((( JASMIN POV's )))

I was busily picking flowers in the garden when Mister Simon came.

"Good morning,' I greeted him. He just nodded in response and busied himself with trimming the topiaries. "What's the news outside the villa?"

I tried to be as polite as I could. He didn't even turn his head to me. This old man was really a snob! But I was surprised when he spoke, "As usual…it's chaotic."

"Is that so?" I plucked the stems that would look good for a bouquet. It'll be a waste if it'll just get trimmed and left to wither.

"About Rhio…do you have any news?" I asked again. He didn't answer. I could already feel that this old man doesn't like me.

"Ah," I broke the awkward silence, "Thanks for the flowers." But before I could leave, he spoke.

"Whatever you hear from the outside, don't ever leave Rhio and your baby."

It made the hairs on my nape stand.

"History might just repeat itself," he added.

I wanted an explanation for those eerie words but I was interrupted by a voice that called out, "Miss Jasmin, Master Rhio is back!"