"His Royal Highness, are we really going to find a group of pirates for help?" Yin Kaleim, who was wearing a blond curly wig on his head, asked with hesitation on his face.

"In this operation, we can be regarded as defecting to the Balot studio, and we will never have the opportunity to track down his behind-the-scenes boss."

"And that Brook was also a pirate before, right? How can you believe the words of a pirate?"

"That Yangtai's nickname is a predator! It's a super scary character with a bounty of 1 billion Berry!"

"He is also a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard is a terrifying big pirate that is even scarier than a ghost!"

Yin Kaleim chattered to the girl with royal blue hair on the deck. That girl was Vivi, the princess of the kingdom of Alabasta.

At this moment, when Weiwei listened to Yin Kalaimu's words, her whole body began to tremble. "Okay, let's not talk about it. In the past two years in Balot's studio, haven't we found out anything? What can we do if we don't look for foreign aid to give it a try?"

"And, of course, I know how terrifying the predator Yangtai is. If you say this again... if you say it again."

Looking up, I saw Weiwei trembling all over, tears in her eyes: "I don't even dare to go there, wow!"

After being stupid for a while, the master and servant still decided... It's too dangerous, let's talk about this kind of thing later!

"His Royal Highness! A pirate ship is chasing after me!" At this moment, several members of the **** team of the Kingdom of Alabasta said on the ship.

"It's the flag of Balot Studio! It's so fast, they're about to catch up!"

"What! Hurry up!" Vivi and Yin Kalem shouted loudly.

As a result, the Alabasta ship, which was already about to leave, hurried towards the Qinglong.

"Come here."

"And it's still lighting up the white flag."

"It's really not easy. Finally, one day, with the deterrent power of our ships, we can let other pirates light up their white flags."

"By the way, is the other party's white flag really lit for us? It seems that there are still boats chasing them."

Yangtai and the others looked at the fast-moving ships behind them, chatting on the deck boredly. As for the ships, they were driving by themselves. After all, Yangtai still had soul fruit in his hands, so the Qinglong was actually long ago. Has been awakened as Hormiz.

It's just that Yangtai rarely extracts human souls, so he uses some animal souls. Therefore, although the Qinglong can drive automatically, it can hardly speak.

"So it actually has nothing to do with us?" Yang Tai said indifferently, haha. "I still rarely see a chase scene at sea."

"Help!" came a loud scream. The ship soon approached the Qinglong within about 100 meters, and I saw Weiwei stretched out her hand, constantly asking for help from the people on the Qinglong.

"It's really looking for us." Yang Tai said in surprise and stretched out a hand.

The fluttering fruit ability that had just been obtained was activated instantly, and the two ships that originally felt that they were still some distance away quickly got closer under the surging waves.

"Who are you? Huh? Princess Weiwei of Alabasta." After the two ships approached, Yang Tai asked directly, but suddenly recognized the blue-haired girl.

There are actually some differences in the appearance of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional. After all, if you look closely, you will find that many women in the second dimension have changed their hair color and hairstyle, which are almost identical. In the third dimension, this is impossible.

However, Princess Weiwei's royal blue hair and the machine gun wig made by Yin Kaleim were so distinctive that Yang Tai recognized it.

"Yi, is it really the big lecher published in the newspaper? You already have my information!" Princess Weiwei exclaimed, and the words immediately made Yang Tai's face darken.

The so-called rumors opened their mouths, refuted rumors and broke their legs. When Morgans waved his hand, in order to attract attention, the rumors in the newspapers have become the biggest label outside of Yangtai's ability to plunder devil fruits. The bird tried to find a way to take back the words by himself, but he couldn't do it anymore.

Even if Yangtai wanted Morgans to publish an apology to him in the newspaper, people would probably only think that Yangtai threatened Morgans, and would not believe the truth at all.

That's why Yangtai just plucked Morgens' hair out and destroyed his hair follicles with Tuntun Fruit, but didn't let him refute the rumors for himself, because he himself knew that that kind of thing couldn't be done at all. It might even get darker.

But now that even the princess of Alabasta speaks like this, Yangtai still has a very speechless feeling.

"His Royal Highness Princess! Predator, if you dare to do something to the princess, I will make you look good!" Yin Kalem stood in front of Wei Wei, although the whole person was trembling, revealing that he wanted to die heroically look.

"No, if you're willing to help Alabasta, even if it's my reward..."

"Enough of you!" Yang Tai finally roared uncontrollably. Although he has never had any domineering arrogance so far, the aura of Longwei and his top powerhouses, who are capable of Qinglong Fruit, still overwhelms Yin. Kalem and Princess Vivi collapsed on the deck.

The two of them were so frightened by Yang Tai's roar that they were so frightened that they hugged each other and cried.

Violet couldn't help but flutter.

My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ I laughed, as if recalling the first time I saw Yang Tai.

Yang Tai glared at her fiercely. She hurriedly looked up to the sky, as if she was studying the weather.

Yang Tai remembered very clearly that the first person who regarded himself as a lecher~ was Violet!

"Hurry up and stand up for me!" Yang Tai waved his hand impatiently, "If you bother me again, be careful I throw you on the boat behind!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, both Princess Weiwei and Yin Kalem stopped crying and stood up immediately.

"Tell me what's going on, and how did you recognize me?" Yang Tai frowned and said directly.

"Yes, it was Mr. Brook who told me! We met Mr. Brook at Whiskey Peak." Princess Vivi said with a terrified expression on her face.

"Brook? That's right, he must pass through here if he wants to go back to the Red Earth Continent." Yang Tai nodded when he heard the words.

And that guy Brook is actually a super pervert. Although he is not as extreme as Sanji, if it is a request from a beautiful girl, he will definitely agree.

Obviously, Princess Weiwei meets the conditions for a beautiful girl.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^