Niu Erxi Zizi left Zhang Ting and returned to the villa.

After a while, pockmarked Wang and Zhang Li also returned to the villa.

Niu Er asked, "have you talked about the shop?"

Pockmarked Wang said awkwardly, "the boss asked too much. He just didn't pay the price."

Zhang Li didn't say anything, but her face was not very good.

Niu Er secretly asked Zhang Li, "what's the matter?"

Zhang Li asked unhappily, "brother Niu, what business does this Wang pockmarked son do?"

Niu Er said puzzled, "why did you ask about it?"

Zhang Li tilted her lips and said, "I don't think pockmarked Wang is a businessman."

Niu Er was curious and asked, "why doesn't he look like a businessman?"

Zhang Li said discontentedly, "pockmarked Wang's friend wanted to transfer the shop. When we discussed this matter, pockmarked Wang kept praising the shop, saying that the geographical location was good, that the size of the shop was just right, and that the business of the shop was very prosperous, boasting that the shop was like a flower. Brother Niu, tell me. Wang Mazi said, "can the price of the pavement be paid?"

Niu Er smiled and said, "pockmarked Wang wants to please you, indicating that it has helped you find a good pavement."

Zhang Li rolled her eyes and said, "these words can only be said to me behind my back. How can I say them in front of the boss? The more pockmarked Wang praises the good pavement, the more I can't lower the price. It's not dismantling my platform. "

Niu Er explained: "elder sister, this pockmarked Wang is short-sighted. He doesn't understand these business skills. He just wants to please you. So he came to a bear for help. As for you, don't see his strange. "

Zhang Li asked, "what kind of business does this pockmarked Wang do?"

Niu Er said, "he does stock trading."

Zhang Li has never fired stocks and doesn't care about stocks, so she knows nothing about stocks. Listen to Niu Er, Wang Mazi is a stock speculator, and Zhang Li looks at a loss.

"To put it bluntly, he is a stock speculator." Niu Er explained.

Zhang Li sighed and said, "no wonder, as soon as I see, pockmarked Wang is not the material for doing business."

Zhang Li said reluctantly, "that shop is really good. I really want to dish it down, but I haven't paid back a penny after being stirred up by pockmarked Wang. The boss is bitten to death. He has to ask for 1.2 million, not a penny less. "

Niu Er knows that Zhang Li has only 500000 yuan in her hand. It's a long way from setting up the shop.

Niu Er took advantage of Zhang Li's going to the bathroom and said to Wang Mazi, "you have water in your head. How can you praise the pavement desperately in front of the pavement boss. Can Zhang Li return the price with your stirring? You are a real help. "

Pockmarked Wang suddenly realized it. He said sadly, "Oh, i... I didn't think of this. It's so confused. Brother Niu, what do you say? "

Niu Er smiled and said, "isn't it simple? You help Zhang Li dish down the pavement and lend it to her for business."

Pockmarked Wang waved his hand and said, "what can I borrow or not? I'll just plate the pavement down and give it to Zhang Li."

As soon as Zhang Li came back from the bathroom, pockmarked Wang flattered and said, "Zhang Li, I've made up my mind. In the afternoon, I'll plate down the shop and give it to you."

Zhang Li rolled her eyes at pockmarked Wang and said, "if you don't do business like this, you will give 1.2 million if they want 1.2 million. If you do business like this, you must lose money. Don't worry about it. I'll go around again in the afternoon. "

"I'll go with you." Pockmarked Wang volunteered.

Zhang Li waved her hand and declined, "brother Wang, please rest at home. I'll go alone."

When Zhang Li first came to the city, Niu Er was a little worried. After lunch, he accompanied Zhang Li to the small commodity street.

Zhang Li pointed to the door of the people's clothing store and said, "brother Niu, that's the shop."

Niu Er nodded and exclaimed, "no wonder pockmarked Wang is full of praise. The location of this pavement is really good. It's at the intersection. When you do business in this feng shui treasure land, you don't worry about having no customers. "

Zhang Li walked into a grocery store. She bought a shoe brush.

Niu Er was puzzled and said, "elder sister, there is a shoe brush at home. Why do you buy it? Tell me and I'll help you find it."

Zhang Li smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Li took out the money and bought the shoes and brushes.

The landlady of this grocery store is a fat man with a waist circumference of at least three feet.

Zhang Li smiled and said to the landlady, "elder sister, I think your business is good."

The landlady smiled and replied, "it's OK. It's good to earn 8000 a month. Now business is not easy to do. Customers come in to see more and buy less. Business is becoming more and more difficult. "

Zhang Li asked carelessly, "elder sister, is your shop worth a lot of money?"

The landlady smiled and said, "800000 should be about the same."

Zhang Li whispered to Niu Er: "the people's clothing store has the same area and location as this grocery store. According to this, the pavement price of the people's clothing store is worth 800000. Unexpectedly, the black hearted shopkeeper even offered 1.2 million. Isn't this killing my mother as a fat pig?" Niu Er shook his head and said, "people now have big knives pinned to their waists. Kill one and count one." Zhang Li asked the landlady again, "elder sister, is the business of the people's clothing store next door also good?" The landlady looked at Zhang Li and asked, "do you want to buy the shop?" Zhang Li answered frankly, "yes, I think he wrote a transfer notice in front of his shop. I'm a little moved. I want to know about the business here." The landlady looked around, then waved to Zhang Li and said mysteriously, "sister, I think you have a good face and a good person, so I'll tell you a little secret. The shop in the people's clothing store is a dangerous house." Zhang Li was startled and asked in panic, "elder sister, you said the people's clothing store is a fierce shop. What's the matter?" The landlady lowered her voice and said, "sister, I can't tell you this secret. If the boss of people's clothing store knows that I said it, he must work hard with me."“ Elder sister, don't worry. I'll keep my mouth shut and won't tell anyone. " The landlady was relieved. She told Zhang Li: last year, an old lady went to the people's clothing store to buy clothes. She accidentally fell and fainted on the spot. Later, she was sent to the hospital without rescue. The old lady's son had a lawsuit with the boss of people's clothing store, and the boss lost 200000. Since then, the business of "people's clothing store" has failed. Nearby residents are unwilling to buy clothes in "people's clothing store"“ Ah, there's still such a thing. " Zhang Li was stunned. Niu Er covered his chest and said, "elder sister, fortunately, you have a heart and know how to inquire about it. Otherwise, if you buy that shop, you will smash it." Zhang Li asked the landlady, "the old lady fell down. Is the store responsible?" The landlady said, "Oh, it's also bad luck for the owner of the people's clothing store. His clerk accidentally spilled the water when drinking water. The ground was wet. The old lady happened to step on the water and slip. You said, "can the store have no responsibility?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.