Chapter 354 - Keep this a secret for now


Back in Fan Mansion at Imperial City, 

"How is this possible?!" Fan Xiyue snapped as she threw a file in her hands away. The papers in the file came out of it and fluttered across the air before slowly landing everywhere. Fan Xiyue then slammed her hands down on the table as a complicated expression appeared on her face. "This is impossible! There must be a mistake!" she muttered to herself. 

When she first saw the DNA report of Xiao Zhihao, she thought that there was a mistake. There had to be as the percentage and the report detail did not make any sense. 

She then asked the young man to do it again, and this time, it was to compare Xiao Zhihao's DNA with her own. 

Someone delivered it to her an hour ago, and she had been looking at it since then, going through it over and over again, making calls to her friends who were doctors. When everyone gave her the same answer as what was written in the report, she sat back in her seat. 

When her husband walked in and saw the mess in front of the huge worktable that was carved out of oak in their room, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong?" 

Fan Xiyue looked up, and she immediately replaced her frown with a gentle smile as she replied, "Nothing." 

She then stood up and went to pick up the papers on the floor. When she saw that Su Wei was approaching, she immediately said, "There's no need, honey. I can clean this up by myself." 

However, Su Wei ignored her and picked up some of the papers on the floor. As he handed the stack of papers to her, he accidentally saw some words on it. "DNA... test?" he read the words out loud. With a frown, he looked up at Fan Xiyue, hoping that she would explain it. 

Fan Xiyue saw his darkened expression and immediately said, "It's not our son! Su Wei, I have never betrayed you!" 

Su Wei knew that he failed to control his expression, so he closed his eyes for a while before saying, "I know you would never do stuff like that. I'm sorry if I scared you. But whose DNA is this?"

Fan Xiyue took the papers from him and put everything back into the file. As she placed the file in the drawer, she said, "It's Xiao Zhihao's."


"Xiao Xiao Lei's son. The one I asked you to help me out with."

Su Wei went through his memories and recalled the information about Xiao Xiao Lei. "Why are you testing for her son's DNA?"

Fan Xiyue looked at her husband, and after a while, she admitted, "I have a feeling that she might be my cousin, Wushuang." 

Su Wei blinked, and a small frown line appeared on his forehead. "Wushuang, your cousin who passed away when you were still a kid?" 

Fan Xiyue nodded. "When she disappeared, her body was never found, and her death was declared a few years after she disappeared." 

She leaned against the table and folded her arms as she continued, "Remember how I told you that I had a bad feeling about her?" 

Su Wei nodded as he leaned against the table as well. 

"She reminded me of my late aunt," Fan Xiyue said as she looked up at her husband. "I thought I was wrong, so I asked Xichen, and he said that he thought the same way too. He had a feeling that he knew Xiao Xiao Lei and that they might have met before. Other than photos, he did not have many memories of our late aunt and uncle, so he couldn't be sure. Although..."

She shook her head and said, "Xichen said that Xiao Xiao Lei appeared to be pregnant. He saw her caressing her stomach, and he said that it was like how I used to caress mine when I was pregnant with Su Qi."

Su Wei thought about it as he nodded slowly. "Xichen might be playful and has the mentality of a child, but he knows women... I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that he's right."

He looked at his wife and saw that she seemed bothered by something, so he asked, "Is there anything wrong with the Xiao Zhihao's DNA? What's the result?" 

Fan Xiyue sighed, and she pushed herself away from the table and paced around for a bit. "He's definitely related to us..." 

Upon hearing that, his eyes went wide open. "So Xiao Xiao Lei is definitely your cousin?"

Fan Xiyue nodded. "I think there's a 99% that she's Fan Wushuang. I don't believe that much in coincidence." 

Su Wei thought about it. If Xiao Xiao Lei was indeed Fan Wushuang, then there would be a lot of problems that they would have to face soon. For one thing, even though she was declared dead, Fan Wushuang could still come back and attempt to take back the company. Fan Lei's supporters were still in the company, and they all held high positions.

When Fan Chuan took over the company, Fan Lei's supporters were not happy with it. However, they could not do anything as Fan Chuan was next in line to inherit after Fan Wushuang. 

But if she came back now... Su Wei frowned. They had just moved to Imperial City, and if internal strife were to happen now, it could mean bad publicity. 

"What do you intend to do?" 

"It's not that easy..." Fan Xiyue frowned. "I tested Xiao Zhihao's DNA against my dad's and my own DNA, and both results came out the same. I did not know how, or if there's something I'm missing..."

"What did the report say?" 

"Xiao Zhihao's DNA compatibility with my father's DNA and mine was 25%..." Fan Xiyue said with a heavy tone. She then took her laptop from the table and showed her husband a DNA percentage chart on it. 

Su Wei looked at it, and the moment he made the connection, his usually calm facade was replaced by one of surprised. "No way! Could there be a mistake?" 

Fan Xiyue shook her head. "I did the test twice, at two different testing centers... And I've double-checked it with a few doctors. The results are accurate..."

Su Wei's expression mirrored his wife as he thought about the absurdity of the news. This news would be worse than Fan Wushuang's return. They could not allow it to be published at all, or both Fan Entertainment and Fan Family would be gone.

"Keep this a secret for now. Revealing it to anyone wouldn't do anyone any good, and it's definitely bad for us," Su Wei warned, and Fan Xiyue nodded her agreement. 

"No one must know about this..." Fan Xiyue mumbled as she looked at the drawer where she kept the DNA reports.