Zhang Ting smiled and said, "is there really an old yellow cow coming?"

"Yes, I have clearly heard its footsteps. Let's welcome the arrival of the bull market."

With excitement on his face, Xiao Chen seems to be the commander of the stock market.

Niu Eryi looked disdainful and said, "I don't understand bull and bear markets, but I know that there are no experts in the stock market. Don't regard yourself as a great prophet."

Xiao Chen looked at Niu Er and asked, "do you also speculate in stocks?"

Niu Er proudly replied, "I cooperate with Tingmei to speculate in stocks."

Chen asked curiously, "Zhang Ting, do you fry stocks with him?"

Zhang Ting nodded and said, "yes, I fry stocks with brother Niu."

Xiao Chen disapproved and said: "cooperative stock speculation is not desirable. There will be disputes. In the stock market, there are many disputes in this kind of cooperative stock speculation. It's best to fry each stock."

Xiao Chen opposed Niu Er's cooperation in stock speculation with Zhang Ting in front of Niu Er, which made Niu Er very unhappy. He angrily said, "Hey, who are you? I'm telling you what to do here. Zhang Ting and I cooperate in stock speculation, not with you."

Xiao Chen glanced at Niu Er and said, "I put forward this proposal for the good of you two. If you two insist on cooperating in stock speculation, it's your business. However, I suggest you two sign a written agreement so as to avoid lawsuits in the future."

Niu Er said angrily, "why don't you file a lawsuit? Sister ting and I are good friends. We can't have a lawsuit or a conflict. "

Xiao Chen smiled and insisted, "as the saying goes, a brother should settle accounts clearly. This is reasonable."

Zhang Ting said with a smile, "brother Niu and I are good friends. We don't pay attention to money, but put friendship first, so we won't argue about money, let alone file a lawsuit."

Xiao Chen smiled awkwardly when Zhang Ting said this and said, "that's good. I'm also kind to remind you."

Niu Er said coldly, "you'd better make this suggestion to others. Don't talk nonsense here. I don't care about your suggestion."

Xiao Chen can see that Niu Er has been jealous of him. Obviously, he shouldn't be blamed.

Xiao Chen punned, "I have the right to make suggestions to my friends. This suggestion is for Zhang Ting, not for you. Don't get me wrong. To tell you the truth, I've never known you before. It doesn't matter now. It won't matter in the future. Therefore, I'll never give you suggestions."

"You think I don't want your advice. Three money is not worth two money. It's like farting."

"Hey, please respect people and keep your mouth clean." Xiao Chen said unhappily.

Seeing that Niu Er and Xiao Chen quarreled, Zhang Ting hurriedly persuasively said, "you are both my friends. Don't quarrel. Have something to say."

Niu Er couldn't help but give Zhang Ting this face. He lowered his head and stopped talking.

Xiao Chen is also a smart man. Seeing Zhang Ting mediating, he gave Zhang Ting a face and said, "I'm just talking casually. In fact, I have a good impression of Niu Er. He speaks very frankly. I like this kind of person."

Niu Er is not stupid. He also pushed the boat with the flow and said, "in fact, I have a good impression of you. We have the same temper and are straightforward people."

Niu Er reached out and took the initiative to shake hands with Xiao Chen, indicating a high attitude.

Xiao Chen held out his hand, but he held it out reluctantly.

The two shook hands as a sign of reconciliation.

Xiao Chen looked at Niu Er and asked, "excuse me, where are you doing?"

Niu Er became angry as soon as he heard it. Xiao Chen and Ding zhe sounded the same. What are you doing? Sour words make people angry. Don't you just ask me where I work.

Niu Er replied coldly, "I'm a private bodyguard."

"Ah!" Xiao Chen screamed, widened his eyes and looked up and down at Niu Er.

Niu Er asked curiously, "don't you think I'm not like a bodyguard?"

"No, it's not that it's not. It's too similar. Look at you. You look very aggressive. If you stop here, you can scare the gangsters away."

According to Xiao Chen, Niu Er looks very fierce.

"You're exaggerating." Niu Er said coldly.

"No exaggeration, no exaggeration at all. I was a little frightened at the first sight of you."

"I'm not a tiger, as for."

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Niu Er, it seems that you have martial arts."

"A little, little." Niu Er clenched his fist and waved twice in front of Xiao Chen.

Niu Er's action is obviously threatening. He is talking with his fist: be careful, don't come here to dig my girlfriend, otherwise, you'll be impolite to you!

Xiao Chen is not stupid. Of course, he saw Niu Er's intention. He smiled and said, "fists can't solve all problems. Take me for example. I never take fists seriously."

Xiao Chen's words are obviously contemptuous. He is telling Niu Er that you should not threaten me with your fists. I won't eat this set. Niu Er thought, when your fist really falls on you, you will know the taste of being beaten. At that time, you won't be afraid of your disobedience. Xiao Chen punned, "it's good to have a martial arts friend. At least, someone helps when fighting. However, I've never had a fight with anyone in my life, so I don't need to make martial arts friends." Xiao Chen obviously told Niu Er that I didn't see your martial arts. Niu Er said coldly, "no one wants to make friends with you. Don't be amorous." Seeing that Niu Er and Xiao Chen were working again, Zhang Ting hurriedly persuasively said, "you two should be good friends. As the saying goes, plant fewer thorns, plant more flowers, have one more friend and one more way." Xiao Chen quickly echoed, "Zhang Ting, you're right. I'd like to be a good friend with Niu Er." Niu Er also said, "well, I'd like to make friends with you, too." Niu Er and Xiao Chen looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. Xiao Chen glanced at his watch and said, "I have something else to do. Let's go first." Xiao Chen stood up, waved and left Zhang Ting's newsstand. Niu Er looked at Xiao Chen's back and said discontentedly, "look at his virtue and arrogance. It's nothing great not to have studied in College for several years. These sour guys, my teeth are going to sour when I talk to him. "“ Brother Niu, is it that serious? You open your mouth and let me see how many teeth you have poured out. " Niu Er smiled and asked, "sister Ting, is this guy Xiao Xue's boyfriend?" Zhang Ting nodded and replied, "yes, he is the boyfriend Zhang Ting introduced to me. However, I didn't promise to talk to him about friends." This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.