, the fastest update of the Ninja World War is too dangerous, run away and be a pirate! The latest chapter!

A terrifying little universe surged out of the Pope's Hall in an instant, shaking the entire Sanctuary.

"what happened?"

"What a powerful small universe, this kind of small universe... is it the goddess?"

"It's not the universe of God, it's the universe of human beings! Who is it? Can the universe be raised to this level?!"

"The galaxy is shaking! Even the enchantment of the sanctuary seems to be unable to stop it! This is comparable to, no, even surpasses the power of ordinary gods."

There is a lot of talk about bronze and silver in general. Only the golden saints who have truly awakened their seventh sense can sense the difference between the gods' microcosm and the human's microcosm from those small universes, and therefore they are even more shocked.

"Is this the real limit of the human universe? Saga, you really can't be called the strongest human being. The so-called incarnation of God is not as good as a **** after all. It is not the limit of human beings." The nearest Pisces Palace Gold Saint Seiya, Aphrodite, murmured.

"Anyway, let's go to the Pope's Palace. I remember that it should be where the Sagittarius Sun Tai is?"

After Saga committed suicide, Yang Tai didn't wear the Gemini Gold Cloth anymore - mainly because the two faces of the Gemini Gold Cloth looked weird, far less than the Sagittarius with a pair of golden wings behind him.

At the beginning, Mu promised Yang Tai to become the golden saint of Sagittarius. Anyway, there is no one in Sagittarius now, and it is not bad for Yang Tai to be the same.

In the past few days, Yangtai stayed in the Pope's Palace in order to repair the holy clothes, and he also flipped through some various books on weekdays.

In theory, relying on super memory and super speed, the books in the Pope's Palace should actually be easily grasped by Yang Tai, but Yang Tai found that many records were directly transmitted by the small universe, such as the box of the 12 golden holy clothes, It actually has the inheritance of the combat skills of the Golden Saint Seiya.

However, it is estimated that the evil and tyrannical microcosm of Hesaghan could not communicate with these holy clothes boxes. This is also the reason why many golden combat skills are lost.

Yangtai does not have a small universe himself, and can only rely on the small universe of the holy clothes to resonate with these small universes and absorb experience, so this is also the reason why he always stays in the Pope's Palace.

Of course, Mr. Mu said, if you don't want to be a Sagittarius or a Gemini Gold Saint. It's okay to want to be the Pope. It's a pity that Yang Tai is not sensitive to this thanks.

When a golden saint, he can still go out and get fat, and when he is a pope, he even sleeps on a slate bed in the sanctuary!

Gossip aside, not only Abrodi, but all the other golden saints rushed towards the Pope Hall without hesitation after sensing the powerful human microcosm.

Others don't know what's going on, but Mr. Mu has an idea in his heart: "Could this be Yangtai's small universe? Sure enough, it's an alien, is it completely different from humans?"

However, no matter how fast they are, they are not as fast as the goddess Chengto Saori. The Goddess Palace and the Pope's Palace are not far apart. Chengto Saori is now the strongest person in the entire Sanctuary microcosm, and he is almost there. At the same time that the microcosm had just erupted, she came to the Pope's Palace. At the same time, he saw Yang Tai with a stunned face.

"Uh..." Shiori Saori opened his mouth wide, of course not because he was shocked by Yangtai's microcosm, but because Yangtai was still wearing Sharna's Ophiuchus Saint Cloth!

As I said before, Yangtai has no way to change the men's and women's styles of the holy clothes, so you can imagine how hot his eyes are now.

Fortunately, in just an instant, the entire silver robe of Ophiuchus, as if it could not withstand the small universe that could be called a stalwart, was completely shattered in an instant, and then every broken piece radiated a golden light. , merged into a new golden garment.

The new golden holy garment is gorgeous and complicated, and the other 12 golden holy garments taught by him are even worse, especially a golden snake stick, which exudes a deep tunnel like the sea, faintly exceeding the level of the golden holy garments. .

However, the entire golden garment only lasted for a short time. Yang Tai directly peeled off the holy garment completely, and then the holy garment returned to the state of the silver holy garment.

"What's going on?" Shiroto Saori asked in surprise. "Uh...Yotai, you just..."

Yang Tai silently glanced at Shiroto Saori, wondering if his current Chakra-based illusion could work on the reincarnation of the goddess Shiroto Saori?

Shiroto Saori only felt a chill on his back. Reasonably reminded her not to ask embarrassing questions.

"Is that a golden holy garment just now? It feels like it exceeds the power of a normal golden holy garment." Shiro Saori asked naturally.

"It's just an idiot who wants to be resurrected." Yang Tai finally gave up this dangerous idea and shook his head directly. He didn't expect that such a strong man was hidden in the Silver Saint Cloth of Ophiuchus.

The other party should indeed still be a human, but he already possesses some characteristics of the gods in this world, that is, he is not easily led by dogs, and death is just a kind of deep sleep.

Although the other party is almost running out of fuel, Yang Tai's method of communicating with the holy clothes can be regarded as a life extension for the other party, making it sober a little bit, and it can exist for a while longer.

But even so, if he is still awake during this jihad, it is estimated that he will not survive the next jihad.

"Asclepius Ophiuchus... This guy should be the ancestor of Ophiuchus? Even Ophiuchus itself in the sky."

"His will ~ is hidden in this holy garment...but it is almost dissipated."

At the beginning, that guy wanted to take Yangtai away, but unfortunately, even if Yangtai didn’t have a small universe, the spiritual power accumulated by Yin Escape Chakra alone was far beyond the level of ordinary gods, and it was easy to force him back. The other party, let him fall asleep again.

Of course, there is also good news. After sensing the memory of Ophiuchus's small universe, Yangtai's own small universe is almost bursting out. If he hadn't been pressing down, he would have been directly awakened now.

Yangtai believed that if he could collect more memories and insights of various small universes, the next time he directly awakened, it should be the so-called small universe of God.

Another point is that this Ophiuchus Silver Saint Cloth, although Asclepius finally fell asleep, and regained the level of the original silver Saint Cloth, but the power is no longer the same. Basically, it is equivalent to the holy clothing of the five small strong in the bronze holy clothing, or like the silver holy clothing of the altar seat and the silver holy clothing of the giant seat, it has the potential beyond its own level.

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