Chapter 71 - Wine and Cheese

There were three rooms in the lake house. Go Bolin took one room and locked himself in. Gao Rou took the living room sofa and Xio Hanxi was in another room.

The couple stayed in the master's bedroom and as they were getting ready to slumber for the night, Lu Fang tried to get more information about "The fiancé." He tried to probe further but Andrea wanted to avoid the topic.

"Why do you want to talk about him? He's like FORGOTTEN. Besides, I never asked about Shen Mian."

"What's he like? Is he handsome? Why did you break up?"

Andrea smiled at him and trailed kisses from his face down to his lips. "You are the most handsome of all the men I've ever met."

The man's expression became dark hearing she had met other men and asked, "How many others are there?"

"Babe, let's go to bed. I'm tired – "

"How many boyfriends have you had?"

Andrea sighed and responded, "Just Gabriel."

"What about General Lei?"

"What? We just dated, we never made it officially."

"So Gabriel was the name of your ex-fiancé?" He continued to ask hoping to know more about his rival in love.

Andrea snuggled in his chest and closed her eyes before saying, "Babe, let's go to sleep. Please. We need to wake up early in the morning and head back."

There was no response from the man so she took a peek at his face. He was in deep thought. The idea of someone almost tying the knot with her made him envious.

"He cheated on me. He has a new girlfriend and fiancé. He is probably happy, now."

"Babe, we each have our past relationships and there were reasons why it did not work. Maybe you are the reason... I'm happy I met you. If we did not break up, I would not come here and I would not have met you." She looked at him straight in the eye while saying this.

"You are right, babe. You're right. I should thank the man... I love you, Andy."

"Hmmm… I love you… give me a kiss goodnight." Andrea raised her head and pulled him down for peck before dozing off.

Morning came and the couple thought it was a perfect day for a quick run so they headed out before the sun came up while Gao Rou was left with Go Bolin preparing for breakfast.

When Xio Hanxi woke up, he felt relieved knowing Andrea was not yet around and took a shower before coming out to help prepare for the meal. He was hoping he would avoid the scolding when she sees him looking fresh without a hangover.

Ultimately, his plan worked, seeing her brother bathed with a sorry look on his face and helping Gao Rou in the kitchen did not make Andrea agitated. She thought, 'At least he is trying to make up for it.'

After having a sumptuous breakfast, the group drove back to the city in the same car arrangement as they did when they came.

The moment they arrived at the mansion and settled their belongings, Lu Fang went straight to the study and worked his butt off while Andrea took advantage of the free time resting in their huge bed alone.

It was already night time when she woke up. She looked at the time and was disappointed. It was already 8 o'clock and her man was not beside her nor did he wake her up. She went down to the kitchen and saw that the food was ready.

Lu Fang was on a video conference with a project manager currently in Singapore. They were hoping to branch out to the country since Singapore was a perfect place to find the best workers across Asia. It was easily accessible to neighboring countries and a known Asian hub that many hopeful foreign job seekers often come to look for work. Since he was planning to go global, he wanted to set-up a multiracial team that spoke different languages and had prior experience in e-commerce.

They were currently discussing the challenge of getting enough marketing associates to do the job when Andrea came knocking at the door.

The man looked up to see who it was and smiled at her. "Babe, I'm just in a meeting and I'll be right out for dinner."

"You've been in a meeting the whole day?"

"No, it has only been an hour. I was working on something else earlier."

"I'm on a meeting with Sameer, the project manager I hired in Singapore."

Seeing the puzzled face of Sameer, Lu Fang introduced her. "That was Andrea, my girlfriend."

Although he never rotated the laptop for Sameer to see her, he was polite enough to greet the future lady boss. "Good evening Mrs. Lu. It's nice to meet you."

She smiled at being called Mrs. Lu and acknowledged. "Same to you, Sameer."

Instead of going back to the kitchen she sat on the chair across his table and just watch the man in front of his laptop while listening in to their conversation. When she learned of their dilemma, she thought to share her two cents so they could finish up quickly.

"Babe, nowadays, many digital marketing associates would prefer part-time work. It can be hard to get their loyalty. I suggest you keep a good marketing manager or director and maybe two other good associates. Pay them really well and set-up a commission scheme like an affiliate program to encourage other marketing campaigns without spending for it."

The man looked up to her while holding his chin with the use of his fist and seemingly considering her idea.

"Yes, I think that is a great idea," says Sameer.

They continued to talk more about Andrea's recommendation and she gladly added to her suggestion making the project manager become more impressed with the future Mrs. Lu.

When their meeting finally ended, Andrea signaled the man to follow her in the kitchen as she was walking towards the door. The man nodded and sent text messages to Go Bolin before heading out.

"Make a reservation at the Marriot East Hotel tomorrow for a presidential suite."

"Have them prepare a platter of cheese and two bottles of wine... make that a lot of cheese especially the soft kinds."

Little did Andrea know the man had made himself busy so he could free up some of his Monday work and spend the rest of the afternoon with her.

Xio Hanxi had already told him that Andrea goes crazy over cheese and could empty an entire bottle wine in minutes with a set of her favorite soft cheeses specifically blue, brie, and camembert.

Lu Fang was smiling mischievously thinking about tomorrow when he heard her call out to him.

"Food is ready!"

"Coming, babe."