Chapter 156 - Chapter 155


((( DEO )))

"Negative sir," the officer told me.

My forehead burned feverishly in anger.  

How was it possible? I've deployed enough men to secure their safety and of all things, Dennise was there. I'm confident she could defend Claire and without any doubts, she's faithful to schedules Zhio was giving her.

Zhio will be furious if he'd knew.


My blood was seething at nobody in particular but at the bad thought that suddenly popped into my mind.

"Zhio expects them to be home by now. None of them were answering my calls so track the car's location instead and update me about their whereabouts. I hope nothing bad happened."

"Yes sir."

When the call ended, I hesitated to go after Zhio. There's nothing I could really say to him. I have to confirm their safety first, else he'd be on an angry outburst again.

I anxiously stayed outside and waited for their call. In just a few minutes, my phone rang.

"We found the car," the officer's words made my heart race.

"But it was empty."


"The car got into an accident and all its passengers were brought to the hospital."

I slapped my forehead in dismay.

"How are they?"

"Still under observation."

"Did Eriez knew about it already?"

"Yes. They rushed to the hospital immediately after the news of it."

"Give me important updates about their condition later. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

I hurriedly ascended the stairs towards the assembly office. Zhio was still busily speaking.

I walked outside again and waited for at least an hour.

When the meeting ended, he remained inside discussing something with an important personnel.  But when he saw me, he immediately dismissed him.  

I felt myself paling in fear and at loss of words as he approached me.

"What time did they get back to the mansion?" he asked immediately.

"Sir," my knees were buckling.

"They hadn't returned yet."

His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"What do you mean? Did Claire escape?"

"Their car got into an accident…they were inside it when it happened."


Zhio's yell made the room tremble. He almost hit his fists on the wall.

"Prepare the plane. I need to leave now!"