v2 Chapter 412: : Blood Festival Reincarnation

Alum's words made a few girls who were scared and felt better, as long as they couldn't enter the moon, waiting for a while.

Only if you can't go in and kill the Tsar's curse is a big deal for them. They don't want to be a man, or a monster that is not male or female.

Everyone stood at the gate of the city waiting for the red light to appear again.

Phoenix dance yawned on the shoulders of Alum, and a pair of **** scorpions dyed a trace of dampness.

The water drops on the eyelashes, the phoenix dance took out a big chicken leg and smashed up. For her, the tsar did not eat anything important.

A lot of spirits followed the phoenix dance, talking and talking, studying the bones of the study of the bones, and leisurely around the king's spirit and the phoenix dance, can't see before, can now see the straight feeling of this picture Some eggs hurt.

"Wait a little more, the Red Moon may be preparing a trap for us, maybe." The baby flew to the ear of the phoenix dance, whispered.

"What do you mean?" Feng Dance asked the baby.

"You are stupid! Don't you think that the name of Xiao Qi is very awkward? She said that the tsar killed all of them, but in her mouth, did you hear her cursing the tsar, if it is true? It’s good to hate the tsar and never call the other party to be king.

Feng Dance is pure but not stupid. She only rarely uses her brains. Now, along with the thoughts given by the baby, she can easily figure out some things.

Then nodded in agreement, staring at the baby with a face of worship.

The baby is so powerful, why didn’t she think of it~

The star eyes of the phoenix dance make the baby more useful. Pulling down the baby continues to say some of the discoveries along the way.

"There is one more thing. Didn't you notice that except for Xiaoqi, are other spirits very strange? They didn't speak, just surrounded us all the way.

When we entered the palace, Xiaoqi appeared in the palace, and the other spirits have been standing outside the palace gate. I found that they did not want to come in because the palace had guardian enchantment power and they could not enter.

Then the problem is coming again. Other spirits can't get in. Why can the kings and Xiaoqi come in, and if the enchantment can only stop the spirit that has been cursed, then Xiaoqi should also be blocking the scope.

Although her change was only halfway through, she already had a curse on her body. It is reasonable to say that she should not come in, but she not only came in, but also talked with us for a long time.

Another point, if this Xiaoqi really has the ability to enter the enchantment of the palace at any time, other spirits should not bully her, after all, other spirits can not enter the palace, the spirit does not need to eat, she goes There is a hiding inside who can bully her, but she said that she is often bullied, which is also very unreasonable. ”

"The strangest thing is that what she said is obviously inconsistent with what we saw in the diary. You can recall that in the diary, in addition to the diary master, several newcomers have come into the desert city, the diary master. The change has not yet been completed, not to mention those who are even later than her.

If it is really like what she said, once this change will stop changing, then those who came to the ancient city of the desert should not change.

They died when they didn't complete the change, and they couldn't change after death. But those people didn't mention it, as if they had never appeared.

With so many doubts, they actually did not find it. I was also drunk with this IQ. "The baby suddenly has a feeling of crushing the opponent on the wisdom, how to break?"

The one piece that the baby gave out shows that the little Qi is a big problem person. It doesn't know that the smarter ones in this group are Alum, Caesar, Junze and Lechen, Zicheng. Have you seen it, anyway, it can be sure that the phoenix dance fool is absolutely unable to find these doubts.

"These bones are all killed by the sorcerer, you don't have to look at it again." The spirit of the emperor saw the aunt holding a human bone in his face and looked at it seriously. He stepped forward and said faintly.

"The sorcerer? Do you know how they died?" Alum turned his head and the young man who saw him from the eyes of the emperor in his eyes respected him and made the spirit of the emperor feel quite useful.

If the spirit of the emperor is in a good mood, don't mind telling him more.

Others have also been attracted attention, one by one, and the ears are long and I want to hear what the Emperor Spirit will say.

Feng dance bites the big chicken legs, eats with gusto, squints at the spirit of the emperor, sees her eating so fragrant, others look at a large piece of white bone not far away, how much heart can be in this environment Isn't she sick when she eats something?

Some of them who watched her eat some want to nausea.

But now is not the time to study these, everyone just looked at the chicken legs in the phoenix dance hand and turned their attention away, began to concentrate on listening to the spirit of the emperor.

"They are dying from the blood sacrifice."

"The blood sacrifice reincarnation surgery? What is it?" Everyone looks at each other, this name is not something, although everyone has some guesses in mind, still worried about whether they guessed correctly.

The spirit of the emperor was too lazy to sell off the customs, and told them directly, "The so-called blood sacrifice reincarnation technique, in our time, is a sin that is forbidden in plain language.

Those who use this technique will absorb the blood of thousands of souls, and draw vitality from these blood so that they can get a chance to regenerate themselves. Those who are sucked up with blood will be scattered, and there will be no chance of reincarnation. It is extremely cruel. Sorcerer.

After the athletes have absorbed these essences of life, they have the opportunity to seize the body of others. Once the mentally weak person is invaded by the other side, it will be swallowed by the spirit of the surgeon and the body will be completely Occupy drama.

You should be very careful when you enter the Red Moon this time. The guy seals himself and waits for 10,000 years. He is waiting for a qualified person to let him win. If he wins, the one who is taken away will not need me to say it. Let's go. ”

"So the tsar is really not dead?" Le Chen asked uncertainly.

"In a sense, he can be said to be dead, but he can be said that he is still alive."

"What does this mean?" asked Le Chen.

"But once this kind of anti-theft magic is applied, it is at most a walking corpse before the battle. No heartbeat or breathing. He can't even leave the Red Moon, but he left his own personally set up. The land of the seal, his body and mental strength will quickly decline, when you probably don't need to kill him, he will be scattered."