When Rong Yuheng descended from the mountain, he was almost too tired to stay awake.

In a daze, he wondered why this tune sounded so familiar as he raised his head slightly.

As consciousness slipped away into the last moment before sleep, Rong Yuheng felt a large hand gently cupping his face, rubbing it twice, and then a tender kiss landed on his forehead.

The next day, he woke up, and the sun was already shining brightly.

Rong Yuheng moved a bit, and instantly drew in a cold breath, his eyes showing shock: …Hiss! Could it be that he had been turned into a first-degree invalid by Wen Zhecheng?

“Are you awake?” The door suddenly opened a crack, revealing Wen Zhecheng’s excited yet guilty face.

Rong Yuheng, upon seeing him, immediately felt irritated. “Humph!”

They had agreed yesterday that he could jump off the car anytime, but now the car doors were welded shut! Wen Zhecheng  even dared to bring up the old accounts midway—it was truly an interesting owner!

Wen Zhecheng  squeezed in, hugged the hamster ball from the blanket, and cooed, “What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you. Is there any discomfort? I’ll give you medicine…”

Rong Yuheng, upon hearing “medicine,” jerked away from Wen Zhecheng’s embrace, his whole body radiating resistance. “No, no, no…”

Wen Zhecheng  dragged him back and continued to cuddle, looking satisfied. “Don’t be shy; I’ll take good care of you.”

Damn, take care his ass! Rong Yuheng avoided Wen Zhecheng’s “chase of love” with an angry look of condemnation for his unsavory behavior.

Wen Zhecheng, however, paid no attention, even becoming more affectionate and gradually using a seductive tone. “How about making pasta for you? Yesterday the little ones had their fill, today it’s your turn.”

Rong Yuheng instantly forgot his grievances, and his mouth moved faster than his brain. “Not bad, a crow repaying kindness, a lamb kneeling to suckle, I didn’t suffer in vain.”

Wen Zhecheng: “…”

Well, if his little one wanted to take advantage, let him. After all, the advantages taken verbally would eventually be reclaimed.

Close to eleven in the morning, Rong Yuheng finally, slowly, crawled out of the bedroom, supporting his buttocks. The entire living room was empty, with only Wen Zhecheng  busy in the kitchen.

“Where’s Uncle?” 

“He went out to buy groceries and will be back in a while.”

“Oh.” Halfway through his ‘Oh,’ Rong Yuheng suddenly remembered something, and the whole hamster ball bristled. “Wait, is your house soundproof?”

Yesterday, he made quite a ruckus, and he didn’t know how soundproof the place was!

Wen Zhecheng’s hand, grilling sausages, paused subtly. The goose laugh of the past, akin to an air raid siren, flashed in his mind, penetrating clouds and splitting stones…

Damn! He was suddenly horrified. He absolutely couldn’t let his little hamster at home know!

Although Wen Zhecheng was panicking inside, he remained calm on the surface. “Very soundproof.”

“Really?” Rong Yuheng was skeptical.

“Really, have you ever heard noises from the next room when you were in my bedroom?”

Rong Yuheng thought carefully for a few seconds and seemed to have not heard anything. He tentatively set aside his suspicious heart. “That’s good.”

Wen Zhongyun hadn’t returned yet, and Wen Zhecheng hadn’t finished cooking. Rong Yuheng simply nestled in the living room, scrolling through his phone, checking the online reactions to yesterday’s live performance.

Under the STAR-T live performance post, it was full of fan screams. Star-chasing girls were crazily taking screenshots from the video, exclaiming, “The brothers are killing me!”

Each person’s solo live performance was also posted on the site, and Rong Yuheng’s team even released his edited photos from the performance.

Under the spotlight, he looked pale with rosy lips, his eyes bright and starry. The stage lights behind him cast a soft golden glow around his silhouette.

The fans collectively spun in place and cried:

“Woo, woo, woo, monopolize my Rong Goose’s glorious beauty!”

“When he doesn’t speak, it’s like the face of first love [crying].”

“Mommy loves you, Rong Little One!”

“Ah, ah, ah, Rong Goose’s face is really amazing!”

Rong Yuheng scrolled through the content and, in the midst of a heap of compliments, caught sight of Wen Zhecheng’s figure. He had posted around 8 a.m., and it was still buzzing.

@Wen Zhecheng’s small account: *kisses*

Rong Yuheng instantly recalled Wen Zhecheng’s enthusiastic “kisses” when he woke up, and his whole being didn’t feel right!

—Could this person be thinking about “kisses” from the moment he wakes up in the morning?

How could that be?

The replies under the alternate account numbered at least a hundred:

“Hahaha, how is it you again!”

“Where is Rong Rong’s alternate account? No interaction?”

*Kisses* *kisses* *kisses* ~ ️

“Where’s your boyfriend? @Rong Yuheng’s small account [let me check]”

Rong Yuheng: “…”

It seemed that even without him, Wen Zhecheng could dance alone.

The content on the personal website was similar, with the team and fan clubs in operation. After leaving the personal website, Rong Yuheng returned to the “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” fan discussion.

He thought that after the collective blockade incident by CP fans at the cabinet yesterday, his “bracelet show” would ultimately be forgotten. However, as soon as he entered, he was overwhelmed by a flood of exclamation marks “!!!”.

The entire discussion was filled with pictures of Rong Yuheng kissing the back of his hand and blowing kisses to the audience.

Especially the half of the bracelet exposed on his wrist was intentionally highlighted, and next to it was a comparison chart of Wen Zhecheng’s wrist bracelet during an interview.

All the captions were uniform, with no textual explanations, just rows of earth-shattering exclamation marks: !!!!!!!!!!!

Rong Yuheng: !!!!!!!!

He quickly dove into the comments section, only to see CP fans drowning the entire discussion community in tears.

“Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!!!! [crying]”

“Damn! Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!”

“I can’t find words… woo, woo, I’m lost… [crying]”

“Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, I’m crying so loudly!”

Rong Yuheng felt complex emotions: Clearly, it was supposed to be sweet, but the CP fans of “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” were crying as if they had lost the main character.

However, no matter how desperately fans blocked the cabinet, it couldn’t resist the trend of the #ZeChengYiYuBracelet# climbing up the hot search.

In the topic square, in addition to the hardworking CP fans, there were more casual fans and onlookers, and the comment section was completely out of control:

“Oh my god, what’s going on? Isn’t that bracelet often worn by Wen Zhecheng?”

*[Images] Compare, isn’t it the same?*

“The last scene of the performance, Rong Yuheng wore this bracelet, kissed his hand, and blew kisses to the audience! Damn, could it be true…”

“No, no! The flying kiss is for the fans, the bracelet is just a talisman!”

“This bracelet is something Zhe Ge only wears on important occasions, he’s had it for a long time, its meaning is different from other things.”

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, heaven, is Ze Cheng Yi Yu real? I want to invest!”


In front of his phone screen, Rong Yuheng looked up at the ceiling and let out a long sigh… Having a group of overly intimate fans was also a sweet trouble.

Better to share the annoyance than to face it alone.

He “da da da” slipped into the kitchen, holding his phone to share it with Wen Zhecheng. “We’re on the hot search again.”

Wen Zhecheng didn’t look at the content on the phone at all, taking advantage of the moment to lean over and kiss him on the cheek. “I know, we probably hit it last night and climbed to sixth place on the hot search this morning.”

Rong Yuheng stared at the current fifteenth-ranked topic. “Aren’t we getting outdated too quickly?”

Wen Zhecheng almost shook his hand, almost throwing the plastic casing of the pasta into the pot. He steadied himself and said, “Because Qu Youhe and Shi Qiu are pushing the hot search.”

Rong Yuheng suddenly realized, no wonder Shi Qiu didn’t retaliate against him—so it wasn’t that he wouldn’t retaliate, but the time hadn’t come!

After understanding, a sense of sadness immediately spread across his eyebrows and lashes. Rong Yuheng stood in the kitchen, shrouded in the smoke, like a fallen angel with folded wings.

“Do you know what Sister Qiu asked me when she found out?” Wen Zhecheng pondered with chopsticks in hand, and the increasingly interesting soul made him have a rare moment of inspiration. Confidently, he replied, 1Qiu Hou Wen Zhan“To settle accounts after autumn!”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, slowly revealing the answer to the puzzled gaze, “Qiu Hou Wen Zhan.”


Wen Zhecheng  lovingly and pityingly patted his neck.

The hot search for #ZeChengYiYuBracelet# took a whole day to settle down. After that, Rong Yuheng did indeed receive a brutal beating from Shi Qiu, almost shedding a layer of skin.

The simultaneous broadcasting of the program and the performance had a massive impact, even causing Zhou Shubai to send a text expressing concern about his newly acquired peeling machine.

[Zhou Shubai]: Are you ready to go public?

[Rong Yuheng]: That’s a question for your brother. [Desolate]

[Zhou Shubai]: …Then I’ll go urge him!

[Rong Yuheng]: Mwah~ [Seal otter heart]

[Zhou Shubai]: Ah, forget about that.

As it turned out, a year later, Zhou Shubai’s survival instincts were still strong.

Not long after, Rong Yuheng received a reply—Qiu Jianlun’s company had entered the trial operation phase.

In addition to preparing for the IPO, their company needed to recruit various talents. Fortunately, Qiu Jianlun’s family conglomerate itself had a deep foundation, allowing them to quickly establish a relatively complete entertainment company.

Rong Yuheng heard that Xun Guang had already signed on and even brought her bound artist, “Yao Tai Jian Yue,” with her.

He instantly had a feeling of nesting “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” in Qiu Jianlun’s company.

Recently, it seemed that Xun Guang had also entered a vacation period. Her Moments were filled with game screenshots or happy scenes of eating and drinking at home, resembling a rare version of a happy otaku.

Xun Guang dragged him into playing a couple of games, but the consecutive failures made it feel bland. He even thought of giving up and climbing a mountain or exercising instead.

Xun Guang noticed his lack of interest in the former and changed the topic.

[Xun Guang]: I’m thinking of going to the pet store to adopt a dog. Do you want to come with me?

[Rong Yuheng]: No, I already have one at home. (Wen Lao Gou)

Xun Guang deciphered his hidden message and couldn’t help but be silent for a while. Then she tempted him again.

[Xun Guang]: The store has other pets. Since you like hamsters, getting one to take home wouldn’t be bad.

Rong Yuheng’s fragile will was shaken… and immediately succumbed to the temptation.

He cradled his face shamelessly, thinking, who could resist a small creature as cute and charming as himself?

They agreed to meet on Monday. Both of them were public figures and needed to keep a low profile. Monday was the busiest time for many working-class students, resulting in relatively fewer people at the pet store.

When Rong Yuheng appeared at the pet store entrance with a hood, sunglasses, and a large mask, he looked like a dog thief.

Xun Guang, at the entrance, laughed heartily, holding the handle, causing the push-pull door to shake violently. The wind chimes on the doorframe rang out, accompanied by the alarmed cries of small dogs in the glass display cabinets, creating a chaotic scene.

Rong Yuheng tried to block out the noise by covering his small ears, but Xun Guang’s voice still seeped into his ears incessantly:

“Hahaha, do we look like we’re covering our ears and stealing a bell!”

The store owner behind the counter showed a terrified expression.

The two of them rushed into the pet store.

Once inside, Rong Yuheng saw only a store manager and an employee, so he lowered his mask a bit and breathed in the hard-earned fresh air.

Lacking empathy, Xun Guang, with her mouth wide open, laughed loudly, as if flaunting her ability to breathe. “Hahaha, look, do we look like we’re going to cover our ears and steal a bell!”

Rong Yuheng: “…”

He really wanted to know who would marry Xun Guang in the future. At that time, he would definitely send a big red envelope to thank him for taking in the most wicked demon in the world.

The two spent the entire morning picking and choosing in the pet store. In the end, Xun Guang took home a fox terrier.

Rong Yuheng asked, “Are you specifically choosing expensive ones?”

Xun Guang’s reasoning was dazzling, “No. It just looks the most like a purebred dog.”

Rong Yuheng cradled the newly acquired tan-colored hamster, raised his chin, and pointed to the teddy bear next to him. “What about it?”

Xun Guang’s eyes, with profound meaning, swept over the small love mark behind Rong Yuheng’s ear. “It looks like your old top.”

Rong Yuheng: “…”

This was really too much.

When Rong Yuheng returned to Wen Zhecheng’s home with the hamster and a bunch of care products, he coincidentally encountered Wen Zhongyun opening the door.

“Little Rong Rong is back!”

“I’m back, hehehehe~”

“What’s this, a hamster?”

Rong Yuheng presented it like a treasure. “Yes, just got it, still fresh!”

Wen Zhongyun had a moment of complex expression. The wording made it sound like they were going to devour the hamster that night.

Without any doubts about his own expression, Rong Yuheng peered, “Where’s Uncle Wen?”

“He went out to buy milk. Should be back soon.”

“Then I’ll go take a shower and change clothes. Uncle, where do you think we should place it?”

Wen Zhongyun excitedly took it over, as if he had been looking forward to it for a long time. “Give it to me, give it to me. I’m thinking of building a nest in the corner of the living room.”

After successfully handing over their hamster son to his grandpa, Rong Yuheng went to Wen Zhecheng’s room for a shower. Today, he had been forced to hold Xun Guang’s dog, which looked purebred and was covered in purebred dog hair.

After washing up, drying his hair, and changing clothes, it was already half an hour later when Rong Yuheng came out. As he was about to push open the door, he saw a tall figure crouching in the corner of the living room with their back to him.

Oh, it seems that the pet owner still loves their newly added pet. Rong Yuheng smiled with satisfaction, tiptoed over, and attempted to pounce on Wen Zhecheng’s back to give him a sweet surprise.

When he was two meters away from the target, Rong Yuheng suddenly heard muttering coming from the front, where Wen Zhecheng was. He furrowed his brows.

Approaching another meter, Rong Yuheng finally heard clearly.

Wen Zhecheng’s tone was indulgent, tinged with uncontrollable excitement. “Rong Rong, have you finally returned to your original appearance?”

Standing behind him, Rong Yuheng, with eyes as sharp as the cold wind, felt a chill pass through Wen Zhecheng’s slightly curved back.

“Am I a Clow Card created by Clow Reed?”

Author’s note: Wen Zhechengng: Seal lifted—!

Rong Yuheng: Truly interesting.