The thin monkey said, "I don't care. In fact, I'm afraid the boss can't get used to it."

The bald little beggar glanced at me and said, "don't talk about me. If you don't want to eat corn flour, just say it bluntly. Why are you under my banner. To tell you the truth, I'm quite used to eating corn flour. Let's eat corn flour in xiaoliuzhuang for a few days. It's a change of taste. "

As soon as the thin monkey heard this, he was in a hurry and said, "boss, I think I'd better buy some rice flour. I can't eat corn flour every day. Even if it's a change of taste, one or two meals will be enough. If I keep eating like this, it will kill me."

The brain bag smiled and said, "let's show our stuffing. Just now we said we were used to eating and considered for the boss. Now we finally admit that we can't afford it."

The thin monkey smiled and said, "boss, I really can't bear it. If I eat like this, I'll have a heart to die."

The bald little beggar waved his hand and said, "thin monkey, early tomorrow morning, you will go to the market town to buy rice and flour. You can buy as much as you can carry. I can put it in front and only buy it once."

The thin monkey asked, "boss, how many days shall we stay in xiaoliuzhuang?"

The bald little beggar replied, "it's hard to say. At least three or five days, more than ten days and a half months. It depends on the situation."

The thin monkey pulled his finger and calculated: "the three of us have to eat three kilograms of rice a day. According to the longest time of half a month, we have to eat 45 kilograms of rice. In addition, we have to buy some white flour. In this way, at least 60 kilograms. Mom, it takes me eight miles to carry a burden of 60 kilograms. Isn't that my life?"

The big head smiled and said, "the boss said it would take up to half a month, maybe three or five days to go back. What do you do if you buy so much?"

The thin monkey said, "of course, I have to calculate the maximum time. Otherwise, I have to eat corn flour when I buy less. I can't stand it. I'd rather choose more than eat more corn. Besides, if we can't finish eating, we'll leave it to the little swallow and let the little swallow enjoy it. "

The big head said darkly, "you want to give the little swallow to eat, hum! It's not an obvious idea to beat a swallow. "

The thin monkey explained, "how hard it is for the swallow to cook for us. Shouldn't we comfort her?"

The bald little beggar waved his hand and said, "thin monkey, I don't care how much you buy. If you can't finish eating, leave it to the swallow's house. If you can't eat enough, eat corn flour. This principle is so set."

The monkeys nodded and said, "I see."

After dinner, the bald little beggar said, "let's go around the village and find out the terrain here."

The three went out and strolled around the village for a while. Finally, they turned to the village head's house.

It was getting dark. Taking advantage of the moonlight, the three came to the back of the village head's house.

Behind the village head's house is a corn field. Now, the corn has grown more than one person. As soon as people get in, they disappear without a trace.

The bald little beggar said, "OK, great. This is called the green gauze tent. Originally, when fighting the Japanese devils, as long as there is a green gauze tent, the guerrillas are not afraid. Now, we rescue the grass. With the green gauze tent, we have a natural umbrella."

"The boss is right. This green curtain can cover our escape." Brain pouch and accessory tract.

The brain bag looked at the back wall of the village head's house and said, "unfortunately, there is no window behind the village head's wing room. If only there were a window, we can break the window and save the grass from the window."

The bald little beggar said thoughtfully, "there is no window. We can open a window for him."

"Let's open a window for the village head's house. What's the village head doing?" Asked the thin monkey.

The head melon seeds of the big head turned quickly. He suddenly understood the meaning of the bald little beggar's words and said happily, "yes, we can open a window for the village head's house. Why didn't I think of it? After all, the boss is smart. I'm convinced."

"What are you two talking about? Can the village head let us open a window for his house? It's impossible. "

The bald little beggar said, "let's go to the back of the wing room."

The bald little beggar said to the thin monkey, "watch the wind here. If someone comes, whistle."

The thin monkey nodded and promised, "OK, I see."

The bald little beggar and the brain bag bent over and quickly ran to the back of the village head's wing room.

The bald little beggar touched the mud wall and whispered, "big head, I don't know whether the mud wall is strong or not."

The big head scratched on the wall with his fingers, smiled and said, "no matter how strong he is, he is also a mud wall. I think as long as we pour some water on the wall, and then dig slowly with an iron shovel, we can dig a hole in the wall in two hours, so that the little swallow can climb out of the hole."

"This is a good way. Pour water on the wall and then dig with an iron shovel. Great, let's do it."

The big head warned, "boss, brother Niu said, don't act without authorization? I'd better ask brother Niu for instructions before taking action. "

"You're right. You have to ask brother Niu for instructions. Well, let's go back and get a flashlight and call the mountain."

The brain bag shook his head and said timidly, "boss, as soon as it gets dark, the beast will come out. Let's go up the mountain. What if we encounter the beast?" The bald little beggar thought for a moment and said, "I think we should get in touch with brother Niu as soon as possible and report it to him. It's worth taking some risks." The big head dissuaded: "boss, you have to be careful about this. If we are eaten by wild animals, won't the gains outweigh the losses? Our lives are a small matter, but not to rescue the grass. " The bald little beggar nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "well, I heard that there are several hunters in the village. We can spend money to hire two hunters to accompany us up the mountain. It's safe."“ OK, that's a great way. With the hunter, the beast won't dare to come near us. " The three people hurried back to the old bachelor's house. The bald little beggar said to the old bachelor, "Grandpa, I have something to ask you. When we went up the mountain during the day, we lost a mobile phone. I want to hire two hunters to take my up the mountain to find a mobile phone." The old bachelor said, "you mean let me hire someone for you? Then I ask you, how much would you like to pay to accompany you up the mountain? " Niu Er asked, "how much do you think is appropriate?" The old bachelor thought for a moment and said, "everyone has to give at least 30 yuan, otherwise no one is willing to do it."“ Well, I'll give each Hunter 50 yuan, and I'll give you another 50 yuan introduction fee, OK? " The old bachelor said happily, "of course, boy, you are really generous. You look like a millionaire. I ask you, is it very profitable to be a salesman?" Niu Er smiled and said, "we are talented as salesmen. We haven't made any money yet. All the money I have on me is the money I used to ask for when begging. I've saved it all." The old bachelor glanced and said, "Oh, it's the money. I thought you were a millionaire." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.