Chapter 61 - Chapter 60





A notification popped at the corner of my screen. Another email from Eriez.  

Subject: Candidates for Dating.  

It led to an online drive where the number of women profiles kept increasing daily.

Most of them were daughters of Eriez's influential connections, clients, or medical associates. Wenziel soon helped with the matchmaking and added more to the growing gallery of my possible mates.

Eriez has been more careful not to include in the options any female associated with both the Zel Cantheliz and Cryzastic companies since my uneventful date with Jessica.  

It has been a month since then but both of them hadn't given up yet.


I replied to his mail and chose the last woman in the list. Time passed in a blink and she was now in front of me.  

Fair and pretty.

But I wasn't interested at all.  

"How much did Eriez pay you to attend this date?"

I yawned as I stared directly into her eyes. I had wasted too much time doing something this lame.

The smile that was etched in her face since the second we met has vanished. Her face flushed and she stood up as fast as a cat.

"Do you think I need your money?"

"Why not? I'm the famous young billionaire after all," I teased as she agitatedly turned to leave.

It was the first time a woman left before I could. I was glad at the lost date but was irritated not to have made her felt miserable more than that single effortless line. I stayed there a little more time and waited until Eriez came.  

I cut the untouched steak on my plate into pieces and forked them deliberately to my mouth as the doctor came into sight. He looked angry but was surprised to see me there instead of a crying woman.  

I raised my hand in surrender and grinned at him, "I behaved well but it seemed like my date didn't like me. She walked away."

"God… "He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.

"What am I going to do with you, Zhio?"  

I sneered, "Simple. Just leave me alone."  
