Chapter 396 - 392 Then I Leave

((( RHIO POV's )))

I almost hit Ivy after what she did.

"From now on, I don't want to know that you brought Kevin out again! Otherwise, you will find what you are looking for!"

I was so surprised when I heard what happened while I was in the office.

Deo and I hurried out to get them out of that ruckus. I didn't expect Ivy could do that.

"I'm sorry Rhio. I just did what was right. He's entitled to be known by the public as another Zel Cantheliz."

"Bullshit! I would've done that before if that's important…but I didn't. Did you know how much danger you're put my son into after that TV appearance!"

"If Jasmin did that, will you be mad? No!" I clenched my fingers and turned away from her.

"If you want the marriage to happen, you better shut your f.u.c.k.i.n.g mouth! You're not privileged to do anything to my son without me knowing first. I know and believe that if Jasmin was here, she wouldn't do anything like that because she knows how dangerous it will be for her son! "


"Shut up!" I went out.

And when it was time for dinner, we ate silently.

"Dad ... I'm sorry." I looked at Kevin. "Are you and Mama fighting?"

Ivy and I looked at each other.

"" It was Ivy.

"Well then...are we going to the zoo?" I spoke before Ivy could say anything.

"When the weather is good tomorrow, we will."


"I think I'm not going to co-" Ivy wasn't able to finish her sentence when I stared at her.

She kept silent and continued eating. I knew she was about to do her drama again in front of the kid.

((( JASMIN POV's )))

I got up early for something else until a Kindergarten Teacher came up to me for a favor. She was asking if I could go and accompany the children on their tour to the zoo. I didn't refuse.

Although I had no vigor to do anything that day, I agreed to come anyway.

"We're so early today," Derick greeted me. He was also up before the sun even rose to the sky.

"...I should've cooked today instead. I've been freeloading on you," I said.

"It's okay."

"And... I'll be with going today with the kids from the nursery nearby. A teacher asked me to."

Derick nodded.

"I think it's better than sulking whole day. Can you take Aby with you? The Landlady said she'd be leaving today."

Sena Mangampo Copyright Property

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