Chapter 635: block (top)

Under the dim moonlight, knights with resolute faces gathered in front of the castle gate.

They wore uniform black armor, and the royal emblems on their chests were like beating flames, shining in the moonlight.

The shadow knight stood at the forefront of the team, his icy eyes slowly swept across everyone's faces.

"You are all His Majesty's most loyal knights!" The shadow knight said loudly, "Now, the empire has reached the most critical moment, and the moment when it needs heroes the most!

Are you willing to become such a hero and dedicate everything for the Empire and His Majesty? "


The sounds of hitting the armor came together to form a unified tone:


"Very good!" The shadow knight nodded with satisfaction, and was about to convey the queen's order, but the next second, he was suddenly stunned.

Because, he was shocked to find that a powerful and unparalleled aura had already enveloped him.

Such an aura is only found in the sanctuary powerhouses!

who is it?

Prince Leahy? Mr. Ho? Duke of St Grian?

At this moment, the shadow knight's mind flashed one after another, but what made him most puzzled was, why did the other party target him?

A white wolf phantom was reflected in the shadow knight's eyes, and it was rapidly expanding.

Troll Paladin!

The Shadow Knight looked horrified. He couldn't figure out how there would be a paladin in the Storm Fortress.


There was a loud noise, as if a dark curtain shrouded down. .

A steely big hand rushed out like a cannonball, grabbed the neck of the shadow knight who was retreating frantically, and lifted him in the air.

Before the royal knights could figure out the situation, they saw that the shadow knight had been hijacked by the armored man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


Flesh splattered.

The entire head of the Shadow Knight was crushed instantly.

The headless corpse fell, rolled around on the ground for a few times, and there was no sound.

Afterwards, before the royal knights could react, the armored man disappeared in the darkness of the night.

The royal knights looked at the corpse on the ground, horrified and at a loss.

They were just ready to dedicate everything to the empire, but they didn't expect that this devotion process would be ruthlessly strangled in the bud.

Since the Shadow Knights hadn't had time to assign tasks to them before they died, even if they were dedicated, they didn't know what to do.

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Go back and ask Your Majesty to see what he has ordered."

The top floor of the castle.

A group of imperial nobles have already quarreled.

As for Queen Midella's frank sacrificial plan, some people oppose it, and some people agree with it.

Colin folded his arms across his chest and watched all this quietly, while silently writing down the choices of these imperial nobles at this time.

What surprised him was that most of the nobles were actually against Queen Midella's plan.

Perhaps this is because they are reluctant to part with their own army, but at the same time, it also shows that they still have the courage to confront the orcs head-on.

Even after the fiasco of the Tianduan Mountains and the fall of the Western Region, most of the human nobles still believed that the orcs could be defeated.

Gu </span> Therefore, they will object to this opportunistic, evil and **** method.

This discovery made Colin quite gratified, and it also gave him greater confidence in his next plan.

However, at this moment, some emotional nobles began to attack him verbally because they misunderstood Colin's attitude.

Of course, Colin kept silent about these verbal attacks, after all, these attacks did not pose any threat to him.

Moreover, when the time comes, these people will naturally be able to understand Colin's true position.

But soon, Colin found that he could no longer remain silent.

Because Count Nicole made a rather bitter remark:

"Count Angelie, you agree to this sacrifice plan because the northern army is not in the Storm Fortress!"

This sentence shocked Colin, and then, the words of Earl Nicole made him even more shocked.

"Count Angele, I would like to know why the northern army is reluctant to come to the Storm Fortress to gather? Could it be that Queen Midella quietly disclosed this plan to Marquis Garcia before planning this sacrifice?"

After saying this, the scene suddenly became quiet.

But then, it was a stormy interrogation.

"Count Angele, is it possible that Queen Midella is deliberately helping the North to preserve its strength?"

"Count Angele, what exactly do you want to do in the north?"

"The elite troops in the other four realms of the empire have been exhausted. Are you waiting for this opportunity to come out and become the savior of the empire?"

"Haha, the Saint Hilde family probably doesn't just want to be the savior, right?"

Count Nicole's remarks seemed to have opened Pandora's box, and speculations about the North followed one by one.

In the end, even the nobles who were in favor of sacrificing Storm Fortress began to change their minds.

After all, if the Northern Territory is really trying to preserve its strength, or even conspiracy to do something wrong, then Queen Midella's real purpose would be a bit embarrassing.

And none of them want to be foolishly sacrificed to the Saint Hilde family.

In fact, Queen Midella had also hinted at Colin that if the elite troops in the other realms were sacrificed, then the northern realm could become the real master of the empire, and it was not impossible for the royal family to change their surname. of.

To be honest, Colin really didn't have any thoughts about this plan, because he understood that if the North really dared to do it, then the reputation of the Saint Hilde family would be completely ruined.

Even Marquis Garcia's withdrawal from the Tianduan Mountains would be considered a premeditated betrayal. UU reading

Even if the Northern Territory could usurp the throne by force, it would not be able to win the hearts of the people. The result of forcibly ascending the throne is likely to be one after another rebellion.

"Everyone, the North did not know any news in advance. Marquis Garcia chose to garrison the Loire Valley because it was the most suitable location for sniping the orc army.

As for any behavior of Queen Midella, it never represents the Saint Hilde family! "

Unfortunately, this explanation obviously cannot satisfy everyone.

A group of nobles are still questioning Colin.

Colin's face was sinking, but he did not continue to refute.

Until he heard a loud bang, and then saw two fiercely fighting figures passing under the castle.

Colin recognized at a glance that it was Prince Leahy and Mr.

At this moment, he finally let out a long breath, realizing that the time he had been waiting for had finally come!

So he said loudly:

"Everyone, if you don't believe me, you should also believe your majesty."

"Your Majesty?" All the nobles were stunned.

When they turned their heads, they found that the closed door actually opened, and then Emperor Reinhardt walked out slowly.

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