Shi Qiu and Qu Youhe didn’t even have time to delete their posts; the retweets instantly reached thousands.

The comments section of their Weibo posts was filled with the excitement and laughter of onlookers:

“Hahaha! This is hilarious! A dream-like collaboration between Zhecheng and Rongrong!”

“I can’t stop laughing! Reposting your own embarrassing photos, what kind of marketing strategy is that? The idiotic marketing account didn’t expect to attract a wave of traffic in reverse. ”

“There’s a tiny bit of goosebumps, but Rongrong has always been a breath of fresh air. Much better than some male celebrities who are pretentious, stage their photos, and attack others.”

“I can’t believe my eyes, Wen Zhecheng!! I thought I was seeing things. Wen Zhecheng posted on Weibo? ”

“#Zechengyiyu# Oh my goodness… look at this couple’s ‘web dripping’ post. It’s unbelievable! ”

“Another one of these smear campaign posts. Even when Rongrong is so low-key, there are still clueless people trying to provoke. Waiting for Rongrong and Zhecheng to slap them back together.”

In front of their phone screens, Shi Qiu let out a slow breath, her gaze chilling as she looked at the two culprits across from her.

“Do you guys think ‘self-promotion’ isn’t enough, so you decided to open the floodgates yourselves?” she remarked sarcastically.

“No, no…” Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng sat together, heads bowed, appearing to be “humbly accepting” their fate.

Deleting their posts now would only backfire, so Shi Qiu reluctantly stretched out her hand to Rong Yuheng. “Give me your phone.”

Rong Yuheng obediently handed it over, and Shi Qiu quickly uninstalled his Weibo app.

Qu Youhe’s expression was like death. “Zhecheng, you too.”

Wen Zhecheng shielded his phone behind him, resisting stubbornly. “I’ll only post this once, and I won’t do it again.”

Qu Youhe sneered twice. “I’m not the same person I used to be.” Some scams only needed to be experienced once or twice.

Wen Zhecheng hesitated and then glanced at Rong Yuheng. What should they do?

Rong Yuheng closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. Sooner or later, they’d have to do it. Accept it; you’re the owner.

Wen Zhecheng could only lower his stubborn head and let Qu Youhe forcefully take control of his Weibo account.

Lunch break was almost over, and the two of them returned to the set to prepare for filming. Shi Qiu, seeing these two “troublemakers” disappear into the distance, felt some of her pent-up frustration dissipate.

At this point, Weibo was buzzing with excitement due to Wen Zhecheng and Rong Yuheng’s “dreamlike collaboration.” Many netizens even posted more “web dripping” pictures under the Weibo posts to prove their loyalty as fans.

“I have a collection of Rongrong’s web dripping. Take it away for the price of a cup of milk tea! ”

“These haters are no good. There are only a few of these pictures, but I have a whole bunch of Rongrong’s embarrassing ones. ”

“The picture of Zhecheng and Rongrong’s web dripping in this post is like a scene from ‘Treasure Hunt.’ Absolutely spectacular! #Zechengyiyu#”

“Hasn’t anyone noticed the main point? Zhecheng saved this web dripping picture himself, and both of them retweeted it. Wow, this is a masterpiece!” 

Shi Qiu slapped her phone screen to silence it. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath of the fresh countryside air, and reminded herself to stay calm. At least they had successfully turned the tables on surname Yu, whether “Zechengyiyu” was real or not.

On the set, the filming of “Plain Robe” was proceeding smoothly. Huai Qing and the enigmatic Pei Yanhe accidentally ventured into the Long Night Valley. Here, chaos reigned, and good and evil coexisted in the only lawless place.

Robbery, deception, survival, opportunity—some people soared to the top, while others met their demise. To survive and leave this place, the two companions, who had previously considered themselves “novices,” had to reveal their true strengths:

So, Huai Qing discovered that his companion, who was always coughing and stumbling, seemed to have extraordinary combat abilities. Pei Yanhe also realized that his supposed “illiterate” companion had exceptional intelligence…

The scene being filmed right now was their encounter with an ambush.

The extras playing the bandits leaped down from concealed rocky outcrops, brandishing sharp knives that glistened in the bright sunlight, almost blinding the eyes. One of the knives was aimed at Huai Qing’s head, while he had his back turned to the attackers, engrossed in conversation with Pei Yanhe.

Suddenly, Pei Yanhe’s face changed. He extended his long arm, pulled Huai Qing to the other side, and turned to block the attack with his sword. With a clear and resounding clash, the sword trembled slightly.

Rong Yuheng felt that Wen Zhecheng was genuinely talented.

The large movie screen really tests an actor’s expressions and details, while television dramas tend to downplay many of Wen Zhecheng’s strengths. Despite this, his acting skills remained far superior. 

Rong Yuheng was quietly praising his friend Wen Zhecheng in his heart when Qian Xinlei suddenly shouted, “Cut!”

Qian Xinlei walked over to interrupt them and said, “The extras need to be more aggressive. Don’t hold back just because it’s Wen Zhecheng. And Wen Laoshi, you are now forced to reveal your true abilities, so don’t look smug and show off to Rong Yuheng.”

Wen Zhecheng and Rong Yuheng remained silent.

After Qian Xinlei finished speaking, he turned and went back to the sidelines. As filming resumed, he was closely observing, and suddenly, he noticed that something was off with Xun Guang beside him.

Qian Xinlei turned to see Xun Guang clutching her left hand with her right, her eyes glowing, and a twisted smile on her lips…

After a two-second pause, Qian Xinlei asked, “What are you doing?”

Xun Guang seemed to be battling an inner demon, her whole body trembling. She said, “Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy by Wen Zhecheng… Now I have an urge to ‘add flying pages’ and create a CP!”

Qian Xinlei placed his palm on the top of her head and said, “Let me suppress the evil spirit within you.”

Rong Yuheng hadn’t gone solo yet, so he still had to participate in STAR-T’s group activities.

At the end of the month, STAR-T had a fan meeting, and Rong Yuheng, along with the drama crew, took two days off to fly to H City to attend the event.

It had been almost a month since he joined the cast, and he finally reunited with his fellow group members.

When they arrived at the hotel where they would be staying, Zou Yi came up and gave him a big hug. “Rong’er, you’ve lost weight again!”

Rong Yuheng was almost choked by the tight hug. He thought, “You tempter.”

He pried Zou Yi’s arms off him and warned, “Be careful, I’m fragile.”

On the side, Bian Chen sneered, “Have you learned a lot since joining the crew?”

Rong Yuheng knew that when Bian Chen started like this, he was entering taunting mode again. He quickly covered his ears and refused to listen. But the taunting words still seeped into his ears:

“So many scenes.”

Rong Yuheng sighed internally. “I knew it!”

The reunion of STAR-T after a month ended with mutual punches, and then Shan Qi pulled Rong Yuheng, who was still struggling, to their room. “Have you practiced the songs we’re going to sing on stage? Let’s go over them again.”

Rong Yuheng replied, “I’ve practiced them all.” Then, not wanting to be left out, he asked, “Did you guys miss me while I was gone?”

Shan Qi stopped in his tracks, remained silent for two seconds, and changed the subject. “If you have any questions before going on stage, feel free to ask me.”

Rong Yuheng was confused, “?” 

Bian Chen saw an opportunity to speak up again, “What are you thinking? We had a great time eating without you. We even cooked hotpot.”

Rong Yuheng exploded, “Hotpot! You guys had hotpot without me! Why didn’t you take me with you?”

Bian Chen retorted, “It was a communal pot, and we were afraid you’d pull your threads.”

Rong Yuheng muttered in frustration, “Even Wen Laoshi doesn’t mind me!”

Bian Chen gave him a sidelong glance.

Shan Qi sighed, “Everyone knows that Wen Laoshi doesn’t mind you anymore. That picture of the braised pork threads has gone viral.”

Rong Yuheng blushed and lowered his head. “I guess I was too flashy.”

Bian Chen teased, “If you’re talking about saliva threads, then yes, they were quite flashy.”

Three minutes later, Rong Yuheng messaged Xun Guang.

【Rong Yuheng】: Hey, want to start a League of Legends tutoring class?

Joking aside, the concert had to proceed as planned.

The members wore the outfits they had used during the album recording. Rong Yuheng had on a tight-fitting black shirt as an inner layer, with an oversized semi-transparent white T-shirt over it. The contours of his waist and hips were faintly visible beneath the T-shirt, but his youthful appearance, with taut leg muscles, exuded a sense of flexibility and strength, without a hint of effeminacy.

After changing his clothes, he asked Huang Jianing to help fasten the decorative strap at the back. While doing so, Huang Jianing made a “tsk tsk” sound and said, “I have to admit, I’m drooling over your figure.”

Rong Yuheng replied, “Just think about it, but don’t touch.” Otherwise, his “Wen Laoshi” would be unhappy.

After all, they were currently in a mutual one-sided crush!

Huang Jianing let out a melodramatic “Ew~” and tightly tied the strap, patting Rong Yuheng’s butt. “Don’t be so full of yourself, get on stage!”

“!!” Rong Yuheng covered his butt, his eyes wide.

Oh no, he’s not clean anymore! Sob, sob, sob…

With a heart full of sincere repentance, Rong Yuheng sent a message to his “Wen Laoshi”:

—Owner, I’m dirty, I’m sorry [Crying otter emoji].

After sending the message, he put his phone aside, adjusted his outfit, and followed his teammates towards the stage.

This fan meeting wasn’t very large in scale; it was primarily meant to give back to the fans and promote their album. Several hundred fans gathered in front of the stage, holding hand lights and waving support placards excitedly.

Rong Yuheng scanned the crowd and immediately noticed a support placard that read, “Crossing a thousand miles with you, Yu.”

This reminded him of “Zecheng yi yu.”

The fan holding the placard saw Rong Yuheng looking in their direction and screamed, “Ah, Rong Yuheng! Rong Yuheng!”

Rong Yuheng smiled and waved his hand.

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the fans around them, he faintly heard a few girls from the group earlier excitedly shouting, “Zecheng Yi Yu is definitely real; Rong Rong waved at this sign!”

Oh my goodness! Rong Yuheng quickly averted his gaze. Fangirls shipping them were so scary, almost like Sherlock Holmes!

The singing began quickly. Due to venue constraints, STAR-T’s performance this time was mainly focused on singing, with some simple choreography. The atmosphere throughout the performance was warm, with very few high-energy moments.

The entire performance lasted for over two hours, and the final song was called “Time Knows You Love Me.”

Shan Qi sat at the edge of the stage, holding a microphone towards the audience below. “Let’s sing the last song together. Thank you all for accompanying STAR-T. We love you!”

All the members joined him and sat in a row at the front of the stage.

As the gentle melody played, a soft halo of light enveloped the stage. The fans in the audience sang along with the STAR-T members:

“Across the mountains and seas, the crowds rise and fall,

Piles of maple sugar, an old-fashioned bicycle with a bell.”

The heartfelt voices of the singers mixed together, and the fluorescent stars on the support sticks scattered throughout the audience, creating a sparkling sea of lights that swayed with the melody.

Somehow, someone started wiping their tears, and suddenly, the fangirls around felt a surge of empathy. The stage lights, the support lights, and their own tears blurred into one, leaving only the six figures sitting on the stage in front of them, radiating a brilliant starlight and feeling incredibly close.

They said: “Thank you, everyone. We love you.”

Just for this sentence, it seemed like all the hardships of chasing after them had been worthwhile.

As the final song gradually reached its end, the live singing had become choked up, and even the STAR-T members on stage couldn’t help but turn and wipe away the tears in their eyes several times.

The last line of the lyrics was sung:

“As the river and sun set, the wind passes through the hall,

I hear you say you love me.”

As the song ended, the fans in the audience were sobbing uncontrollably.

They weren’t sure why they were crying, perhaps it was happiness, excitement, or maybe it was just pure emotion. Having such a close encounter with the people they admired, singing a song together, made this moment in their lives truly special.

Rong Yuheng had been crying for a while and was on the verge of hiccups. He was someone who was easily moved emotionally.

But he had just lost his Weibo account, so he couldn’t produce threads anymore.

Now that the song was over, he couldn’t hold back any longer and put down his microphone to start sniffing his runny nose… Before he could finish, a fan in the front row suddenly shouted with a tearful voice, “Zhecheng, you must always be happy!”

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly froze for a second.

This fan should be a fan of the “Zecheng Yi Yu” ship. After singing “Time Knows You Love Me” together, her emotions were still running high. She immediately identified with the CP between Wen Zhecheng and Rong Yuheng and shouted it out without thinking.

Shan Qi quickly glanced at Rong Yuheng and nervously tightened his grip on the microphone.

This kind of statement couldn’t be endorsed, as endorsing it would be equivalent to reserving the top trending headlines for tomorrow. But they couldn’t outright deny it either, as that would lead to backlash from CP shippers and relentless attacks from the rival CP shippers.

As Shan Qi anxiously contemplated this, he saw Rong Yuheng smile at the fan and his eyes were filled with tears.

“Thank you for liking me, and thank you for liking Teacher Wen.”

The STAR-T members returned to the backstage area, and Rong Yuheng’s emotions hadn’t settled down. Singing together with the entire audience had touched a sensitive emotional chord in Rong Yuheng. 

On one hand, the collective singing during the performance had struck a chord with Rong Yuheng’s sensitive side. On the other hand, the fan’s shout of “Zhecheng, you must always be happy!” had touched a nerve.

Rong Yuheng didn’t blame her at all. On the contrary, he was quite happy. A blessing from fans who shipped both of them was definitely better than being scolded by solo fans.

Rong Yuheng thought that if one day, his relationship with Wen Zhecheng were to be exposed, and the fans of both sides were tearing each other apart, what would Wen Zhecheng do? He wasn’t afraid of being scolded, but what about Wen Zhecheng?

Could it be that beneath Wen Zhecheng’s tough exterior, he had a fragile heart? Would he be driven to isolation, holding onto his strong exterior while silently crying in a dark corner?

Rong Yuheng vividly imagined the image of Wen Zhecheng, the tough guy, shedding tears and couldn’t help but cry even louder.

Ah, poor Wen Zhecheng! He felt so sorry for him!

On the other end, Wen Zhecheng had just finished filming and was about to check on his pet hamster at home when he opened his phone and saw a WeChat message from Rong Yuheng.

【Rong Yuheng】: Owner, I’m dirty, I’m so sorry [sea otter sobbing]

“…!” Wen Zhecheng was suddenly alarmed and quickly called back. However, after dozens of minutes, no one answered.

As time passed, Wen Zhecheng’s mind was flooded with countless melodramatic fanfiction stories under the “Zecheng Yi Yu” tag… His hand holding the phone trembled slightly…

When he dialed the twenty-third call anxiously, someone finally picked up on the other end.

Almost as soon as the call connected, Wen Zhecheng couldn’t help but exclaim, “Rong Rong, what’s wrong?”

From the other end of the phone, there came Rong Yuheng’s sobbing voice with hiccups, “Hic, wow~ Master, you must stay strong!”

Author’s note: Rong Yuheng: Hic, wow~!

Wen Zhecheng: I dare not listen, I dare not listen, I dare not listen!!

[Background music playing – “Invisible Wings”]

P.S. The singing performance was made up by me, so there’s no need to search for it, hehe.