Chapter 34 - Chapter 33


((( CLAIRE )))

"I know he's rich alright," I argued.

"At some point I was being a hypocrite since I wished to be rich but I want to marry for love, not for money. I just don't feel anything for him."  

The manager suddenly lifted her eyes from the paper to mine,

"You're refusing an offer of a lifetime, girl."

"You've set your standard too high that no bachelor would attempt to climb," Diane reprimanded then smiled mockingly.

"But if Derick falls in love with me then you suddenly want him back, it wouldn't be his fault."  

I averted my attention back to work to avoid being bugged by continuous teasing. My hands were usually full at work all day so my mind was kept clear of other things I worry about.

Everything I do, I do it with passion.

After my shift, the manager called me to her office. It was the first time it happened so I was anxious to have done anything wrong. If I lose my job, my family would starve badly.  

"Take a seat," she offered.

"Somebody talked to me earlier about you."

An angry customer who wasn't satisfied with my service?

"Are you still willing to work here?" she continued.

"Yes I do," I replied fast. I suddenly felt cold sweat beading all over my face.

"I'm happy to hear that but…"

But? Are they laying off employees? My heart was skipping by twos already.

"I don't want to lose an employee like you but someone asked me to…" she smiled.

Lose? She has said the magic word. Somebody asked her to fire me and it was certainly someone powerful. Could it be Derick?

He must have hated me for rejecting him…

"I was asked to offer you something. And it would help this fast food chain a lot if you accept it," my eyes widened as she explained.

"Apparently, you wouldn't be coming in here anymore but will still receive your monthly salary."

"Who could possibly" I was curious "thought of helping me?"

The morose image of Zhion witlessly came to mind. He's rich after all. But another guess popped in.

"The person came from Cryzastic and I have a hunch it was Derick. Anyway, all you have to do is sign this paper," the manager took a pen and pushed the file in front of me.

I frowned at the thought of Derick so I immediately made a decision. I don't want to accept anything from him.  

"I refuse."  

All the enthusiasm the manager has shown was swiftly wiped off her face. Her expression went from a smile to an ugly grimace. She was surprised by my refusal and was obviously disappointed.

"What? Then I can't let you work here too."

"Why not? I have worked here diligently every day," I complained but kept my voice low. She's still my superior.  

"Sign this or lose your job," she threatened.

That's too much!

"I'll think about it," I answered skeptically.  

"Fifteen minutes."
