After a while, the police car came. Several policemen jumped out of the car and asked about the situation. Then they tied Lao Ding with a restraint belt and stuffed it into the police car.

Niu Er breathed a sigh of relief. He walked into the bank and accompanied Da Xu to go through the resignation procedures.

Da Xu was sweating cold. He said in panic, "brother Niu, fortunately you came, otherwise my head will bloom."

Niu Er said, "Chen Ping told me that you came to the bank. I was afraid you might have an accident, so I rushed over. It's too dangerous. If I come late, you'll reimburse me. "

"Yes, my head doesn't have to be beaten. Besides, I'm weak. If I get this stick, I may not be able to get up."

Da Xu finished his resignation.

Niu Er sent Da Xu home.

Da Xu told Chen Ping the thrilling scene just now.

Chen Ping covered her chest and said in fear, "thanks to brother Niu's help, otherwise, I don't know what will happen."

Niu Er warned: "now, Lao Ding is nervous. He wants to revenge you both. Of course, he can't live without me. However, I can handle Lao Ding, but you two are different. A nervous person will have great strength and act recklessly. In addition, neuropathy will not be legally responsible for killing people. "

When Da Xu's uncle heard about it, he said decisively, "well, you two go to other cities to hide. When you need to go through immigration procedures, I'm asking a bodyguard to accompany you back. In this way, your safety will be guaranteed."

Niu Er said, "my uncle is right. I have to leave the city immediately."

Da Xu and Chen Ping simply packed their bags and bought train tickets online.

Niu Er put Da Xu and Chen Ping on the train.

Looking at the distant train, Niu Er's hanging heart was finally put down.

Niu wanwan didn't expect that Lao Ding would be nervous.

Niu Er shook his head and sighed: maybe this is the reward for evil.

The news that Da Xu was attacked by Lao Ding came to Xiao Xue's ears.

Xiao Xue called Niu Er again and said, "brother Niu, thank you for arriving at the bank in time and saving Da Xu's life. I heard that three or five men can't subdue Lao Ding when he is nervous, but it's not easy for you to beat Lao ding on the ground alone. "

Niu Er regretted and said, "this old Ding is too worthless. Isn't he lovelorn? It's not worth it to be nervous for a woman."

Xiao Xue sighed and said, "what does this mean? It shows that Lao Ding loves Chen Ping deeply. Otherwise, he won't be nervous for Chen Ping."

Xiao Xue scolded and said, "brother Niu, you have hurt Lao Ding miserably. A good young man will be buried in your hands all his life."

Niu Er said wrongfully, "sister Xiao, how can you blame me? Chen Ping didn't want to fall in love with him and married Da Xu. This is his freedom. Moreover, it was his old Ding who did not do things in a down-to-earth manner that ended up like this. Strictly speaking, Lao Ding ate his own fruit. "

Xiao Xue sighed and said, "after Ding zhe came back, he has been complaining about me, saying that I shouldn't let you know Lao Ding and Da Xu, and shouldn't help your sister, otherwise, it wouldn't happen."

Niu Er said wrongfully, "it's not my fault or you. How can Ding zhe say that?"

"It's too late to say anything. From then on, I will never be a matchmaker again. Brother Niu, I advise you: don't mind your sister's business in the future. "

Niu Er didn't want to explain more. He felt that no one should bear the slightest responsibility for Lao Ding's madness. He deserved it. If you want to blame him, you have to blame himself for being too sophisticated, too smooth and too bad.

At night, Niu Er couldn't sleep. He was walking around in the small garden of the villa.

Suddenly, several shouts came from outside the villa.

"Niu Er, you bastard, get out of here and I'll settle with you..."

Niu Er heard that Lao Ding was shouting outside the villa.

Didn't Lao Ding be taken to the neurological hospital by the police?

Niu Er looked out from the door opening of the gate and saw Lao Ding holding an iron stick. He swung the iron stick and hit the gate of the villa.

There was a crash in the water.

Niu Er reluctantly called the police.

After a while, a police car came, jumped down, bound Lao Ding and stuffed him into the police car.

Watching the police car drive away, Niu Er shook his head.

Fortunately, Da Xu and Chen Ping have left the city. At least, their lives will not be in danger.

As for Niu Er, he can completely deal with this psychosis. However, if Lao Ding attacked Niu Er from behind, it would be enough for Niu Er to drink a pot.

Niu Er is not a fool. He knows that from now on, he will have to grow an eye on the back of his head, or his head will burst out.

The next night, Niu Er received a call from Li Wei.

Li Weixi said, "brother Niu, Zhang Qi and I invite you to dinner."

Niu Er smiled and said, "No. When you two get married, I will come to have a wedding drink. " Li Wei said, "Zhang Qi and I invited you to dinner tonight mainly to thank you for being a matchmaker, so you have to come." Niu Er thinks that Li Wei's words are somewhat reasonable. Niu Er, as a matchmaker, should thank him. In the evening, Niu Er went to the hotel. Li Wei and Zhang Qi specially asked for a private room and ordered a large table of delicious food. Niu Er smiled and said, "you two treat me warmly. I'm flattered by the high standard." Zhang Qi smiled and said, "brother Niu, thank you for your kindness. If it weren't for you, how could I marry such a good girl." Niu Er said: "brother Zhang, as long as you are kind to Li Wei, you can thank me. You know, Li Wei is my sister. If you're sorry for her, be careful I'm not polite to you. "“ How can I be bad to Li Wei? It can be said that I am afraid of melting in my mouth and flying in my hand. Even if I give up my life for Li Wei, I will not hesitate. "“ That's good. I don't like to listen to what people say, but focus on what people do. I won't believe what you say. " Zhang Qi smiled and said, "brother Niu, look at my actions. I'll let you know that I don't change my mind about Li Wei." Li Wei rolled his eyes at Zhang Qi and said, "don't talk big all day. Brother Niu doesn't like listening to these words. He is a real man."“ I am also a real person. " Zhang Qi said with a smile. Niu Er had already seen that Zhang Qi was an honest man. Otherwise, he would not introduce Zhang Qi to Li Wei. The three talked and laughed, and a meal lasted three hours. Niu Eryi was happy and drank a lot of wine. The second way of wine is to drink two or three jin of liquor. It's strange tonight. After drinking a bottle of red wine, Niu Er felt dizzy. Niu Er picked up the red wine bottle, looked at it and said in doubt, "this red wine is strange. How can I feel dizzy?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.