Widow Li threw her lips and said with a sneer, "brother Niu, you know, just take my business to heart when you return to the city this time."

"Widow Li, I said, don't worry."

Widow Li said unhappily, "brother Niu, you see, I'm commensurate with your sister and brother. It's embarrassing for you to shout one widow at a time. To be honest with brother Niu, if I enter the city this time, I still want to pretend to be the eldest daughter of Huanghua. You cry one widow at a time. If someone hears you, I'll show my stuffing. "

Niu Er smiled and looked up and down at widow Li. He nodded and said, "Hey, look at your devil like figure. You really look like a yellow flower girl."

Widow Li is very slim, especially her buttocks are tight, just like the yellow flower girl.

Niu Er has heard from his aunts since childhood that to see whether a woman is a yellow flower girl, you must first look at her ass.

Once a woman gets married, her ass will get bigger, and some will even be like a millstone.

"Really." Widow Li was very proud and said, "brother Niu, I only slept with men once in my life. It shouldn't count."

Niu Er smiled. He thought: even if he slept with a man half a time, he would not be a big girl of yellow flower. Let alone sleep once.

"Brother Niu, what are you laughing at?" Widow Li Duqi asked.

Niu Er put away his smile and said, "Hey, don't you know? It depends on whether you have that membrane. You've slept with a man and you're pregnant. You don't have that membrane for a long time. "

Widow Li glanced and asked, "brother Niu, let me ask you something."

"What's up?"

"Can the doctor sew on the woman's film again?" Asked widow Li.

Niu Er smiled and asked, "do you want to fake?"

Widow Li smiled and said, "it's not a fake. You see, I slept with a man once. If I were a young woman, would it be a little too wronged. So, I want to sew that film. In this way, I am the real yellow flower girl. "

Niu Er thought: Widow Li wants to sew that film, which is a good way. It is said that men like women for the first time, and pockmarked Wang must be no exception. If widow Li dressed up as the eldest daughter of yellow flowers, she would have a stronger attraction to pockmarked Wang.

Niu Er thought of this and said solemnly, "if you want to sew that film, I can find a doctor for you."

Widow Li said happily, "brother Niu, you are more and more like my brother. You are so kind to your sister. How can your sister repay you? I still say that: I always give you the green light here. I will promise when you want to sleep with me."

Niu Er smiled. He said noncommittally, "I see."

Widow Li asked sadly, "brother Niu, how much does it cost to mend that film? All my savings now are only more than 500. "

Niu Er said generously, "I'll help you pay for sewing this film."

"Really?!" Widow Li cried in surprise.

"Why should I joke with you?" Niu Er said faintly.

"Great." Widow Li shouted with dancing hands and feet.

Niu Er didn't know widow Li's name yet. He muttered, "what's your name?"

"My name is Li Lian, the lotus of lotus." Widow Li answered.

Niu Er thought and said, "I'll call you lotus in the future."

"Well, I like it." Widow Li said happily.

"Lotus, I want to ask your opinion. If you are asked to clean, will you do it?"

"Do it, I'm willing to do anything as long as I can enter the city. Brother Niu, you know, in two months, the village head will let me be his lover. So I have to leave the village within two months. " Widow Li said this and shed tears.

Niu Er can't see people cry, especially women. He waved his hand and said resolutely, "if I haven't found you a job within two months, I will take you to the city first and won't let you fall into the clutches of the village head."

"Really?" Widow Li asked suspiciously.

Niu Er sighed and said, "people in the village are deceived by Huang Ma's lies. They all think I'm a bad guy. In fact, I'm a good man. Look at you. You don't believe me at all. "

Widow Li smiled and said, "brother Niu, to tell you the truth, your reputation in the village is really smelly. Everyone thinks you are too bad, too unconscionable and too..."

"Stop!" Niu Er frowned and interrupted widow Li.

"Brother Niu, I didn't spread rumors. I told the truth." Widow Li explained.

Niu Er said carelessly, "I'll go my own way and let them talk."

"Yes." Widow Li protested against injustice and said, "originally, I listened to the people in the village, but now I don't believe it at all. I think: you are a man of conscience and righteousness. "

Niu Er sighed and said to himself, "I will let the whole village know that Niu Er is a good man, a real good man."

Widow Li asked, "brother Niu, when are you leaving?"“ Tomorrow. " Niu Er answered. Niu Er doesn't want to stay in the village at all. Since everyone misunderstood him and had a bad impression of him, it's no fun to stay here. Besides, Niu Er has to hurry to find a job for widow Li. I don't know if I found the cleaner in the securities business department. What if it has been found? Niu Er made up his mind to leave here early tomorrow morning. Niu Er said goodbye to widow Li. Widow Li said reluctantly, "brother Niu, I really don't want you to go." Niu Er comforted, "I'll pick you up soon."“ Goodbye. " Widow Li waved to Niu Er with tears in her eyes“ Alas! A poor woman with rich feelings. " Niu Er turned and left. Niu Er returned to Heiniu's house and saw that the house was silent. Niu Er shouted, "Bruce Lee!" Bruce Lee replied in his bridal chamber, "I'm here." Niu Er frowned and asked, "you two are still sleeping. Didn't you sleep enough last night?" Black girl replied, "brother Niu, you really haven't been married. You don't know the happiness of women. Now Bruce Lee is happy."“ Women are not giant pandas. Who hasn't seen them? They don't like Shu. Hee hee... It's funny. " Niu Er ridiculed“ How many women have you met? " The black girl asked in the room“ Look up and you can see women. What's rare. " Niu Er said. Bruce Lee got up from bed and wanted to wear clothes. The black girl pressed Bruce Lee and said, "go to sleep." Niu Er cried, "it's getting dark. When are you two going to sleep?"“ Brother Niu, if you are greedy, come in and sleep. " Cried the black girl. Niu Er was startled. Black girl, it's too hot. She even asked Niu Er to go to bed. This must annoy Bruce Lee. This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.