v4 Chapter 435: Taoist origin

The white ape figure in the distance approached, and soon came to the front. Looking at the white ape's back, the monk Zhiyin was pale. At this moment, seeing Lin Jin and Qi'er next to him, he was slightly taken aback, and he immediately went down to perform the Buddhist ceremony.

"Little monk, thank the curator for his rescue."

"Master don't move!" Lin Jin saw the problem with Zhiyin. At this moment, he raised his hand, and the silver needle flew out and pierced it directly on an acupuncture point. It seemed that something was squirming in his meridians.

Soon, the monk Zhiyin felt a retching, and he bent over and vomited.

Red, green, and white, vomiting in a mess, visible to the naked eye, there are worms in the vomit.

After spit out these, the expression on the seal was obviously better, and he bowed to Lin Jin at the moment: "Thank you for the curator's help, otherwise you will have to break this Gu technique, and I'm afraid you have to return to Daluo Temple."

When I asked carefully, I realized that before the imprint, I ran to Weicheng Qiao’s house to surrender the white ape. At that time, I was afraid of hurting the innocent, but I didn’t expect that the white ape would run away first. City people.

After that, he fought fiercely with the white ape for a few times, and it was difficult to distinguish between them. Of course, he had the advantage. As a result, he was suddenly attacked by the old Taoist and both he and the white ape were caught.

Bai Yuan was restrained by immortal ropes, and he was planted with Gu technique, these few days can be said to be better than death.

Fortunately, the indicament is firm, and then it persists.

"That Taoist doesn't know where he comes from, he has extremely high methods, and he is proficient in the art of guarding insects. I am afraid that even the first one may not be his opponent." Monk Zhiyin said with lingering fear at the moment.

His skills are not bad. In the past decade or so, he has been a difficult opponent to destroy demons and demons, so he is arrogant. This time it is not a bad thing for the monk who holds the seal.

Lin Jin also wanted to clarify what the seal-holder monk said.

The top of the mountain where the previous fighting method was used is in a mess at this moment. Zang'er's imperial technique is to pull up the big trees on the mountain, and many huge rocks are also moved elsewhere.

The endless sea of ​​poisonous insects has dispersed, but some insects still remain. Rhubarb is enjoying these delicacies here. Lin Jin glanced at the rhubarb, but he didn't see anything special. It was also because Zang'er told him that the rhubarb pecked out a golden cicada from the old Taoist priest and ate it.

The wreckage of the old Taoist priest looks a little crippled. It is said that he died among the poisonous insects he had summoned himself.

However, poisonous insects only eat flesh and blood, but they don't chew on bones, clothes and other things, so after careful inspection on the scene, many things were found.

In the clothes of this old Taoist priest, there were more than a dozen insect charms, all of them hideous and terrifying. In addition, Lin Jin also turned out a purple booklet with "Insect Sutra" written on it.

"What a big tone!" Lin Jin frowned when he saw the words on the pamphlet.

What can be called "jing" and "dian" in this world are very remarkable works, including the methods of cultivation, the general magic methods can only be called "small techniques" and "small techniques" 'And most cultivators are self-effacing and dare to use the exercises named after the "Scriptures" and "Dian", which are enough to be passed down to future generations and are advanced techniques.

And when Lin Jin looked at this insect scripture, the writer also used the name of Taoist. In other words, it was the old Taoist who wrote this thing.

The exercises that the other party has researched and written by himself are named after the "Sutra", which shows how arrogant this old Taoist priest is.

But to be fair, when the opponent used the spell before, it was really powerful, especially when the insects were stung. Within a dozen miles around, the poisonous insects were alarmed and mad and attacked the surrounding flesh and blood, and the opponent could gather the insect sea and condense. To become a variety of offensive and defensive things, this technique is very remarkable.

Lin Jin himself is not an arrogant person, so although he felt that the other party was arrogant at first, after thinking about it, he felt that this old Taoist was indeed the world's number one master in insect control.

Other people, using similar techniques, should not be able to achieve this level of old Taoist priests.

It's a pity that Lin Jin is a little curious about this insect control technique, but he knows the principle of eating too much and not chewing. There are so many techniques in this world, and there are so many ways to practice. How could it be possible to learn all of them, even if they can? It is also difficult to learn deeply.

The so-called magic is expensive and not much.

Although Lin Jin can't learn this "Chongjing", he can put it away and find someone who has good conduct and also studies this Tao to teach it.

In this way, this technique will not be lost, nor will it cause harm to the world.

In addition to this insect scripture, Lin Jin also found another booklet.

What was written in this booklet was not about magic, but something similar to a diary. Lin Jin was attracted by just a glance.

There is the origin of the old Taoist priest and the reason for his ability. In addition, from the words and phrases in this booklet, plus Lin Jin's inference before, it is basically clear why the other party would follow Yourself.

Just as Lin Jin thought, the old Taoist priest was targeting himself from the beginning.

To talk about this old Taoist priest, one has to talk about a character.


Before Lin Jin occasionally heard Black Crow and Mrs. Guiying mention this name, it seemed to be a remarkable figure in the evil way hundreds of years ago.

The Daoist even ruled the evil way for a period of time, and even the superior power at that time had to respect his orders.

One can imagine how high this Taoist master is.

Another point can be learned from some hearsay rumors, this Taoist is not only a very capable, but also an extremely powerful beast appraiser.

Of course, Lin Jin didn't believe all these rumors. Besides, people who lived hundreds of years ago didn't know how many years they were dead.

It can be seen that this handwritten note left by the Taoist includes Taoist affairs.

Daoist, the Dao name given to his disciples by the Lord.

This dead old Daoist was actually a ‘Insect Daoist’. According to what was written above, the Daoist passed down the ‘Six Beast Daoists’ and the Insect Daoist was just one of them.

The other five Taoists can be summed up as follows: Dragon Taoists, Tiger Taoists, Crane Taoists, Corpse Taoists, Ghost Taoists, and a few words from the handbook.

With the addition of worms, it is called ‘six beasts’.

Seeing this, Lin Jin laughed out loud.

This Daoist is not a patient with Secondary Two Diseases, no matter how silly things can be thought of, to be honest, if Lin Jin is allowed to think about it, he will feel a wave of inexplicable shame.

Lin Jin was just stunned when he saw that there was a portrait painted by the Insect Daoist for that Daojun.

Chongdaozhe's writing is very good, as can be seen from the tiny lower letters on the Chongjing, generally speaking, people who write well have good drawing skills.

In Lin Jin's view, the painting skills of Chong Dao Ren are very good, the details are perfectly outlined, and the Dao Jun on the page is very vivid.

It was Daojun's face that surprised Lin Jin.

The Taoist monarch in the painting wears a mask.