Chapter 658: Atonement

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the original blood family!

The top of the holy mountain.

The prayer hall of the Cathedral of the Holy Light is tall and empty, making people in it involuntarily feel a sense of their own insignificance.

Around the hall, there are statues of angels holding swords, and the indifferent and serious expressions are even more awe-inspiring.

The early morning sunlight penetrated through the glazed dome, coating everything in the hall with a golden halo, full of divine flavor.

Pope Gregory stood on the high platform and presided over the prayer in person.

In the hall, hundreds of nobles who came specially to knelt down on one knee and praised the supreme Lord of Glory in unison, bringing them this miraculous victory.

After the ceremony, Pope Gregory was about to leave when he was stopped by someone. .

"Marquis Garcia, do you have anything else to do?" The smile on Pope Gregory's face was somewhat unnatural.

After all, just a few months ago, the Marquis of the Northern Territory struggled with a 200,000-strong army to march towards Yulong City, to force himself to abdicate.

Although the two sides later reached a reconciliation, it was also due to the pressure of the orc invasion.

Now that the threat of the orcs has basically been lifted, the conflict between the North and the Church has naturally resurfaced.

What made Pope Gregory even more uncomfortable was that the man in front of him was the mastermind and mastermind of this victory.

Marquis Garcia didn't seem to care about the Pope's impatience with him at all, and bowed respectfully, saying:

"Your Majesty, can I ask you to help me make a confession?"

Pope Gregory frowned, apparently surprised by Marquis Garcia's request.

He stared at Marquis Garcia for a moment, and when he saw that the other party was serious, it didn't seem like he was joking.

Could it be that this is a signal of the North's intention to reconcile?

Pope Gregory secretly speculated on the intention of Marquis Garcia.

However, in the face of the olive branch extended by Marquis Garcia, even if Pope Gregory was dismissive in his heart, he would definitely not refuse on the surface, and immediately nodded:

"Of course. Please come with me."

The two walked all the way to the confession room in the side hall.

Closing the door, Pope Gregory and Marquis Garcia sat opposite each other in a small and confined space.

A white crystal was placed between the two of them. As the prayer was slowly read out from Pope Gregory's mouth, the white crystal gradually lit up.

"Garcia Saint Hilde, speak your sins. As long as you repent sincerely, the merciful Supreme Lord will definitely guide you in the direction of redemption!"

Marquis Garcia silently looked at the white crystal in front of him, but did not speak.

Pope Gregory also did not urge and waited patiently.

There were faint bursts of warm cheers outside, that was Prince Harrison, on behalf of the emperor, to officially announce to the people the news of the victory of the Battle of Loire.

Moreover, Marquis Garcia should also be mentioned. Perhaps from now on, the people of the empire will finally be able to forgive him for what he did in the Tianduan Mountains.

"I am guilty." Marquis Garcia finally said, "In order to let the imperial coalition forces withdraw from the western border, I fled in the Tianduan Mountains, which led to countless imperial soldiers and the people of the western border being buried in the hands of the orcs..."

Listening to Marquis Garcia's confession, Pope Gregory kept a gentle smile on his face, but secretly disdain in his heart.

However, as the host of the confession, Pope Gregory still patiently said:

"Repent, sinner, and repent to the Lord with your greatest devotion!"

The thought of seeing his enemy repent in front of him in the future made Pope Gregory feel a little gloomy.

However, Marquis Garcia did not repent or cry bitterly as the Pope expected.

He just stared blankly at the white crystal in front of him, his thoughts seemed to have drifted to other places.

The warm holy light shines on his face, soothing his already scarred heart.

dong dong dong-

The melodious bell sounded in his ears, and Marquis Garcia's pupils gradually slackened, and his consciousness began to blur.

In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the **** Tianduan Mountains battlefield.

When the army in the north escaped under his order, the front of the human coalition instantly revealed a huge and irreparable flaw.

The crazy orc army rushed down this gap like a tidal wave, setting off a wave of blood in the position of the human coalition army.

"Garcia Saint Hilde, you traitor!"

Countless angry faces appeared in front of him, roaring at Marquis Garcia.


"I'm guilty..." murmured Marquis Garcia.

In front of me, villages and cities turned to ashes, piled up like mountains of heads, corpses all over the mountains and plains, pooled into rivers of blood...

"I am unforgivable..."

Pope Gregory frowned and said inwardly—

So why don't you hurry up and repent?

Which person who came to the confession room did not cry bitterly, sincerely repent, and pray for the forgiveness of the Supreme Lord?

How can you just keep saying that you are guilty?

However, Gregory didn't speak, just looked at Marquis Garcia calmly, because he could feel the pain in the other party's heart.

Gregory enjoyed the feeling of watching his enemy writhe in the abyss of pain, and certainly wouldn't lend a hand to pull him away.

"...Only death is my only way of atonement..." Marquis Garcia's eyes became more and more cloudy, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

In the holy light that filled his vision, he seemed to see the figure of his sister, Queen Midella.

"You really deserve to die." Queen Midella said, "However, even if you want to die, it's more meaningful to die."

The night was dark, and the moon and stars were sparse.

Marquis Garcia seems to have returned to outside the storm fortress a month ago.

"That's why I chose to go to Storm Fortress." Marquis Garcia said to his sister, "I will look for an opportunity to assassinate Emperor Reinhardt during the interview.

After he dies, you can lead the imperial coalition to withdraw from the Storm Fortress and go to the Loire Valley... I have already told Colin the specific battle strategy, you can let him command the battle..."

"You really don't need to worry about this." Queen Midella showed a confident smile, "I have already arranged a more suitable way to die for Reinhardt."

Marquis Garcia frowned and wondered:

"What exactly are your plans?"

Queen Midella avoided talking and said:

"Brother, if you believe me, stop going to Stormhold. I have a better suggestion."


"The Cathedral of Holy Light." Queen Midella's eyes were cold, "Since you are determined to atone for your sins with death, why don't you die in the place closest to the Lord of Glory?

Besides, Vera's revenge, aren't you ready to avenge it? After the Orc War, didn't the North just need a reason to fight the Church again?

Just help us find one! "

Marquis Garcia was silent for a moment, then nodded and said:



"What?" Pope Gregory looked at Marquis Garcia in a trance and finally realized something was wrong.

Marquis Garcia's eyes finally got some focus, and he showed a meaningful smile to the Pope in front of him, saying:

"Gregory, my sin is unforgivable, so what about your sin?"

Pope Gregory frowned snorted softly and said:

"Garcia, now you are confessing. Please be more serious. As long as you repent sincerely, the merciful Supreme Lord will definitely..."

Halfway through the words, the Pope stopped abruptly.

Because, he was horrified to find that jet-black blood was gurgling out of Marquis Garcia's eyes, nose and mouth.

"Garcia, are you okay?"

Marquis Garcia showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with anger:

"Gregory... your trial... is coming..."

Pope Gregory finally woke up, and immediately performed the healing technique like crazy, roaring in his mouth:

"Garcia! Garcia! Don't die!

Don't die with me! "