Chapter 273: A People Problem

Name:The Nebula's Civilization Author:

Chapter 273: A People Problem

-Then you will meet the same fate as the others.

-...This is the only way.

Jeolyo knew what Sha-Cha referred to as 'the only way.’ It meant utilizing the system.

In the system, there was a skill called Hierophany, but for the evil gods, it was the power to reveal their true forms, which had been restricted. The Hierophanies of the evil gods were strong.

They had been unrivaled every time they used Hierophany on the planet. Even Dragons and the old gods attempted and failed to stop the evil gods when they used the skill to come down to the land.

But the new gods were different. Bwel and Jeol Woo-Bi never imagined they would suffer such a fate.

Sha-Cha lamented, 'If only I had gathered more power. If only I had watched them more and learned more.'

Jeolyo spoke.

-We cannot defeat them.

Sha-Cha turned around.

-I never thought we could win. The only thing that will bring us victory is the second moon Loom, and all this is just a plan for Loom. When Loom arrives, we will win.

The blob of slime slightly quivered.

-...My old friend...

At the word ‘friend,’ Sha-Cha shuddered.

In the past, there had been more of them. But not anymore. Only despairing results remained.

Even the second moon Loom, which they had believed in until the end, had been exposed. For now, they couldn’t imagine how the Pantheon would counter Loom, but the Pantheon had achieved the impossible several times before. They were the real monsters.

-Do you truly believe in the claim that we will win when Loom arrives?


-...You don’t have confidence.

The blob of slime continued.

-...Even if Loom arrives on time, having observed them for a long time, we know their power and understand we can make no certain claims.

Sha-Cha asked.

-So, what then?

-Let's leave everything to Loom and the one who activates it.

-And us?

Jeolyo replied.

-Let's hide and flee.


-Loom has already been contacted. They have forgiven us. Until the new gods can no longer track us, until the last of the last, until all remaining monuments are dismantled, there is still time. Until then...

-...Is that our end?

Jeolyo didn’t answer for a long time, but eventually spoke, before it was too late.

-Yes. That is our end.

-...I don't like it.

-We must accept it.

-...I don't want to die.

-I know. But, my old friend, don't you know....

Jeolyo trembled slightly.

-Our children will survive.


-They are monsters, yes. But, right. They are monsters who will do anything for victory. But at least they chose a different path than the old gods.

-I know that.

Jeolyo said.

"Do I have to start the explanation from the beginning? Let's look at it one by one. This is the import-export statistics for the imperial territories, this is on the currency circulation, this page is about the corporations of the world..."

"...Even if you explain like that, I don’t understand."

Redmars summarized simply, "This is the true face of the Empire."

"The true face?"

"The Empire operates on a capitalist system."

Bion seemed to ponder about the new perspective they had not known before. On the other hand, this was a common understanding for Redmars, who had worked in the financial sector.

Bion asked, "What is the problem?"

"These two areas on the graph, don't they look strange?"

Bion decided to accept everything Redmars said. Whether they understood it or not, they just kept nodding their head. Sometimes this was necessary when dealing with players.

"The flow is not good. It's tangled."

"What does tangled mean?"

"Money needs to keep flowing for a market to be healthy, right? Until recently, the flow was very good. It's natural. Who wouldn't want to participate in a global event like the moon-facing plan? Even secularists and environmentalists previously obstructing this flow were persuaded, transforming not just the Empire but the entire Avartin into an organic entity. It was great. Honestly, I don't know if this is a word that should be used to describe a market, but it was perfect. Beautiful, even."

Redmars' tone rose slightly in frustration.

"Recently, however, investments have slowed down, scheduled payments are being delayed, and production has decreased. It's only been a few months, but the market isn’t as vibrant as before."

Redmars seemed to suggest that there was some interference, and in Bion's mind, there weren't many factors that could disrupt the Pantheon.

"Could it be another evil god's...?"

That would be a serious problem. If there was another enemy, it would disrupt the Pantheon's current plans, including the moon-facing plan.

However, Redmars firmly said, "No, it's not that. It's just a people problem. Specifically, a problem of capitalism. People think, 'Why invest my money if everything will be alright anyway? Should I really be investing?

And then there are those who are just digging their own graves by building bunkers on their own, or those who decide to save first out of anxiety. But that’s not how it should be. For the moon-facing plan, the gods of the Pantheon are all making their plans, which involves Faith points, but most importantly, it involves money."

Bion finally grasped the weight of Redmars' words.

"...So it’s a very important issue."

"Yes. That's why I thought I should talk to Nebula about it."

"Oh, um... Hm."

But it was true that Sung-Woon was busy, and although not openly discussed, Sung-Woon had asked Bion not to call him unless necessary.

'Such an important matter at this time...'

Redmars said, "Should I meet with Wisdom? But Wisdom is busy too."

"That's true."

"Or should I just deal with it on my own?"

"Actually, as part of the moon-facing plan, I think it would be alright for you to act at your discretion, but..."

Redmars crossed their arms and pondered. Redmars thought of themself as close to an ordinary citizen. They wanted to do a good job but was afraid of taking responsibility if things went wrong.

Bion recognized this fact in Redmars. Being in the Pantheon for a long time made it easy for Bion to understand the players' tendencies.

Bion suddenly had an idea and looked up. "Oh."


"It’s not a solution, but I know someone who might be able to help."


"Have you met the eleventh apostle?"

Redmars paused for a moment.

'Who was that again?'

There were now over thirty apostles in the Pantheon. Many players were distant with them depending on their relations.

Bion noticed. ‘Redmars doesn’t know who it is.’

Bion understood. Most players didn’t pay attention to what was outside their areas of interest, and the Pantheon was large.

Bion thought they might have found an answer.

Bion took the lead and said, "They will be helpful. Please, follow me."

Redmars trusted Bion and followed. The butler of the Pantheon, Bion, and the player Redmars could move around by folding space.

A few seconds later, the eleventh apostle, Hwee-Kyung, who was enjoying refreshments in her room, was startled by the sudden appearance of player Redmars.