After recovering his strength on Earth, Thor, the **** of thunder, even further, was immediately involved in this war after returning to Asgard.

And the big snake saw Thor coming, and felt that he had not fully recovered, so he chose to avoid the edge for a while. As the previous king of Asgard, he also knew quite a bit about the passage of the Nine Realms. He hid in the place where the dark elves and frost giants were, and started a long war with Asgard.

This war was fought intermittently for a year or two. Until this time, the Orochi Kool suddenly felt that his strength had greatly increased, and the endless power of fear gathered on him, and then he gradually fought Asgard. have come and gone.

Then soon. Asgard received the news of the arrival of the Zerg. After that, the brothers Odin and Kool tried each other several times, and finally stopped the war.

Kuer wanted to use the fear brought by this Zerg invasion to make his strength even higher. Odin also hoped that the young Thor would have more growth. There will definitely be a battle in the future.

Of course, this was the idea of ​​both sides at the beginning, but as the Zerg approached, it became more and more terrifying. Gradually, both Odin and Kull felt that the problem was a little serious!

Judging from the current battles in the universe, the Annihilation Zerg almost occupies an absolute advantage. In less than a year, half of the entire universe has fallen, and the living combat power has lost more than 1/3, and Not only have the Zerg not weakened, they are even growing stronger and evolving in the battle against all races in the universe!

Especially after catching the Planet Devourer, relying on the original cosmic energy transformed by the Planet Devourer, the Zerg also has powerful individuals, and it has also knocked down the major civilizations of the universe.

At this time, both Odin and Kur have already understood that their biggest enemy is not the other party at all, but these annihilation Zerg!

To tell the truth, Odin would rather let Kor rule Asgard than make Asgard a meal for bugs! Similarly, although Kur hates Odin, he doesn't want to live in a world full of zerg, and worms have nothing to fear.


Today's Asgard has some special guests, headed by a woman with blue skin and some metal instruments implanted on her body.

"I know your name, it's Nebula, right? The daughter of the mad Titan." Odin sat on the throne with a **** iron and **** aura. The spear of eternity in his hand seemed to be flashing with faint red blood beads, and in a blink of an eye, But disappeared again.

It was during this period of time that the murderous aura recovered by Odin, who took up the spear of eternity to fight again, caused Nebula's hallucination.

Nebula looked respectful. This unfortunate child was not like the other daughter of Thanos, Gamora. He still had a bit of arrogance in his heart. As for how to deal with the strong, he often followed the moody and mentally faulty purple potato. Jing, Nebula has already exercised it.

Nebula's training results have little effect on Thanos, who is purely a madman, but it is still very useful for a normal powerhouse like Odin.

"The great Asgard king, the universe is at stake now, and my master hopes to get the help of Asgard."

"Huh?! That crazy titan wouldn't say such a thing..." Odin chuckled and said, "Asgardians are never afraid of war, we will defeat any enemy who wants to invade our universe!"

"But I think that Thanos asked you to come, not to talk about whether Asgard will participate in the war, right?"

Long before the nebula came. Other cosmic empires have already sent letters of help to Asgard, whether it is Odin, Kor, or Asgards, they are all characters who are happy when they hear a war, and they don't have a word of fear at all.

Odin has cultivated his mind for so many years, but he just stopped aggression, but he never said that he would stop fighting. Not to mention Kool, as the **** of fear and Asgard, war is almost the blood flowing in his veins.

The Zerg is threatening, and other races may still be afraid, but for the barbarians of Asgard, dying in battle is their greatest glory, so Asgard has already received the letter for help as soon as possible. agreed.

If it weren't for the fact that Odin and Kool had just stopped fighting, the first Asgardian warriors would probably have already set foot on the battlefield on the Rainbow Bridge. There's really no need for Thanos to come over and point fingers.

Besides, the Dark Order of Thanos doesn't even have a territory, and there is no problem of being invaded at all. In addition, it has a bad reputation. No matter how you think about it, it can't be a good character who comes to ask for help.

"Yes, the great Thanos master came up with a once and for all method, hoping to use the forging ability of the dwarves to create a piece of equipment for himself." Nebula bowed his head and said respectfully.

The entire Golden Palace in Asgard suddenly became quiet, Nebula didn't dare to lift her head, and she didn't dare to let out the atmosphere. She only felt that there was a lightning storm on her head, which was constantly accumulating, and then, just when she felt that she was about to When he couldn't hold it any longer, the pressure suddenly dissipated.

"Hahahaha! Thanos is such an interesting kid!" Odin suddenly laughed loudly: "Has he made up his mind? If so, I will naturally agree to his request!"

"Heimdall, send this guest of ours to Walther Alheim! Tell the dwarves to meet all the demands of this guest."

The dwarves live in a star ring called "Nidawi", not a planet. There are more than 300 dwarves in total, allegiance to Asgard, protected by Asgard, and dedicated to Asgard Germany builds weapons~ Of course, the Asgardians call it Wat Alheim, just as they also call Earth the Atrium.

The equipment that Thanos wanted to build, Odin had already guessed, was naturally the Infinity Gauntlet.

In fact, for a powerhouse of their level, the bonus of Infinite Gloves is not too big. If you look closely at the battle in the movie, you can see that even if Thanos has Infinite Gloves, his combat power has not grown to an unstoppable level. to the point of.

Even when the infinite gems are full, due to the huge pressure brought by the infinite gloves, the combat power of Thanos still has a certain regression.

And want to use the infinite gloves full of gems, the price to pay is too great, with Thanos almost reaching the peak of the flesh and blood life in the universe, just a snap of fingers, and he directly lost half of his life, this That's why there was even a hint of admiration in Odin's tone.

No matter what his thoughts are after Thanos, his first wish must be to destroy the Zerg, and in that case, if he still wants to fulfill his second wish, even if Thanos is immortal, he has to become a complete waste. .