((( Jasmin POV's )))

After we ate, Dr. Niel took him for a talk.

And I knew, it has something to do with that problem again.

I walked by the poolside and saw a hammock hanging between the trees on the nearby security post. As I approached, I saw a newspaper lying on the makeshift net sling.

It's been a while since I heard some news so in my curiosity, I took the paper and opened it. Rhio's face was printed on it but before I could read the caption, somebody pulled it from my hands.

"Ma'am…uhm, this is mine," the security guard scratched his head anxiously.

"I'm just going to read something."

"But…you're forbidden to read any news."

"What?" He left without answering me.

What did that newspaper say about Rhio?

I was only able to read SUMMIT. Because I was so curious about that periodical, I lost interest in wandering around. I just decided to take a bath back upstairs.

I was about to enter our room when I passed by Rhio's study room.

The door to it was open. I went in and saw a similar newspaper lying on the table.

When I opened it to the page where I saw Rhio's face, the complete heading read… SUMMIT MASSACRE.

I scanned through the article and passed by a summary of the Zel Cantheliz Massacre. Below it was the writer's extended commentary that said…

"The Zel Cantheliz lineage carries the genes of the devil. They are inhumane beings who bring forth merciless activities. They are bloodlust predators…Animals…"

My knees weakened and the newspaper slipped from my hands. Rhio wasn't like that.

I stormed out that room in fear…in worry. I didn't know what I should feel exactly. But my tears fell. And when I met Sya outside, I hugged her instantly.

I needed comfort.

"What's the problem dear?" I didn't reply.

And as Rhio arrived, I remained embraced at the old woman.

"Jasmin," his voice was gentle. I hugged Sya tighter.

"What's happening to her?" he asked.

A strong hand pried me from the hug. It was him. "Jasmin!"

"Get away from me!"

"Jasmin." I just cried harder.

"What's the problem?" he hugged me.

"Rhio…" Before I realized, he has taken me back to the room.

"Please calm down," he gave me a glass of water which I instantly drank.

I was so thirsty.

My heart was beating fast. I felt something was wrong with Rhio. I knew he was good man but there has been instances in the past that showed me his dark side.

So there was a possibility that he could do something like that. I felt pathetic for doubting him but….

Sena Mangampo Copyright Property

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