"Xiaosuo, it seems that you really called the police."

Xiaosuo nodded shyly and had to admit, "brother Niu, I walked around the street for several days and didn't find any trace of the dog. I was a little disappointed, so I suddenly remembered to call the police. I reported it to the police on the public telephone. When I called the police, in order not to let the police hear my voice, I deliberately held my nose and talked. In addition, I wrapped the microphone in a handkerchief without leaving fingerprints on it. In fact, I was just worried that the police would find me. "

Niu Er finally cheated out. The policeman was really a small lock.

Niu Er comforted: "Xiaosuo, you really shouldn't call the police. Even if you call the police, you can't say that puppy is missing. Instead, puppy is a monk. Please cooperate with the police to find out which temple puppy is in. In this way, it's not a false alarm."

Xiaosuo asked nervously, "brother Niu, I'm eager to find the dog. I didn't think about it seriously. I said that the dog suddenly disappeared and was suspected to have been killed."

Niu Er was surprised. Unexpectedly, Xiaosuo told the police that the dog had been killed in order to find the dog earlier. She was so alarmist to attract the attention of the police.

Niu Er complained: "Xiaosuo, you make such a big move and don't discuss it with me in advance. It's too hasty. If the police report you to the false police and take all means to track you down, it'll be a big disaster."

The little lock said, "how could the police trace me to my head?"

Niu Er asked, "Xiaosuo, have you noticed whether there is a camera near the public telephone? Now cameras are installed in many places in the city. The police will know where you called as soon as they check. If there is a camera near the telephone, they will find you through the lens taken by the camera."

Xiaosuo's face turned white. She stammered, "I didn't pay attention to the camera. Now I'll go and see if there is a camera near the public phone."

Niu Er waved his hand and said, "if there is a camera near the public telephone, the police have mastered your appearance. Maybe they have sent the police to squat nearby. If you show up and happen to be caught by the police, wouldn't it be a trap?"

"Brother Niu, what do you think I should do?" Xiaosuo asked in fear.

Niu Er said faintly, "Xiaosuo, tell your sister about the alarm, and then go back to the countryside to hide for a while, and then come back when you're all right. I tell you: you will be arrested by the police if you report to the false police this time. At least you will be detained for 15 days. If you are detained by the police, you will leave a pen in the file of the Public Security Bureau. In the future, no matter where you go, you will recite this case. When people look at it, they will know that you have committed a crime. "

Xiaosuo trembled with fear and turned pale. Her upper teeth knocked her lower teeth and asked, "Niu... Brother Niu, i... do I need to leave the city today?"

"Yes, I think the sooner you leave, the better. It's not too late. Maybe the police have found a clue and are arresting you everywhere."

Xiaosuo gingerly took out his mobile phone and called Xiaofang.

"Sister, I made a big mistake. Yesterday, I reported to the police on the public telephone in the street. I told the police that the dog was missing and may have been killed. Please the police to investigate this matter. Sister, if I report to the false police this time, will the police investigate my responsibility? "

Xiaofang heard that Xiaosuo called the police and said angrily, "Xiaosuo, you're looking for death. You don't even say hello to such a big thing."

"Sister, I made a mistake. Now I regret it. Just now I told Niu Er about it. Niu Er asked me to go back to the countryside and hide for a while. Sister, what do you think I should do? "

Xiaofang understood as soon as she heard it. Niu Er cheated Xiaosuo to call the police and took advantage of the situation to let Xiaosuo leave the city. All these are Niu Er's tricks.

Xiaosuo left the city and stopped thinking of marrying the dog.

Xiao Fang hurriedly said, "brother Niu is right. You can hide quickly. Otherwise, maybe the police will catch you soon. It doesn't matter if you're only detained for 15 days. I'm afraid the police will sentence you and let you go to jail for three or two years."

Xiaosuo was at a loss.

Xiaosuo hung up Xiaofang's phone and begged eagerly, "brother Niu, you saved my life."

Niu Er said forthrightly, "Xiaosuo, you are in great danger now. How can I die? I think it's just like this. You go back to pack up immediately, and then I'll take you back to your hometown by motorcycle. At this time, you can't take a long-distance bus, because the police may hold your picture and guard at the long-distance bus station and railway station, waiting for you to throw yourself into the net. I'll take you on a motorcycle and no one will find you. "

Xiaosuo said gratefully, "brother Niu, you are my life-saving benefactor. If I can escape this disaster, I will never forget you all my life."

Niu Er waved his hand and said, "Xiaosuo, we are brothers and sisters, so we don't have to be polite. Since we are brothers and sisters, of course, we should lend a helping hand in times of trouble. Don't say anything. Go back and pack your bags."

Niuer accompanied Xiaosuo home. Xiaosuo took only ten minutes to pack her luggage. She hurried on Niuer's motorcycle and urged, "brother Niu, let's go. Now I don't want to stay in this city for a second."

Niu Er started his motorcycle and flew out of the city. As soon as the motorcycle left the city, the small lock was relaxed. She said happily, "the police can't catch me at this time." Just then, suddenly there was a police car at the intersection ahead. A policeman waved to Niu Er and asked Niu Er to stop the motorcycle. Xiaosuo said in a panic, "brother Niu, these policemen are here to catch me?" Niu Er comforted: "no, this is the traffic police. Maybe it's to check my driver's license." Niu Er stopped the car and showed his driver's license to the police. The policeman returned the driver's license to Niu Er and said, "let's go." Xiaosuo was in a cold sweat. She said with fear: "Mom, my heart doesn't jump." Niu Er comforted: "Xiaosuo, don't be afraid of anything with me. If you are caught by the police, you will firmly deny it and say that you have never called the police. I tell you, the police can't get your fingerprint and check your voice, so they can't get your evidence. Even if the camera catches you, I guess it's vague and won't be so clear, so, All you have to do is deny it. " Niu Er wants to comfort Xiaosuo. He doesn't want to scare Xiaosuo into trouble. Anyway, Xiaosuo is still a little girl. More than three hours later, Niu Er sent the small lock back to his hometown. Xiaosuo's family built three beautiful new tile roofed houses, which were paid by Niu Er and built by Wang Han. Xiaosuo's father saw Niu Er coming and said in surprise, "Niu Er, why are you here?" This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.