Chapter 366 - 361 What kind of play was it again?

((( RHIO POV's )))

There was something wrong with the warm smiles and the greetings that the people had given me. It just felt so wrong. I leaned at the corner and tapped the shoulder of one of my men. It is an order, a sign which all of us knew so well, for them to be alert.

There was danger. I knew they could also sense trouble from the strange aura of the businessmen around us. I didn't even sit at a table that was reserved for me and stayed standing while I feigned interest in talking.

"Many projects have been successful during our partnership, Mr. Zel Cantheliz."

"That's great to hear, Ma'am," I faked back a smile. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Deo following some people. I also noticed how the number of businessmen going outside were replaced by numerous men in black and sunglasses going inside.

My eyes wandered around until the lights went off.

Alarm rose and panicking screams were heard. I didn't move; not even when a muzzle of a gun was pointed at the back of my head.

Someone ordered everybody not to move.

Then the lights returned. I saw several businessmen being pointed at with guns too. There were also beams of laser from a few more guns that were pointed at my body. I hid a smile.

What kind of play was it again?

Somebody ordered for us to sit on the floor and bow our heads low. I could hear the guy who was ordering us around speaking with somebody else. Their words made me cringe…

"Sir, the security in the Zel Cantheliz's villa is very tight."

They were talking about one thing…

My own family.