Niu Er opened the photo and was startled. He widened his eyes and murmured, "how... How could it be him?"

"What's the matter?" The black girl put her head together curiously.

Niu Er quickly transferred the photo page away, pretended to be nothing and said, "the landlady sent me a message and asked me to call you and ask if your mother is better."

The black girl curled her mouth and said, "the landlady doesn't give up. She really takes me as a baby."

"You are the boss's baby." Niu Er entertained and said, "I'll go to the landlady."

Niu Er got on his motorcycle and went straight to the detective investigation company.

Niu Er reported his name and said to a staff member, "help me find out when and where these photos were taken?"

The staff turned on the computer, checked it and replied, "these photos were taken this afternoon in the city's" spring dream "teahouse."

"Are you... Are you sure it was taken this afternoon?" Niu Er doesn't seem to believe it.

The staff looked at the computer again and replied, "yes, it can never be wrong."

Four years ago, when Niu Er first entered the city, he worked in the "yipinxiang" teahouse opened by Ding Ling. At that time, Wu Tianlei was a regular guest of the "yipinxiang" teahouse.

Now, although the "yipinxiang" teahouse has closed down, Wu Tianlei and Ding Ling still communicate. Obviously, they are not ordinary relations.

In other words, Ding Ling's lover is Wu Tianlei.

Niu Er was a little confused. Wu Tianlei was alone. Why didn't he want to marry Ding Ling?

If Wu Tianlei is really Ding Ling's lover, that is to say, Wu Tianlei is only willing to maintain a lover relationship with Ding Ling rather than marry Ding Ling.

Niu Er patted his thigh hard. He muttered, "what should I do?"

Niu Er originally wanted to find out who Ding Ling's lover was, and then severely taught him a lesson to let him know that love without marriage is playing hooligans, and playing hooligans will come to no good end.

Niu Er also wants to "abolish" Ding Ling's lover, so that he can never play hooligans again.

Now, Ding Ling's lover is Wu Tianlei, which makes Niu Er in a dilemma.

Wu Tianlei saved Niu Er four years ago. If it weren't for Wu Tianlei, Niu Er would have been caught by Wang Mazi. With Wang Mazi's temperament, Niu Er would have been punished to death.

Now, Wu Tianlei has taken Niu Er in and let him take root in city A. Otherwise, Niu Er is like a leaf of duckweed floating in city A.

If Niu Er doesn't decide for Ding Ling, he feels sorry for this "sister".

Niu Er suddenly thought: even if Ding Ling and Wu Tianlei drink tea together, they may not be lovers. Ding Ling's lover may be someone else.

Niu Er called Ding Ling.

"Sister Ling, where are you?" Niu Er asked.

"Brother Niu, I'm at home." Ding Ling answered.

Niu Er asked again, "sister Ling, where have you been this afternoon?"

"I went to the teahouse to have tea with a friend in the afternoon and chatted for a while."

Niu Er said, "sister Ling, is it a man who drinks tea with you?"

Ding Ling asked in surprise, "brother Niu, did you... Did you see it?"

Niu Er said, "well, I happened to see it, but I didn't bother you."


Niu Er asked faintly, "sister Ling, I want to know if the man who drinks tea with you this afternoon is your lover?"

Ding Ling was silent for a moment and said hesitantly, "brother Niu, don't mind my business."

Niu Er insisted: "sister Ling, I don't want to and won't care about your private affairs. However, this matter has related to me, so I can't help asking."

"It's about you?" Ding Ling asked in surprise.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't ask more."

Ding Ling asked curiously, "brother Niu, how does it matter to you?"

"Sister Ling, the man who drinks tea with you this afternoon is my master, that is to say, I am his bodyguard."

"Ah!" Ding Ling screamed.

"Sister Ling, tell me, can I ignore this matter?" Niu Er said confidently.

Ding Ling hesitated for a moment and said faintly, "brother Niu, come to my house and I'll tell you everything."

Niu Er immediately rode his motorcycle to Ding Ling's house.

As soon as the motorcycle stopped, the door of the sales department opened and Chen Ping ran out.

"Brother Niu, I knew you were coming as soon as I heard the sound of the motorcycle." Chen Ping said happily.

Niu Er frowned and asked, "you haven't rested yet?"

Chen Pingle said, "brother Niu, I knew you would come to me at night."

Niu Er said coldly, "you're wrong. I'm not looking for you. I'm looking for sister Ling."

Chen Ping smiled and said, "brother Niu, don't be embarrassed. You're looking for me. What are you afraid of? You still need face."

Niu Er said impatiently, "Chen Ping, go to bed early. I'm going to sister Ling." Niu Er finished and went upstairs. Chen Ping curled her lips and muttered, "hum! I don't believe you're not attracted by charm. Wait, you'll fall under my pomegranate skirt one day. " Niu Er heard Chen Ping's muttering. He tilted his mouth and whispered, "just wait slowly and wait for the next life." Ding Ling is waiting for Niu Er. As soon as Niu Er entered the house, Ding Ling said, "brother Niu, sit down and I'll tell you everything." Niu Er sits down uneasily. His heart is very contradictory. Now, Niu Er only hopes that Wu Tianlei doesn't play with Ding Ling, but has another secret. Ding Ling told her "story" with Wu Tianlei openly. I want to marry Wu Tianlei very much and confess to him many times, but Wu Tianlei just refuses. I once asked him if he had another lover, but Wu Tianlei vowed that he had nothing to do with any woman except me. I also asked the investigation company to follow up Wu Tianlei and found that he really didn't associate with other women. I thought: maybe Wu Tianlei didn't love me, so I proposed to break up with him. Wu Tianlei insisted on not agreeing to break up, and said firmly: he only loves me. Once, I threatened Wu Tianlei with suicide. When he saw that I was forced to die, he told me a secret. It turned out that more than 20 years ago, he once loved a girl, which was Wu Tianlei's first love. Later, the girl left without saying goodbye and disappeared in the world. Wu Tianlei has been looking for this girl for more than 20 years and spent hundreds of thousands of yuan. However, this girl seems to have evaporated in the world, and there is no news at all. Wu Tianlei painfully told me that he must find this girl. If this girl dies, he will marry me. Ding Lingshu said sadly, "brother Niu, you said, I'll wait until the day when I'm a head." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.