesture, and the guards were trained to put down their bows and arrows at the same time. A white falcon, flapping its wings, landed on his outstretched right arm.

Ling juechen looks at Xiaobai, who has gained a lot of weight. It seems that this little thing has been eating well in Gu Ye these days. Some days did not receive the girl's letter, he suspected that the little girl should be in a temper, deliberately did not reply to him.From Xiaobai's feet, he took down the letter and read it carefully. Originally, the little girl didn't answer his letter because she put herself into medicine day and night. He knew that, as soon as the little girl worked, everything around her could not affect her, including him!

Seeing the epidemic situation in Xicheng, he was worried about little girl. Fortunately, it's just dysentery. It's not infectious, and it's not very difficult to treat. See the little girl write that she keeps making drugs in the space. It's almost a pharmaceutical machine. He has some heartache again!

His little girl is so kind that she can't see the people suffering from illness and pain. His little girl, don't be tired. She just experienced a narrow escape years ago. She didn't know if she had been raised well. This girl is really worrying.

Fortunately, everything in Xi City has been handed over by Imperial Envoys and imperial doctors. The little girl has already moved to Shengjing. Xi City is five days away from Shengjing by coach. If he would rush to Huihui at this time, he might be able to arrive in the capital in about the same time as her

He thought that in a few days he would see his little girl. Ling Jue dust's lips, slowly evoke a trace of invisible smile.

General Ling did not know when, came to his side. Seeing his grandson's warm eyes and faint smile, he picked his eyebrows - Dapeng was right. His grandson really has other expressions besides his cold face!

"Is it from my future granddaughter-in-law? What does the letter say? Make you so happy? " With a narrow smile on his face, Ling couldn't help but ask.

Ling juechen folded the letter carefully, put it on his chest, and turned to look at his grandfather: "clean up the battlefield and the follow-up, please grandfather. I have a team of people with me. I have to rush back first... "

"I know, to meet your future daughter-in-law, right?" General Ling joked again, "OK, you go back first! Remember to give the emperor a request to return to Beijing in advance! "

Ling juechen nodded, went back to the tent and wrote a letter in a hurry. With the news of the victory of the battlefield, he rushed to the capital city for 800 Li. And he, with a team of elite soldiers, set out with the fast horse! It's only a hundred days' time to arrive in Beijing.

Clouds reflect the setting sun, the horizon is red as drunk, the glow to the distant imperial city, inlaid with a circle of brilliant and gorgeous Phnom Penh.

The ROC pointed to the magnificent capital in the distance, and felt a sense of pride: "look, that's the capital! Is it different from your Fan Jing? "

Riding on a horse and walking with him, the full moon whitened his eyes and said, "aren't you nonsense? If we want to be the same, Fan Jing is in front of us, not Shengjing! "

Dapeng scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, "xiaoyuanyuan, don't blame me for not being able to speak. People like me, really! In the future, only be good to your daughter-in-law... "

The full moon said with shame: "who allowed you to call me little round? What do you care about your daughter-in-law

"Why is it none of your business? I cherish you. I will not marry anyone but you ROC once again said aloud.

Along the way, this kind of plot, I don't know how many times. Gu Ye, riding her little white horse and carrying a little black cat in her hand, passes through the two people without seeing it.

Full moon with a red face, to the ROC proud to "hum" a, urged the horse to follow up. Those brothers of Dapeng yelled at him and said, "boss, you can't do it! I haven't finished my sister-in-law for so many days. Or Brothers play a robber drama, do you want a hero to save the United States? "

Dapeng sneered: "I advise you not to do these small moves. My little Yuanyuan can not only give people medical treatment, the Kung Fu on hand, is no inferior to your boss and me. Don't come to me and cry when you're in trouble

Several of his subordinates heard the words and looked at each other. In their hearts, the boss is the God of war. He is absolutely the best in the imperial forest army. If it wasn't for his inexperience, the leader's position would not have been captured?

The future sister-in-law is not inferior to the boss Did she come from a Wulin family and began practicing martial arts since she was a child? How did they know that the hidden guard training camp of the hidden soul hall is the human extreme training camp, which can come out of it. If you mix the rivers and lakes, you can definitely count it!

Hua Hao and Yueyuan, though they have not completed the examination of the training camp, are also the best among them. Otherwise, Ling juechen also won't try his best to protect her.

The ROC, with a light horse's belly, followed Gu Ye in a low voice: "girl, let's hurry for a while. We should be able to get to the capital before the gate is closed. You can hold on for a while and have a good rest when the general's office is settled down. How about it? "

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