Rong Yuheng was clearly taken aback. He had a vague sense that “shumai” should have some significance, but his forgetful mind was slowly processing…

Without waiting for him to figure it out, Wen Zhecheng walked over, reached out, and grabbed him. “Did you go out to buy breakfast?”

Rong Yuheng responded with an “mm-hmm” and returned from his reverie to reality. “You came here without telling me. How long did you plan to stand here if I hadn’t come down?”

Wen Zhecheng shook his arm gently and explained, “I left early in the morning, afraid you might still be asleep.”

Rong Yuheng couldn’t help but find Wen Zhecheng’s behavior somewhat endearing, as it had a hint of coyness and created a charming contrast that poked at him. “Next time, just tell me directly. Let’s go, we’re going back.”

Wen Zhecheng said, “Your mother is still at home, right? I won’t go up.”

Rong Yuheng looked at him with a hint of tenderness in his eyes. “Are you a delivery guy? Deliver and leave?”

Seeing that Wen Zhecheng was about to make another excuse, he sighed and said, “My mom was pestering me to find a wife yesterday…”

Wen Zhecheng’s eyes widened in shock: …!!!

His chest heaved a couple of times, and his breathing became somewhat heavy. Then, he suddenly grabbed Rong Yuheng’s wrist and pulled him closer. “Find what?”

With his head lowered almost to the point of confrontation, Wen Zhecheng asked, “Can your wife get up early in the morning to steam shumai for you?”

Rong Yuheng almost burst out laughing.

With his heart filled with joy, Rong Yuheng led his blushing Wen Zhecheng back to the apartment. He couldn’t help but think, “Oh my… Is my dear Wen Zhecheng’s crush a bit too obvious?”

As they entered the apartment and unlocked the door, Rong Yuheng helped Wen Zhecheng out of his flip-flops in the hallway. At the same time, he called out to the room, “Mom! I brought the ‘Snail Prince’ back!”

Wen Zhecheng was surprised by the term “Snail Prince.”

Without raising his head, Rong Yuheng replied, “It’s a nickname.”

Wen Zhecheng was momentarily shocked, and his feelings of jealousy gradually dissipated, and the pink bubbles dispersed.

After a few minutes, there was a sudden commotion in the bedroom, and Wen Qin’s voice pierced through the door, “Snail Prince?!?”

Wen Zhecheng put on his slippers and entered the living room with Rong Yuheng. He glanced around and noticed that the furniture and furnishings had a lived-in atmosphere, but they had collected dust over time.

“It’s quite cold in here. Did you forget to pay the heating bill?” Wen Zhecheng asked.

Rong Yuheng replied, “Yes, you need to recharge the card for the heating, but my mom doesn’t remember where she put the card.”

Wen Zhecheng inquired, “Can we turn on the air conditioning?”

Rong Yuheng said, “I think so, but it hasn’t been cleaned, and it’s full of dust.”

Wen Zhecheng nodded and placed the bag of shumai on the table. “You two should have breakfast first.”

After a few minutes, Wen Qin emerged from the bedroom. Her long hair was sleek, her clothing was elegant, and she even wore a pair of sparkling earrings. Rong Yuheng’s pupils contracted—this woman’s efficiency in getting ready was off the charts!

As Wen Qin appeared, Wen Zhecheng’s back visibly tensed. He nodded slightly to greet her. “Hello, Auntie. I’m Wen Zhecheng.”

Upon seeing Wen Zhecheng, Wen Qin immediately exclaimed in admiration, “Such a handsome young man!”

Rong Yuheng promptly showed off his adoring Wen Zhecheng, feeling the urge to boast, “That’s right! My boyfriend is incredibly handsome!”

Rong Yuheng not only wanted his mother to see Wen Zhecheng’s beautiful appearance but also his practicality and kindness. He pointed to the bag on the table, making a sound like a bubbling stream. “Look, this is a loving breakfast!”

Wen Qin exclaimed, “Wow!”

After the mother and son duo’s exaggerated praises, they all sat down to enjoy the shumai. At this moment, the shumai was still warm, and the combination of glutinous rice sweetness and savory meat juices made even Rong Yuheng, who was quite picky, devour several pieces in one go.

Observing this, Wen Zhecheng’s eyes gleamed with affection.

While munching on the shumai, Wen Qin asked, “Little Snail, did you come here just to deliver breakfast?”

Rong Yuheng almost choked on his food—Little… Snail! It sounded particularly gentle and virtuous!

Wen Zhecheng was stunned for a moment but quickly realized that this was his “nickname.” He immediately responded, “Yes, Rongrong said you had just moved in, and your home was empty, so I wanted to bring you breakfast.”

Wen Qin asked, “Where did you come from?”

Wen Zhecheng answered, “From City C.”

Wen Qin’s action of nibbling on the shumai came to a halt, and she looked at him for a moment. “It’s over two hours by car, isn’t it?”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “I came via the ring road expressway, so it took less than two hours.”

Wen Qin squinted her eyes.

Rong Yuheng still seemed like a carefree fool, happily devouring the shumai, completely unaware of the subtle change in the atmosphere.

The two of them locked eyes in silence for a moment, and then Wen Zhecheng suddenly spoke up, “Auntie, do you have a taller stool at home? I’m going to dismantle and clean the air conditioner.”

Wen Qin hesitated before responding, “Um, yes.”

Rong Yuheng was shocked. “Why? You don’t need to do that.”

Wen Zhecheng smoothly quoted a famous saying, “It’s okay, since I’m here.”

Rong Yuheng was left speechless.

Wen Zhecheng found a step stool and went to work dismantling and cleaning the air conditioner on his own. Rong Yuheng wanted to help but was stopped by Wen Qin.

“Snail Prince? Where did you come up with that nickname?” Wen Qin asked.

Rong Yuheng rubbed his hands nervously. “I raised it in a water tank.”

Wen Qin placed her hand on Rong Yuheng’s head and gently massaged it, teasing, “Don’t treat your mom as if she’s your dad, and act like such an easy target.”

Rong Yuheng muttered under his breath, “Why is she bringing up dad…”

Ignoring him, Wen Qin turned her head and gave Wen Zhecheng a meaningful look. The latter, in his expensive and luxurious attire, was now rolling up his sleeves and stretching his arms to work on the air conditioner underneath. His well-built forearm muscles subtly bulged, and the sharp jawline had a distinct male sexiness.

Wen Qin sighed, “It’s still better to have a man at home.”

Rong Yuheng nodded in agreement, “Yeah, otherwise, even the air conditioner won’t be cleaned.”

Silence hung in the air for a long half-minute.

After half a minute, Rong Yuheng’s throat made a dry sound. “…So, what am I then?”

Wen Qin hesitated, her mouth opening and closing, and finally, she reluctantly replied, “You can be considered a young man.”

Rong Yuheng said, “Oh.”

Fortunately, Wen Zhecheng didn’t take long to return, carrying a filter net. He broke the awkward silence, saying, “Where’s the bathroom? I’ll take the filter net there to wash.”

Rong Yuheng immediately rushed over, attempting to escape the stagnant atmosphere in the small living space. “I’ll show you the way!”

Wen Zhecheng’s eyes softened instantly. “You’re so considerate.”

Wen Qin watched them, her expression a complex and colorful watercolor painting.

In the bathroom, Wen Zhecheng initially intended to cook lunch himself, adding another vivid stroke to his “practical soul.” However, the reality was that they didn’t even have vegetables at home.

So, the three of them had to turn to takeout once again.

“How about sweet and sour pork, spicy beef with green peppers, stir-fried liver and kidneys, and some wood ear mushrooms with asparagus? This place also has delicious lobster, but you don’t like shell-on dishes. If you want, I can peel it for you.” Wen Zhecheng showed Rong Yuheng the options on his phone. “Actually, this place also serves great lobster, but you don’t like shell-on dishes. If you want it, I can peel it for you.”

Wen Qin, who was listening, couldn’t help but marvel sincerely: What kind of snail prince was this? He was more like an ox!

Rong Yuheng swallowed hard and glanced at his mom. He had a feeling she had seen through everything.

“No need, these dishes are fine,” he said.

Wen Zhecheng immediately looked at him affectionately and helplessly, “Are you trying to save money for me? You’re so sweet.”

Rong Yuheng and Wen Qin exchanged glances, utterly clueless about what was so good about him!

Before the takeout arrived, Wen Zhecheng was in the kitchen washing dishes and utensils. The disposable plastic cutlery that came with the takeout was not as hygienic as the home utensils. Although he had to compromise when eating out due to limited conditions, when he returned home, he insisted on maintaining higher standards.

Wen Qin pulled Rong Yuheng into a quiet corner of the living room and whispered, “How did you raise this snail prince? He’s more subjective and proactive than an intelligent AI.”

Rong Yuheng fell silent too. “I use what’s his, eat what’s his, and wear what’s his.”

Wen Qin’s expression was a mixture of emotions as she asked, “Have you ever contributed anything?”

Rong Yuheng thought for a moment and then leaned closer. “I gave him happiness?”

Wen Qin was left speechless.

The takeout arrived quickly, and after they finished their meal, Rong Yuheng voluntarily started cleaning the dishes and utensils. With Wen Qin’s earlier hints, he finally realized how shameless he had been before.

Rong Yuheng pushed Wen Zhecheng away. “You go and rest. Let me do the dishes.”

Wen Zhecheng wanted to enrich his “practical soul,” but he seemed reluctant. “But I like doing the dishes. I feel uncomfortable all day if I don’t wash them.”

Rong Yuheng didn’t believe his nonsense at all and slammed the kitchen door shut. “I never saw you complaining about discomfort during the shoot either.”

Wen Zhecheng replied, defeated, “…”

In the afternoon, Wen Zhecheng worked diligently at Rong Yuheng’s house. He was currently flipping the blankets on the balcony. Suddenly, Big White Goose called him and asked when he would be coming home.

Rong Yuheng felt a bit embarrassed. He nudged Wen Zhecheng and said, “You should go back.”

Wen Zhecheng held the phone and looked at Rong Yuheng. “Big White Goose is asking if you want to come to my place.”

Rong Yuheng was actually a bit torn. Today was New Year’s Day, and Wen Zhecheng had taken the time to spend nearly the entire day with him and his mom. Both ethically and emotionally, he should visit Big White Goose.

However, it was rare for his mom to come home.

Before Rong Yuheng could respond, Wen Qin suddenly poked her head out from the balcony door and said, “Baby, do you want to visit Snail’s place? We have a good bottle of wine at home. Let’s bring it over later.”

Wen Zhecheng quickly replied, “No need, Auntie. My dad just wants to meet Rong Rong.”

Ignoring his politeness, Wen Qin urged Rong Yuheng, “Hurry up and get ready.”

Rong Yuheng touched his chest. “Mom, is it okay? Won’t you feel lonely when I’m not here?”

Wen Qin comforted him, “When Mom ascends to the heavens, she’ll be beautiful and independent.”

Rong Yuheng: “…” He had underestimated his mom’s rich inner world.

After agreeing to visit Wen Zhecheng’s home, Rong Yuheng quickly packed a change of clothes and carried a small bag. Wen Zhecheng placed it on the back seat. “Don’t carry it, it might crush you.”

Rong Yuheng looked at himself and wondered what he could possibly crush.

As Wen Zhecheng drove them back, he turned to Rong Yuheng and said, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he spoke, “We have a few pieces of steak at home. How about having pan-fried steak for dinner tonight?”

Rong Yuheng replied, “Sounds good. Since Mom brought some wine, should we open it tonight?”

“Sure,” Wen Zhecheng agreed. “How’s your tolerance for alcohol?”

Rong Yuheng thought for a moment. In reality, he hadn’t really drunk much alcohol before. Occasionally, he had some wine or beer at school gatherings, but nothing with a high alcohol content.

Thinking this over, he cleared his throat and boasted, “I’ve never gotten drunk before.”

Wen Zhecheng chuckled. “That’s good. It’s New Year’s Day today, so you can drink a little more.”

Rong Yuheng’s chest swelled with pride. “I’ll drink! I’m just worried you can’t handle it!”

If Wen Qin was there and she couldn’t help but chuckle.

The author has something to say: Wen Zhecheng: Hehe.