Chapter 160 - Divorce

Harold Smith was making a follow-up on Lu Fang's promise to visit the US with an opportunity to invest in pharmaceuticals. "Lu Fang, how are you? You missed the boxing fight."

"I am sorry Mr. Smith, but things had been difficult for me and my wife lately… I have given it much thought and I regret to say, we just don't have the time to venture into a new line of business at the moment."

Harold was disappointed. His daughter has been apathetic towards everything, demanding to see Lu Fang. When he came back from his visit to Beijing, his agents managed to capture photos of the man and together with a few he took himself as part of a selfie, he handed them to Patricia. This dramatically increased her yearning for Lu Fang. 

Last week, his daughter was brought to the hospital having fainted all of a sudden. With nothing else to blame, it was pinned against her heart condition. The doctors told him to make her feel loved and minimize disappointing her, but how can he when all she wanted was to see a married man?

He needed to make Lu Fang come to the US, if not, they can go to him, wherever he is. 

"Now, don't make such quick decisions you might regret. I'm sure you have done your research and our products are being distributed in most parts of the world. Let's work something out. How about I visit you in Beijing next week? I will bring my family with me and you can meet them as well."

"I'm sorry Mr. Smith, but we are going to Korea for a month. Before meeting you, I have already committed to a business partner in Korea." Lu Fang lied. He needed to make an excuse not to accommodate Harold Smith's proposal. 

Suddenly, the man heard screams from inside the restaurant. He sought to see what was happening and found a woman shouting at Gabriel. It was the blond lady he bumped into earlier. 

When the girl directed her screams to his wife, he turned devilish. 'How dare you!' He thought. He hung up and rushed to his wife's side. 

Andrea didn't care about being called a slut. She knew the truth. She knew who stole who, to begin with, but the moment Taya took a box of that colorful French macarons, everything went into slow motion for her.  

She literally saw each movement the box made. From being picked up, to the contents jumping in its place, merengue cracking, some being crushed, it was utterly heartbreaking for her. They would have absolutely crushed better in her mouth. She imagined tasting each flavor, slowly crunching on them and letting it melt away in her tongue. 

She lost control of her temper and threatened the two with a table knife. 

The moment Lu Fang grabbed on to Taya's wrist he warned her firmly, "Don't you ever, ever take my wife's snacks!"

"What?" Nancy had a puzzled look on her face. 'Wife? Macarons?'

It took nearly half a minute for Taya to process everything and when she did, she asked, "You…You're worried about the…" She stared at the gift box and saw the contents. Her brows drew together and her lips formed into a circle before she resumed, "you are upset because of the macarons?"

"You have no idea how hard it is to find a decently made French macarons in China. Don't you dare judge my reaction. Not every pastry chef can whip up a perfectly shaped meringue and come-up with unique flavors like these!" Andrea said before sitting back down to her chair. She immediately opened the gift box and started to eat those that did not get crushed. 

Nancy's eyes suddenly shifted from left to right, wondering, 'Is this the Andy that I know?'

Taya, bent her head to the side, her eyes wider than ever, looking at the pregnant woman eating on the macarons and ignoring the important issue at hand. 

"Who are you calling a slut? My wife is pregnant with my babies and no one else!" Said the man, now fuming in anger. 

"Your wife?" Taya asked, now bewildered. Nancy had told her that Andrea seduced Gabriel and was pregnant with his child, but apparently the sexy, handsome looking man whom she just met a few minutes ago, was her husband?

Her mind was screaming off jealousy. She could not believe how lucky Andrea was. 

"Nancy! Why are you here? and how could you say this about Andy when we have told you countless times that she had nothing to do with Gabriel and Taya!" Alfred finally spoke, his voice raised. 

Without delay, Lu Fang called for security to escort the two women outside. He turned to Alfred and said, "Dad, I don't care if this is your wife. I don't respect women who do not respect mine."

"No! You cannot do this to me, I am a Davies! My name is Nancy Davies - "

"Excuse me, but you are only a Davies on paper. If my brother did not marry you, you would remain to be a nobody," Christina interrupted as her eyes rolled. 

Gabriel and Alfred stepped outside the restaurant when security came to fetch the uninvited guests. They found themselves in a secluded area to talk. It was then that Nancy found out of her upcoming fate as a Davies. 

"Nancy, I am divorcing you."

"What? You are joking!"

"I am not laughing now, Am I? I have been thinking about this for months but sadly, your actions made it easier for me to conclude! Go home and I will have my lawyers send you the alimony agreement!"

Nancy felt fear that her lips trembled, hearing her husband's words. "Alfred, you can't be serious… You love me?" She held on to his arm for life and pleaded, "Please, Alfred. Don't leave me. I won't do this again, I promise!"

"You think I don't know about all the misdeeds you have done? That you had Andy kidnapped?" Alfred already had his hand firmly holding Nancy's wrist. "You think you had made my son happy by dictating his life? Look at my son if he was happy with staying with Taya all these years!"

Taya was still at a loss from the earlier revelation. Now hearing her name, she asked, "Dad, what are you saying?" 

"Taya, you should know that my dearest wife had been forcing Gabriel to hold on to your relationship for the company shares that you gave her. If it were not for that, she would not have supported your engagement," told Alfred. 

"No! It's a lie - "

"It's not a lie," Interrupted Gabriel. He gazed at Taya and confirmed everything. "All my mother wanted was the company shares. If not for her continued pushing, I would have left you a long time ago when I realized I made a mistake in choosing you."