Bruce Lee listened to Niu Er's explanation. He seemed unmoved and insisted: "brother Niu, I'm so disappointed with you. I always thought we were good brothers. The old saying says: if you can wear brother clothes, you don't occupy brother's wife. But you slept with my wife. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became and decided not to live. "

Bruce Lee said and stood on the stool. He put the rope tied to the branch around his neck.

Niu Er saw it. It turned out that Bruce Lee came to the villa to hang in front of Niu Er and die in front of Niu Er.

Niu Er is not afraid, because as soon as Bruce Lee kicks down the stool, Niu Er will rush to hold Bruce Lee's leg, or cut the rope and save Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee has been waiting in the yard of the villa and wants to hang in front of Niu Er. This also shows that Bruce Lee does not want to die, but wants to demonstrate to Niu Er and express his great indignation.

Niu Er smiled and said, "Bruce Lee, if you want to die, I won't stop you or save you, but I think you should figure it out before you die. You can wait until the black girl gives birth to the child, and then do a paternity test, and the truth will be revealed. Now you die in a muddle headed way. Isn't it too unjust to die? "

Bruce Lee was a little excited. He said, "brother Niu, you really don't have an affair with black girl."

"Yes, how could I have an affair with black girl? I once told you that your mother-in-law pushed me into black girl's boudoir more than four years ago and wanted me to be her door-to-door son-in-law. In that case, I managed to escape. Think about it. If I like black girls, why should I run away? "

As soon as Bruce Lee heard it, Niu Er made sense.

Bruce Lee jumped down from the stool. He said suspiciously, "brother Niu, am I fooled by my mother-in-law?"

Niu Er nodded and said definitely, "Bruce Lee, you shouldn't believe what your mother-in-law said. You don't know. Your mother-in-law is a liar. She doesn't like you. Of course, I hope you take the initiative to quit and let black girl marry me. Your death is not in line with the old mother-in-law's plan. "

"Yes, it seems that I was confused for a moment. I listened to my mother-in-law. I really had melon seeds in my head."

Bruce Lee slapped himself in the mouth.

Niu Er walked over. He grabbed Bruce Lee's shoulder and vowed, "Bruce Lee, you are like my own brother. How can I sleep with your wife and have children with your wife. When the black girl gives birth to the child, you should hurry to have a paternity test. Then you will understand that what I said is true. "

Bruce Lee believed Niu Er's words. He nodded and said shyly, "brother Niu, I wronged you. I'm really sorry for you."

"Oh, we are brothers. It's no big deal if there is some misunderstanding occasionally. I can forgive you, but don't listen to these gossip in the future. You remember a sentence: paternity testing is the most scientific evidence, and everything is subject to the results of paternity testing. "

Niu Er's Sister Li Wei, her parents work in the medical system, and her father is also the head of a paternity testing center.

When Heiniu gives birth to a child, she asks Bruce Lee to go to the parent-child identification center of Li Wei's father. At that time, it will be all right to change Niu Er's blood with Bruce Lee's blood.

As long as the paternity test results show that the blood of the two blood samples has a parent-child relationship, it will calm the storm.

Niu Er took Bruce Lee's arm and entered the villa.

While Bruce Lee was watching TV, Niu Er called black girl.

Niu Er complained, "black girl, Bruce Lee has come to the villa. Do you know?"

The black girl was surprised and asked, "why did Bruce Lee run to the villa?"

Niu Er said angrily, "your mother lacks a door in her mouth. She even told Bruce Lee that the child in your belly is my match. This made a big mistake. Bruce Lee ran to the villa to hang himself and accused me of occupying his wife. "

The black girl was startled and asked, "Bruce Lee committed suicide?"

"No, Bruce Lee has stood on the stool and put the rope around his neck. Just when he was about to kick the stool, I successfully persuaded Bruce Lee to believe that your mother was lying."

The black girl said angrily, "my mother is too shameful. I told her again and again that I must not tell Bruce Lee about your breeding for me, but she just said it. Niu Er, wait. I'll find my mother right away. "

Black girl hung up the phone, angrily ran to her mother's bedroom and asked fiercely, "Mom, are you drunk? How could you tell Bruce Lee about Niu Er's breeding for me?"

Sister-in-law Huang said shyly, "last night, I drank a little wine and my head was dizzy. I just met Bruce Lee. As soon as he came home, he didn't say hello to me. So I was a little angry and scolded him. He said he didn't have the ability, said my daughter didn't like you, and even asked Niu Er to help with breeding. "

Black girl said angrily, "Mom, you're trying to ruin my marriage. If I divorce Bruce Lee, I'll have to be widowed all my life. Can you watch me live alone all my life?"

Quick talker sister-in-law Huang said carelessly, "girl, how can you live alone all your life?"“ Mom, can you accompany me all my life? " Asked the black girl. Sister-in-law Huang said, "don't you still have children? He can accompany you. Besides, if you really divorced Bruce Lee, you would marry Niu Er. Now Niu Er is still a bachelor. He has enlarged your stomach. Shouldn't he be responsible for you? " The black girl frowned and said unhappily, "Mom, I have an agreement with Niu Er. As long as he breeds me, I won't pester him anymore. Even if I divorced, I couldn't marry Niu Er. At that time, I will become an orphan and widowed mother. Do you want to see me end up like this? " Sister-in-law Wang said awkwardly, "girl, I just explained that I told Bruce Lee the secret last night because I was drunk. Otherwise, I'll explain it to Bruce Lee later. I'll say I'm lying and tell him not to believe me." The black girl nodded and said, "you have to explain to Bruce Lee. Tell him that the child in my belly is Bruce Lee's. " Mrs. Huang said helplessly, "well, I'll explain to Bruce Lee as soon as he comes back." After an hour, Niu Er accompanied Bruce Lee home. As soon as Bruce Lee entered the door, sister-in-law Huang said awkwardly, "Bruce Lee, I was drunk last night. I don't know what I said to you. I want to tell you that I can't believe what I said. No matter what I said, you mustn't believe it." Bruce Lee's face turned red and said, "Mom, why can't you say that? Why did you make up a story about the second cow breeding the black girl? It really convinced me. Today, I almost hanged myself." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.