Chapter 207 - Leave for France

Andrea got a few calls from Yeong after their conversation, but she dared not answer. She did not want to open a discussion about how she and Lu Fang got together. Since she no longer heard from them the next day, she could only assume they worked it out. 

She checked her email and saw Yanmei had sent a few which meant she had reported back for work. It was only after almost a week when she sent a text message to Yanmei asking what resulted from their talk. She got a simple reply saying she will call her during the weekend and that they were working it out. 

She still avoided her brother, but as a precaution, she discussed with the man a few arranged dates just in case an interrogation happens. 

"What? February two is our anniversary date?" Lu Fang asked, completely puzzled. 

"Yes, babe. For when we got together while we dated."

"Since when did we have such a date? I think this is the day we met at the restaurant, isn't it?"

The two were having the talk in bed before taking slumber when Andrea brought it up. She let out a sigh while rolling her eyes and answered, "We do now and oh, you courted me two weeks before that."

"What? I'm totally lost - "

"Just do as I say, you know just in case Yeong calls and asks."

Before resting that evening, she disclosed to the man how her recent chat with her brother went and with no further questions; the man agreed and said, "How about we set back the courting date to a year before?"

"Pfft! He would definitely know we are lying."  

Andrea was crying as she packed Lu Fang's clothes. He was to leave the next day with Christina for the UK. It will be the first time that they will be apart from each other for more than a week. 

"This is weird, I don't know why I am crying," she said while wiping her tears away. 

Lu Fang wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and started kissing her from her temples down to her cheeks. "Don't cry, babe. We'll talk often and we can have a video call with the twins. Just get yourself busy with the wedding preparations. That should get your mind off the fact that I am not around."

She turned to him and hugged him back tightly before expressing her thoughts, "I'll miss you so badly… Chevre and Brie will miss you too."

"Hmmm, don't stress out, babe. I'll be back before you know it."

The couple never got to have their alone time as planned. Their busy schedule got in the way, but they satisfied themselves in some sweet lovemaking the night before at their home. They committed to do the same that night. 

The man spent all his time taking care of the twins on the morning of his departure. It was his way of bonding with them as he will be away for at least two weeks. 

Christina together with Lu Wei also came to their home to give kisses to their grandchildren before they leave for the airport. Due to the time difference, they were set to take off in the afternoon and arrive after a long thirteen-hour flight the following day, early in the morning. This way, they could just sleep on it as they flew. 

Alfred had sent over his private plane to Beijing, which would serve as their transportation to Europe. It was more convenient for them as the Davies' pilot was familiar with the route. 

As they were on their way to the airport, Andrea noticed Lu Fang wearing the watch she first gave him. "Babe, why are you wearing this? I bought you two others that looked better."

"It's my first gift from you, I wanted to bring it with me," said the man as he smiled and hugged her. They cuddled up in the back seat of the car while Hanxi drove them. Christina and Lu Wei, on the other hand, were in a different car. 

"Babe, that watch as a tracker on it. It's also outdated. It wasn't mean for business display," she reminded him. 

"I know, I know. I just wanted to wear this one. It's a Rolex, it's still perfectly worth displaying."

Christina had already boarded the plane while Lu Fang was still on the ground holding tightly his wife. He reminded her to take her regular meals without him and assured her he would call the moment they landed. 

It took almost fifteen minutes before they let go of each other and as the plane took off, Andrea watched from outside the airport and only left when the plane was nowhere in sight. 

"You are too dramatic nowadays, don't you think?" Asked Xio Hanxi. 

She glared at him and said, "Hanxi, you better find a girlfriend so you'll understand what I'm going through... Anyway, let's go back to the twins."

Andrea could barely sleep that night. So she spent most of her time looking after the twins despite Xing Mi being around. It was only after three in the morning that she fell asleep out of tiredness. 

The sun had come up and she was still asleep. Her phone had been ringing since seven in the morning but it was only after half an hour that she woke up. 

She checked her device and saw ten missed calls from Alfred. She immediately called him back. "Dad, how are mom and Lu Fang?"

There was a moment of silence before she heard her foster father speak, "Andy the plane never landed here in UK. I've been trying to have my team track it but it seemed like the plane was purposely meddled with."

Andrea felt her heart crushed from inside her that she could barely breathe. Panic struck her as she frantically opened her laptop and attempted to track her husband's phone. She could not identify its location. She figured it was probably outside China's range and with Li Wen's access to the satellites, she did another search. Still, she ended up with nothing. 

She immediately called Lu Wei and informed him of what had happened and he rushed to the Penthouse suite without delay. 

"Andy, calm yourself down," Hanxi said seeing his sister slamming her hands constantly while trying to get a location of Lu Fang. "Remember, he wore the Rolex watch? Try to track that."

She quickly worked on her laptop following Hanxi's suggestion and soon pinned its location. They were on an island in the costs of France. 

She let out a sigh and while trembling she told Hanxi, "We need to leave for France as soon as possible."