v2 Chapter 352: : Let's work together.

"The odious smell of Caesar, stinking Caesar, knowing that people are looking for him, that is, they don't appear, and there is no fiancee in my heart!"

Eliza was heard in the whole private room. The amount of Eliza was not good, but she wanted to drink. When she was drunk, she spoke, and all the words were related to Caesar.

Two people who know very well about Eliza's future, sigh at the same time.

Eliza was cute and infatuated, but God gave her such a sad ending, and died in the hands of the most loved ones...

When Eliza spoke and said, she fell to the table and slumbered, and it seemed that she was finally drunk.

"Eliza?" Irene smacked her shoulder, and the hand was swept away by the little drunk. The little drunk turned the little head in the direction and went to sleep.

"Who are you, what is the purpose of approaching Eliza?" In the empty room, the sound of Xiazo was heard.

It’s just that the sound is not as mild as usual, but with a hint of coldness.

Irene stunned, I didn’t expect this Xiazo to suddenly ask.

"I am a student of the Starlight Ancestral Hall. I am close to Eliza for no purpose. Eliza is a simple and lovely girl. I really take her as a friend."

Although Irene felt that the teenager in front of her became invisible, she answered the question.

In Irene’s thoughts, I just thought that the young masters of these big families would not trust others easily, thinking that she was close to Eliza with the purpose of utilization.

Explain that there is no shortage of meat, whether he believes or not, anyway, she explained it, believe it or not.

"There is sometimes the residual power of your light tunnel. I am sure that there has never been a friend named Irene around Eliza. What is your purpose in approaching Eliza?"

Xia Zuo opened the door and said, it is related to Eliza, Xia Zuo dare not take it lightly, as long as the other party has a little malicious leak, he will immediately kill this woman named Irene, avoiding this woman to make a bad to Eliza!

Don't look at him as an ordinary person. The round and the housekeeper have already been waiting around the wall. As long as he sings in the heart, they will immediately rush in to kill this woman named Irene.

Irene has wide eyes, this is the first time someone can see through her horns so easily. Is this man really the scrap master in the original text?

With her understanding of the world, this world figure will not be separated from their original character, even if the trajectory of fate has changed, but the character will never change.

In front of Xia Zuo, the obvious personality and the novel are too different, very different.

Did someone wear Xia Zuo's body! Will not come again to cross a man!

Irene has some headaches. If the other party really crosses the male, it is not easy to do. It is known to everyone that there is no touching scene of the tears of the fellow villagers.

The same fellow villagers see fellow villagers, that is, the two tigers must fight for one injury! She hasn't attacked the woman owner yet, but she doesn't want to go against this man first.

"Heavenly King!" He is not a passer. He will not know if he tries.

"What do you say?" Xia Zuo frowned, what does this mean?

Do not understand? That is not crossing! Is it going to be...

"You are born again, right?" Elin was shocked and shocked. She never dreamed that this world has already had two traversers of her and the female host. This is another rebirth. The world is conscious that you want to What kind of trouble do you want, come out and talk about life together!

"What is rebirth?" Xia Zuo did not know why.

What is this woman going on? Why do you always say that he can't understand, is it because he wants to take it lightly (you think too much) and then wait for the opportunity to move!

"It is to return to the past from the future. Are you dead in the future? Are you coming back for revenge?" Irene was very curious when she first met a reborn man.

If you cross the opposites, you can only live one, but it is not necessarily the same as the rebirth.

Can you not see the protagonists in those rebirth novels, the purpose of reborn is very clear? Not revenge is to lead the family out of poverty and get rich.

The second article in Xia Zuo certainly does not apply, that is, in order to revenge, you can't see ten rebirths in order to counter the main character's revenge!

It’s just that she still can’t figure it out. Before the female host and the male owner left, the Xia Zuo family still lived well, so how could Xiazu be born again?

After all, their family was the one who was dragged by the male owner and was pulled down to the position of the super family.

However, after the rise of the male lord, they did not rush to hug their thighs, and at this point, Irene had a good impression on Xia Zuo and their family.

The future is back to the past, it is quite a description of the image, is it a rebirth? He seems to be the rebirth of her mouth.

"First answer my question, who are you, why do you have the energy response of the time tunnel?" Xia Zuo did not intend to ask the other party to ask.

"I am just like you, but this is not necessary. You tell me first, are you coming back for your brother and Zicheng?" Irene asked.

If the purpose is the same, it can be combined, Irene is silently thinking about it.

"You know this too!" Xia Zuo did not expect this woman named Irene to know that she had so many things, even he knew that Qi Cheng and his brother came back so clearly.

"It seems that our enemies are the same one. Now, let's cooperate." Irene said directly.

"Cooperation, what qualification do you have to cooperate with me, why should I believe in you." Xia Zuo is a super family, and it is so easy to believe others.

And he doesn't think he has the need to work with Irene. This Irene is somewhat mysterious, but her strength is not too high. It doesn't seem to be a famous birth. It can help him not too much. The cooperation should be achieved when the energy of the two sides is similar.

Although he is still only an ordinary person, but the power behind him is even ten Eileen can not match, it is no wonder that Xia Zu does not want to cooperate with Irene.

"In order to show my sincerity, I can tell you something about me, and the thing of Zicheng..." Next, Irene said things about her own world, and that Zicheng was also a passer.

"You mean that you and Zicheng are not the people of this heavenly continent. You are from other worlds! And Zicheng is the son of this world's air and is protected by the world's consciousness!" I heard it for the first time.

Even the friends and pursuers of Zicheng did not say this to him. Perhaps they did not even know that Zicheng was not a native of Tianfeng. (To be continued.)