Chapter 332 - Anna Miller

"Please, please let him live." These were the words of Landon Song.

While Landon was sincerely pleading, kneeling down in front of Andrea,  Lu Fang grabbed Hanxi's wrist and extended it to him saying, "Here, you best hold on to our brother's hand than  my wife's."

He released Andrea's hand quickly and laughed saying, "Well I didn't know Mr. Lu was so humorous."

"Listen, Mr. and Mrs. Lu, you may choose to ignore or deny my request. I would understand, but I am begging you to consider my plea," he said before one by one looking at them in the eye. "I will be patient and plan to stay here in China  until I prove myself worthy of your trust."

Lu Fang, Andrea, and Hanxi looked at each other before the man spoke, "gaining our trust is one thing and it would be good if you really mean well. However, we still insist on not knowing about your brother being missing, Mr. Song."

Landon Song nodded his head. He knew it was a tough call, however; he had already known about Lu Fang's history with the shipping tycoon in France, Bertrand Duval. The turn of events that led to the end of the said man was orchestrated by Lu Fang. He knew that Lu Fang was capable of taking his brother. 

After learning of Lu Fang and the Davies' encounter with Bertrand Duval, he had tried to warn his brother, but Michael was stubborn. He recalled his words to him, "Brother, Lu Fang will not make a move because I have the cure to his wife's disease. Besides, that woman? His wife? She has children. I'm sure she would rather want to live than to die."

He thought, if his brother can only turn back time, he was sure he would take a different route. 

They ended their discussion, still without making a decision. Since it was late, Hanxi and the couple returned to the mansion, merely texting Gao Rou to catch up in the morning. 

Landon Song was on the road, headed toward's Michael's Mansion when he received a call, "Sir we have let Anna go as you have instructed, but she - she tried to take your nephew. When we reprimanded her, she demanded to speak to your brother. What should we do?."

He took a deep breath, knowing he had much to explain to Anna.  However, because he had committed to Lu Fang and Andrea to linger in Beijing he said, "I'll have the plane return to the US. Tell Anna, if she wants to see me - I mean Michael, she will have to fly to China."

He closed his eyes, looking back to the time he met Anna. She was so beautiful and radiant then until Michael took an interest in her. 

Michael and Landon were identical twins. Only those who had seen them grow together could tell them apart. They were still in their early twenties when they had a chance to present their research to a wealthy investor when Michael broke down out of exhaustion. He was hours away from the very important meeting that Landon decided to be his brother. Besides, he had more knowledge of the product. 

Needless to say, Landon Song brought home the bacon and their income flourished since. 

Michael was first upset of Landon's reckless move but soon realized two heads were better than one. It was Michael who traveled around the world to identify illnesses and diseases, sending the data to his brother. At the same time, Michael met and partnered with those in the same business from different counties. 

While Michael was good at selling their products and services, Landon was better at analyzing data and coming up with a patent for a new drug. 

Anna Miller was a scientist in one of their laboratories. It was there where Landon met her. She was beautiful and smart and it did not take long for Landon to fall in love with her. His fault was he failed to inform his brother about his growing affection in Anna. 

When Michael visited their main laboratory in the US, he first thought it was strange that Anna was friendly with him. However, Michael had a completely different personality that Anna immediately became distant with him. Even after Landon switched back with his brother, Anna no longer gave him attention. Landon let it be and merely observed Anna from a distance with admiration. 

To Anna's point of view, Michael's split personality confused her, but the arrogant side of him was more reason to avoid him permanently. 

Unfortunately, her brilliance let her shine too much that Michael Song became interested in her. She was, after all, the only woman that ignored him in his every visit. He pursued her but Anna rejected him repeatedly, being the only woman that ever humiliated him, he became committed to getting her by force. 

When he traveled to the town in Lindi in Tanzania, he learned of the Kimya disease. Kamil, a gang leader was known to be the savior of three women he had impregnated. He was rumored to have been bewitched in order to save the lives of those who developed the disease. His discovery resulted in the scheme that led Anna to be Michael's first victim. 

It was only after Anna had been injected with the disease when Landon learned of his brother's doing. He could never forget the very day that found out. 

Anna had resigned from work. It worried Landon that he even tried to look for her. He had not taken Michael Song's place for nearly a month and he had not heard of her since. 

The head scientist had requested some documents to be retrieved but Landon could not find it in Michael's office. He figured it was in his penthouse. Just before heading there, Michael had revealed that he was in a relationship with Anna and she had been living in his apartment for weeks.

Landon was instantly hurt the moment he received the news, but arriving at Michael's penthouse, his world crumbled. He saw Anna, curling into a ball on the floor. It was clear that she had been crying for God knows how long. 

"Why are you here already? You said you'd let me take a week break? Wasn't it enough that you violated me for days?!" She broke down in front of him but soon she got up and said, "I'm sorry Michael, please. I don't want to die." 

While she tried to take off her clothes she said, "Here, you can take me."

A tear fell down his cheek, and he said, "I am not the man you think, Anna. Please put back your clothes. I am here to get some documents and nothing more."

From that day on Anna experienced both Landon and Michael Song. It bothered her, but neither Michael nor Landon revealed the truth to her.