((( DEO POV's )))

Rhio was livid at what he heard earlier. There's already an impact on his reputation regardless if no evidence has yet proven him guilty. The media released information that Rhio has gotten out safe from the Summit a day before the bombing happened. And although the news wasn't an accusation, it indirectly made the public assume otherwise. Many hated him and that was enough to create false stories and point their fingers at him.

Rhio's ancestral history didn't help either.

The Zel Cantheliz massacre has been known to the FBI and it must've added to their suspicion of Rhio's credibility. But I don't believe he has planned that tragedy. Although he's hard-hearted, Rhio knew how important life was. He could be verbally abusive but he wouldn't physically harm people without a definite reason.

I cleared Rhio's schedule for the day. It's better for him to stay out of office for a few days and clear his mind. After all, he's lost Elthon too.

Amidst the controversy, I'm happy that Miss Jasmin was there for him.

"I cleared your schedule for today."

"For what reason?" Rhio's brows curved upwards.

"Jasmin would be discharged from the hospital today, remember?" He suddenly sighed.

"By the way…before I leave, tell the Accounting Department that I still haven't received their report about the withdrawal of the Brundons' entire account in the company."

"About that," I answered, "their accounts were worth billions. Their shares reached at least sixty-three percent of the Cryzastic. Letting go of their accounts would have a major drawback to the Cryzastic. Are you really sure about that?"

"We have to let go of the Brundons. I don't care if it'll cost us billions."

"The Cryzastic would go bankrupt."

"Oh c'mon Deo. Just open the funds of my grandfather and use it."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Did you just hesitate about my decision now?"

"Alright," I took my tablet, "I'll just prepare the documents."

He was really decided to kick Derick and the Brundons out of his company. But I guessed it was smart.

Rhio's problem was getting bigger and Derick might just add up.

Especially with Miss Jasmin…