I saw people dodging one after another and shouting, "kill!"

Niu Er was surprised. He had heard reports of killing people in the street in newspapers and TV, but he had never met them.

Is there really a murder in the hospital?

Niu Er walked quickly to the hospital. In the hall of the hospital, she saw a man holding a woman and shouted, "if you don't go home again, I'll kill you!"

Niu Er was surprised to see a bandage wrapped around the woman's forehead.

Niu Er took a closer look. The woman was Wang Xiaotao.

Niu Er looked again. The man who grabbed Wang Xiaotao was the big man Xiao Chen had dated in the teahouse.

It seems that Niu Er's speculation is also good. The big man is Wang Xiaotao's husband. It seems that Wang Xiaotao's husband is a violent man.

"If I don't go back, I won't go back..." Wang Xiaotao struggled and said.

"Shit, you dare to talk back to me. I really don't know heaven and earth. I won't kill you!" The big and thick man waved his fist and hit Wang Xiaotao.

The big and thick man knocked Wang Xiaotao to the ground with a fist. He stretched out his feet, stepped on Wang Xiaotao's stomach and roared, "you smelly woman, dare to elope. I won't beat you to death!"

Niu Er's teeth were rattling. He rushed up and waved his fist. It was a hook on the man's chin.

Only heard a sound of PA, the big and thick man fell to the ground like a big wooden stake.

Niu Er raised his legs and kicked the big and thick man's ass fiercely. He scolded angrily: "you bastard, what's your ability to bully women!"

The big and thick man stared at Niu Er and shouted, "who are you? Dare to meddle in my business. You want to die."

Niu Er smiled, raised his leg and kicked the big man.

"My God, you... Who are you?"

"You can't control who I am. If you want to bully women, I'll teach you a lesson."

There were more and more people watching the excitement. The inner three floors and the outer three floors surrounded Niu Er and the five big and three thick men.

Wang Xiaotao got up from the ground. She grabbed Niu Er and said eagerly, "little brother, don't pay attention to him. Let's go."

Niu Er knows that the police will come soon.

Niu Er doesn't want to enter the police station because he doesn't want to make trouble. Moreover, he has to save Wang Xiaotao.

Niu Er pulled up Wang Xiaotao and hurried out of the hospital.

"Get on the motorcycle and let's get out of here." Niu Er said eagerly.

As soon as Wang Xiaotao got on the motorcycle and Niu Er stepped on the accelerator, the motorcycle flew away from the hospital.

The big man ran over. He shouted, "wife, you dare to elope with this man. I can't spare you!"

A burst of sirens came, and a police car flashed its lights towards the hospital.

Niu Er turned and got into an alley.

Niu Er's driving skills were very good. He made seven turns and eight turns. Soon he was far away from the hospital.

When Niu Er just entered the hospital, he always wore a helmet. Therefore, even if the police wanted to find Niu Er, they couldn't distinguish his face.

Niu Er thought happily that he was lazy and didn't take off his helmet, otherwise he would get into trouble.

Just now, Niu Er punched the big and thick man. He made seven points with that punch. Niu Er estimated that the big and thick man must have hurt his jaw bone.

Niu Er kicked the big and thick man with two feet, one on his ass and the other on his chest.

Niu Er guessed that two ribs in a man's chest might have been kicked off.

Niu Er ran with Wang Xiaotao for more than an hour and came to a small market town.

Niu Er saw that the sun was already on his head and said, "Wang Xiaotao, let's have lunch here. I think it's safe here. "

Wang Xiaotao worried and said, "the police won't follow you, will they?"

Niu Er smiled and said, "just now I wore a lot of alleys, because there was no monitor in the alleys, and the police couldn't track my whereabouts, ha ha..."

Wang Xiaotao scolded: "Niu Er, you shouldn't do it. If you hurt or kill Zhang cannon, you'll get into big trouble."

Niu Er asked, "is that man called Zhang cannon?"

Wang Xiaotao nodded.

Niu Er smiled and said, "just listen to the name of Zhang cannon. I knew he was a rude guy. How could you marry such an asshole? "

Wang Xiaotao sighed and said, "little brother, it's hard to say that."

Seeing that a small restaurant was very clean, Niu Er said to Wang Xiaotao, "let's eat in this small restaurant."

Niu Er and Wang Xiaotao went into the restaurant, chose a quiet place and sat down.

The landlady brought the recipe. Niu Er handed the recipe to Wang Xiaotao and said, "you can order whatever you like. I have to declare that although I'm not a millionaire, I also have a little money in my pocket. Therefore, you just need to be bold and order whatever you want. Don't be afraid that I can't afford it."

Wang Xiaotao smiled and said, "Niuer, are you giving me an apology?" Niu Er nodded and said apologetically, "Wang Xiaotao, I wasn't very polite to you yesterday. This meal is an apology for you. Please forgive my rudeness." Wang Xiaotao smiled and said, "Niu Er, I've decided to forgive you. Today, if you hadn't come in time, I would have been dragged home by this bastard husband. As soon as I got home, I would have been beaten by him. " Niu Er sighed and said, "Wang Xiaotao, how can you bear humiliation so much? Will you hang from the tree of Zhang Da Pao all your life?" Wang Xiaotao sighed and said, "little brother, I have difficulties." Niu Er waved his hand and said, "let's eat first and don't say anything. After dinner, we'll have a good talk." Wang Xiaotao ordered two dishes and Niu Er ordered two more. Niu Er said to the landlady, "hurry up and serve us. We're hungry." The landlady promised and went into the kitchen happily. In less than twenty minutes, four dishes were served one after another. Niu Er and Wang Xiaotao were having dinner and chatting about everything. Niu Er doesn't want to talk about those unpleasant things at dinner. He hopes Wang Xiaotao can eat better. Niu Er specially ordered a spare ribs soup. He said, "Wang Xiaotao, your head is hurt and you need some calcium." Wang Xiaotao looked at Niu Er faintly and said movingly, "Niu Er, I saw you yesterday and thought you were a rude man than my husband. I didn't expect you to be so careful." Niu Er smiled and said sorry, "Wang Xiaotao, I wanted to force you to tell the truth yesterday, so I had to be rough with you. In fact, I am not a savage man, let alone a bastard man. How to say, I should be a good man. But I want to make it clear that I will never bully women. Please put 120 hearts on this. " This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.