"Mirror, it's really you." Mrs. Shen was very happy to see Mingjing. She came up and took Mingjing's hand and said to the waiter, "add a chair."

"Mrs. Shen." The mirror looked at Shen Zhou and Shen Shaojian, smiled and nodded.

"Miss Zhu, it's better to meet each other by chance. Just now I heard Mr. Shen mention you and say that Cao Cao is coming." Shen Shaojian has no airs and has a very gentle attitude.

The waiter added a chair, peeped at the mirror, and his palms were sweating.

Isn't this girl in school uniform the friend of the girl who almost bumped into red wine in the corridor just now? She wanted to slap herself in the face. What nonsense she said at that time.

All the people in this box are big men. She is neither humble nor arrogant. She can also be warmly held by Mrs. Shen. Her identity must be not simple.

I hope the other party won't remember her.

"Thank you." After the other party politely thanked him, he sat down in the chair and raised his hands and feet gently and gracefully.

Facts have proved that she really thinks too much. How can a young man who can eat at the same table with Mayor Shen Zhoushen be so narrow-minded that he cares about her as a little waiter.

Wait, why do you think she looks familiar?

"Mingjing, I've watched the variety show you shot for three meals a day several times. It's so beautiful. It's special for dinner. I didn't expect you to cook so well, especially the ramen. Go back and teach me. I'll cook it for Lao Shen."

Hearing Mrs. Shen's words, the waiter immediately understood and looked at the mirror.

Isn't this the hot mirror recently?

I didn't recognize it. It looks better than on TV.

Mingjing nodded happily, "OK."

"You go to the entertainment circle without saying a word. I heard that the circle is very chaotic. You are a good little girl, but you must protect yourself." Shenfu said in a long voice.

"If you have any difficulties, find Mr. Shen. I remember that there are several entertainment companies under Shenzhou group? And apple video, one of the three giants of domestic media, said that it is not too much to occupy half of the entertainment industry. Let Mr. Shen support you later."

Shen Zhou smiled and nodded.

The waiter was shocked and speechless. Seeing that the red wine was almost awake, he carefully added wine to everyone's goblet.

"Madam, I'm worried. A friend of mine opened an entertainment company and took me as a shareholder. It's just opened. My business is poor. I'll make it famous. What I can do has been done."

"So it is. Is your friend's brokerage company still short of investment?"

The mirror glanced at her: "madam is also interested in this business?"

"I believe you. Just now Mr. Shen praised you as a business genius. It's absolutely right to invest with you."

Mingjing shook his head and smiled: "I don't have much experience in company management. I just set up a team and apportion it to my subordinates. I'll be a shopkeeper."

"People can only be hired if they can pick people. That's the wisdom of the ancients. Those who walk on a horse don't have to walk five miles; those who ride on a horse can resist it tirelessly and take many routes. Only smart people use good people. In ancient times, before going to the battlefield, we should point out generals. A general who uses arms like a God can defeat thousands of troops and horses. The same is true in shopping malls. Don't be too modest. The saved time can let you do a lot of things." Shen Zhou said faintly.

"Sir, these words have taught Mingjing."

Shen Zhou raised his red wine glass. "Why are you polite to me? You are too modest."

Mingjing smiled and picked up the teacup in front of him: "I'll replace wine with tea, sir."


"Mom, who was assistant Shen just now?" Tao Xingxing asked curiously.

Wu Jiaqi subconsciously looked at the driver and whispered, "he is Shen Zhou's assistant, Shen Ke."

The name Shen Zhou is so famous that Tao Xingxing gasped: "so, just now Mingjing took us to see Shen Zhou? I also heard him say mayor Shen? Is that what I think?"

Wu Jiaqi nodded.

Tao Xingxing murmured, "what kind of friend have I made? Mom, you're right. Compared with the mirror, I'm a waste“

Wu Jiaqi rubbed her head and said with a smile, "you will always be the unique star in mom's heart."

When the car stopped at the side of the road, Duze said, "wait a minute."

Then he opened the door and got off and hurried into the convenience store on the side of the road.

At this time, a man in strange clothes came out of the convenience store. He was wearing a straw hat, hung his head, smoked a cigarette from the cigarette box and held it to his mouth. Duze accidentally met him when he passed by.

The straw hat on the man's head fell to the ground. Just then, the man looked up. The light on the top of the convenience store was very dazzling and clearly reflected the man's face. Wu Jiaqi suddenly covered her mouth and stared at her eyes.

Tao Xingxing was surprised and said, "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

Looking down Wu Jiaqi's line of sight, he saw an old man in his 40s and 50s dressed strangely scolding, picking up the straw hat on the ground, buttoning it on his head, lighting a cigarette and leisurely leaving.

Tao Xingxing was confused. What did mom see?

Wu Jiaqi's eyes flashed a little flustered. She subconsciously grabbed Tao Xingxing's hand. Tao Xingxing ate and said, "Mom, it hurts..."

Wu Jiaqi quickly let go: "I'm sorry, star."

Wu Jiaqi saw the man walking away in the night and disappeared after turning a corner.

At this time, Duze got on the car with a pack of cigarettes. He threw the cigarettes into the storage cabinet between the two drivers and continued to drive on the road.

Wu Jiaqi could not calm down for a long time. When she passed the intersection, she stared at it with big eyes. It was dark and she couldn't see anything clearly.

"Stop." Wu Jiaqi suddenly opened her mouth.

Du Ze slowly parked the car on the side of the road, turned his head and asked, "what happened?"

Wu Jiaqi squeezed her bag with both hands and looked at Tao Xingxing. Tao Xingxing was sleepy, yawned and shook her head.

Wu Jiaqi struggled and hesitated for a long time, and finally said powerlessly, "it's all right, let's go."

Du Ze glanced at the rearview mirror, slightly hooked the corner of his lips and set off again.

The alley was dark, but the light of cigarette butts between men's fingers went out. Through the alley, the rented houses were close at hand.

Ye Shuang followed him from a distance. She always felt that shouchang was wrong today. She couldn't say what was wrong.

Ye Shuang rushed to block shouchang in front of him and frowned at him.

Before, shouchang had a broken beard, degenerated and decadent. He looked like a tramp. Today, he shaved his beard, washed his face, and arranged his hair neatly. He looked like a teenager.

"Shouchang, what are you doing? Remember, you only have eight days left."

Shouchang took a smoke and slowly spit out the smoke ring, and ye Shuang retreated with disgust on his face. " You want to die? "

"You kill me, so that your master is here, and you don't want to find the person he wants."

"You threaten me?" Ye Shuang's fist clicked.

"Little girl, Grandpa, when I followed master Wen to fight the world, your father was still playing with mud. Pay attention to me."

"If you can't find anyone, you and your son can't live."

"Don't remind me. I can't wait for eight days, ha ha." Shouchang sneered and went upstairs over Ye Shuang.

Back in the rental room, shouchang went to the bathroom and stared at the face in the mirror.

Jichang, shouchang and Luchang are actually close brothers. They look like Xiao.

In particular, the others and Jichang are 80% similar. If they are not close people, it is easy to recognize them wrong.

After washing his face, shouchang murmured, "Xiyu, what do you want to do?"

Xiyu didn't kill him, but wanted to help him.

He didn't know what medicine to sell in Xiyu gourd, but he believed Xiyu's words.

As ran Bowen's most trusted confidant, only Jichang has seen the mother and daughter. Xiyu is Jichang's son. He must have the truth.

No matter what Xiyu wants to do, now he is his only life-saving straw. He has no choice.

But why doesn't Xi Yu tell ran Tengxiao himself so that he can win ran Tengxiao's trust?

But in such a big circle

What the hell does he want to do?


"Thank you for bringing me back. Go back and pick up the mirror. It's troublesome for you tonight."

"No trouble. It's all the orders of the young lady. Madam, go back quickly. It's late at night." Duze drove away.

Wu Jiaqi watched the tail of the car disappear into the night and stood quietly in place.

Tao Xingxing yawned, "Mom, go back quickly, Dad..."

Tao Xingxing suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Wu Jiaqi was stunned and turned her head suddenly.

Tao Qian took a coat in his arm, came over and put it on Wu Jiaqi, and said angrily, "have you been drinking again?"

"Aren't you on duty tonight? Why are you at home?" Wu Jiaqi was surprised.

"I don't feel at ease when I hear you call in the morning and have dinner in the evening. I specially changed my shift with my colleagues. I didn't answer your calls, and your assistant didn't answer the phone. If I couldn't contact you again, I had to call the police."

Wu Jiaqi pursed her lips: "Xiao Wang asked for leave. My mobile phone... May be out of power."

"It's cool at night. You drink wine again. You can't blow. You must have a headache when you get up tomorrow morning. Go home first." Tao Qian put his arm around her shoulder and walked in slowly.

Tao Xingxing hummed in the back. Her parents are true love. She was definitely an accident.

Wu Jiaqi looked at the man who was as gentle as jade around her, and her mind was gradually in a trance.

Tao Qian noticed that some of her thoughts did not belong to her, and asked with concern, "what's the matter?"

Wu Jiaqi quickly turned her head: "it's all right."

Tao Qian narrowed his eyes, saw that the clothes on her shoulder slipped, put them on her, smiled and said, "Qiqi, do you still remember what day it is today?"

Wu Jiaqi was stunned and frowned slightly.

Tao Xingxing turned his eyes and clapped his hands suddenly: "Mom, how can you forget such an important day? Today is the 17th anniversary of your acquaintance with your father."

Having a pair of loving parents means that there are endless festivals in the family. Tao Xingxing has long been a treasure on the anniversary of acquaintance, love and marriage.

"The company is too busy recently. I forgot about it." Wu Jiaqi said sorry.

"Sorry, ah Qian."

Tao Qian shook his head and laughed: "we are husband and wife. If you say sorry, you'll see it."

Wu Jiaqi pursed her lips and her memory brought her back 17 years ago.


"Qiqi, drink the sobering soup before you go to bed, or you will have a headache when you get up tomorrow morning. Darling, drink it before you go to bed."

Wu Jiaqi opened her eyes vaguely. The bedside lamp emitted a soft and dim yellow light. The man sat under the light with handsome eyes and gentle as jade, just as he first saw

"Ah Qian..." Wu Jiaqi murmured.

Tao Qian picked her up, fed her spoon by spoon, gently wiped the water stains from the corners of her mouth with a paper towel, and said softly, "go to sleep."·

Wu Jiaqi suddenly jumped into his arms and held his waist tightly

"Ah Qian, I'm sorry."

Tao Qian smiled, holding her waist with one hand and gently falling on her hair with the other.

Under the light, the eyes are as gentle as water.

"Have a good sleep, wake up, everything will be fine."


"Mingjing, we agreed that I'll wait for you at home at the weekend. You must come." Mrs. Shen took the mirror's hand and explained eagerly before she left.

Mingjing smiled and nodded: "come as promised."

Mrs. Shen got on the bus and left with Shen Shaojian.

Shen Zhou came to her. "Shen Ke has told me what happened at the door just now."

"In the light of my husband, he helped me block a trouble."

Shen Ke shook his head and smiled: "are you sarcastic about me?"

"I'm serious. Thank you."

Shen Ke looked at her and touched his nose: "don't talk about it. On the 20th of this month, my father's birthday has long been talking about you. Be sure to arrive."

Mingjing nodded: "Mr. Shen's invitation is a great honor."

Shen Zhou thought for a moment and said, "the old man wants to recognize you as his daughter. What do you think?"

Mingjing was stunned and looked at Shen Zhou: "dry daughter?"