Rong Yuheng had just come down from the stage when he saw a figure rushing towards him from a distance. He was startled at first, but then he recognized the person—it was his pearl brother, Rong Congyan!

“Big Brother, why are you here?” Rong Yuheng asked, then glanced sideways at Qian Xinlei, thinking of introducing them. However, Qian Xinlei waved his hand, indicating that he already knew.

Rong Congyan pulled Rong Yuheng aside and said, “I came here on a business trip and thought I’d visit you.”

Rong Yuheng’s face lit up with joy. “You’re indeed my dear brother! kekekeke!”

However, Rong Congyan couldn’t muster a smile because his mind was preoccupied with Wen Zhecheng’s words: “You can take it seriously.”

Rong Congyan sternly held Rong Yuheng’s shoulders, almost lifting him off the ground. “Xiao Heng, I need to ask you, what’s going on between you and Wen Zhecheng?”

“Huh?” Rong Yuheng was momentarily stunned. What was his brother asking all of a sudden?

“Are you two… Are you for real?”

What the heck! Rong Yuheng was taken aback. What was his brother talking about?

He had no defense against such a question, and his face instantly turned red.

“Rong Yuheng, what are you thinking? Why do I feel like you’re having an epiphany?” Rong Congyan wanted to pat his younger brother’s head in frustration.

“What do you mean? What ‘real’ are you talking about?” Rong Yuheng finally regained his composure and replied with a hint of embarrassment.

Rong Congyan couldn’t take this anymore. His mind was filled with Wen Zhecheng’s words: “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” can be taken seriously.

“Ah?” Rong Yuheng’s heart skipped a beat. What the heck! What was his brother saying?

Rong Congyan furrowed his brow and leaned in closer. “You’re saying ‘ah’ again. Don’t you know whether your relationship is real or not?”

“…” Rong Yuheng genuinely didn’t know.

He had thought “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” was popular, and Wen Zhecheng liked their fan fiction, but he had never considered whether it was real or not.

Rong Yuheng shifted his gaze away and started singing a tune, “What kind of ‘real’ do you mean…”

Rong Congyan suspected he was playing with song lyrics again, and he was growing tired. “What kind of ‘real’? I mean, is your relationship real, like in love?”

“…” Rong Yuheng stopped singing. This wasn’t the first time he had heard this question. However, when Shi Qiu asked him before, “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” had just begun, and he didn’t think much of it. But now that Rong Congyan asked again, Rong Yuheng suddenly realized that their “fan fiction” had grown so much that even his own brother was inquiring about it!

Was it really this “real”?

Rong Congyan squinted at him. “What are you thinking? I feel like you’re having a real affair…”

Rong Yuheng pursed his lips and gazed at the soft, fluffy clouds in the sky. “I’m questioning life…”

He was questioning whether he had lived a fake first half of his life.

On the other side, Wen Zhecheng looked from a distance at Rong Yuheng, who was deep in thought, and his palms began to sweat. He wasn’t as confident as Rong Yuheng seemed to be.

He had been cautious and subtle in every step closer to Rong Yuheng. Those ambiguous scripts and intimate interactions had all been carefully tested within a safe boundary. Wen Zhecheng was experiencing his first crush, and he had included Rong Yuheng in his visions of the future. Therefore, he couldn’t imagine what he would do if he had to reveal his feelings and got rejected.

Rong Yuheng, who often acted like an ostrich, would bury his head in the sand when faced with sudden situations. The only way to handle it was to create some space between them, allowing Rong Yuheng to think independently.

Rong Congyan’s arrival was an opportunity. He was Rong Yuheng’s closest confidant, and this encounter might make Rong Yuheng drop his guard and reveal his true feelings.

Even if Rong Yuheng didn’t get it this time, Wen Zhecheng would still have a chance to slowly heat things up.

On the other hand, Kuang Zhao watched Wen Zhecheng’s intense gaze towards Rong Yuheng from the side, his expression solemn and focused, holding his breath as if he were a financial trader after a market crash.

He couldn’t help but let out a weak voice, “Zhecheng-ge, are you really this nervous?”

Wen Zhecheng raised his hand to stop him from speaking. “Don’t talk right now. I’m formulating Plan B, C, and D based on the subtle changes in Rong Rong’s facial expressions…”

Hiss… Kuang Zhao took a deep breath. This actor was super talented but overly cautious!

Rong Congyan had a filming schedule to follow, and he was preparing to leave. When Rong Congyan was about to depart, Wen Zhecheng and Kuang Zhao came over to see him off.

Rong Yuheng had been brainwashed by some crazy fan fiction a few days ago, and now his brother had asked him about it. He suddenly felt a strange sense of discomfort when he saw Wen Zhecheng again.

Wen Zhecheng, oblivious to Rong Yuheng’s inner turmoil, casually moved closer and gently pulled him to the side. “Feeling cold? Should I get your down jacket for you?”

Rong Congyan’s gaze became instantly sharp! He grabbed his little scallop brother, who was about to be boiled alive, and expressed his displeasure strongly.

“Why are you getting so close?” he said.

Rong Yuheng wished he could cover Rong Congyan’s mouth: Why are you saying that out loud?!

Wen Zhecheng noticed that Rong Yuheng’s ears were turning red, and he wanted to give him a medal for handling the situation so well. “Sorry about that,” he said politely.

Rong Congyan was nearly out of patience because of Wen Zhecheng. He ignored him and turned to Rong Yuheng. After reminding him to take care of his health, he reached into his pocket and took out a few pieces of mint candy.

Rong Congyan was a person of refinement and always had some breath fresheners in his pocket to leave a good impression when meeting with business partners.

“Your crew has a little girl, Qian Xinlei’s daughter, right? She brought me here just now. Could you give this to her and tell her that Uncle wants her to have some candy?” Rong Congyan instructed.

Rong Yuheng took the mint candy from Rong Congyan, and his gaze solidified for about ten seconds. Then, he became certain that his precious pearl brother had been manipulated.

Kuang Zhao, the outsider, watched the scene in amazement. He had thought that his visit to the set would be a disaster, but it turned out that someone was even more extraordinary than him. Not only did he send away his younger brother, but he also managed to get involved with someone else’s relatives.

With Rong Congyan gone, only Rong Yuheng, Wen Zhecheng, and Kuang Zhao remained, and an inexplicable awkwardness hung in the air. The three of them couldn’t help but think simultaneously: Maybe we shouldn’t be here!

Rong Yuheng glanced at Wen Zhecheng briefly and then quickly averted his gaze. He didn’t know what he thought about Wen Zhecheng as his “feeder” now.

“I’ll go back first,” he said.

Wen Zhecheng unconsciously moved closer and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Rong Yuheng immediately took a few quick steps forward, creating some distance between them, and said, “Don’t get so close…”

Wen Zhecheng obediently replied, “Okay.”

Kuang Zhao, feeling like an awkward third wheel, wished he could disappear into thin air.

It was now lunchtime, and Kuang Zhao had come prepared when he visited the set. He had arranged for a car and brought a table full of dishes to treat his “couple” friends, as he called them.

Seeing the food, Rong Yuheng’s eyes lit up. “What’s there to eat?”

Kuang Zhao listed the dishes excitedly, and Rong Yuheng’s mouth started watering. “Sticky ribs, sweet and sour pork, spicy crayfish, king crab, steamed bass, three seafood hot pot, braised chicken feet, and beef in sauce… There’s so much! What do you like, just eat it.”

Rong Yuheng’s saliva was practically dripping, and he couldn’t contain his excitement. He spontaneously used a nickname, “Thanks, Chacha~”

Kuang Zhao raised an eyebrow, confused.

Wen Zhecheng, noticing Rong Yuheng’s reaction, couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy. He thought, “Chacha”? It sounded quite intimate!

The three of them sat down to eat and chat. Kuang Zhao noticed Rong Yuheng devouring the sweet and sour pork in front of him but not reaching for the distant dishes. So, he pushed the crayfish closer to Rong Yuheng and said, “This is also delicious.”

Before Rong Yuheng could reply, Wen Zhecheng smoothly took over the conversation. “Rong Rong doesn’t like shellfish.”

Kuang Zhao was taken aback. “…”

Rong Yuheng hadn’t said anything yet, and Wen Zhecheng had already spoken for him.

Rong Yuheng quickly explained, “It’s not that I don’t like them; I just don’t want to peel them.”

Wen Zhecheng then asked, “Shall I peel a crayfish for you?”

Rong Yuheng hesitated for two seconds before agreeing, “Sure, thanks. I also want to eat king crab.”

Wen Zhecheng showed a doting expression as he extended his arm to grab a king crab. “Okay, I’ll peel it for you.”

After this exchange, Rong Yuheng thought, “Could it be that ‘Ze Cheng Yi Yu’ is actually a bit real?”

Ten minutes later…

While savoring the ready-to-eat lobster and crab meat, Rong Yuheng contemplated as he looked at the pile of shrimp shells and crab shells in front of him.

Wen Zhecheng, by Rong Yuheng’s side, continued to tirelessly peel shells for him, like an advanced handyman.

Rong Yuheng wondered, was Wen Zhecheng being so kind to him just because of the “Main Feeder Script”? Did Wen Zhecheng mean something more when he said, “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” could be taken seriously?

Rong Yuheng had never considered embracing love before. He had never been in a romantic relationship. Perhaps it was because he often saw his parents, Rong Tianshen and Wen Qin, quarreling, that he couldn’t help but wonder if love was always defeated by time and trivial matters. Even those who loved each other so much eventually parted ways.

Friendship seemed to have a longer shelf life and greater tolerance than love. He cherished Wen Zhecheng and wanted them to be together for a long time.

Suddenly, Rong Yuheng found it hard to eat the shrimp in his hand. If he only wanted to treat Wen Zhecheng as a friend, he couldn’t accept this kindness so comfortably.

Rong Yuheng gently nudged Wen Zhecheng’s elbow and said, “Stop peeling, I’m full.”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “You haven’t eaten much.”

Kuang Zhao looked at the two piles of shells and thought, “…”

Rong Yuheng didn’t say anything. Wen Zhecheng’s hands were greasy, so he leaned over and touched Rong Yuheng’s forehead with his own. “Are you worried that I’ll get tired from peeling? Don’t worry, as long as it’s for you, I’ll never get tired.”

Rong Yuheng blushed intensely. All his previous doubts and concerns were instantly burned away by this gesture. He cursed inwardly; how could he be just friends with Wen Zhecheng like this?

Wen Zhecheng’s gaze lingered on Rong Yuheng’s blushing ears for a few seconds, and then he felt secretly pleased. Having his big brother, Rong Congyan, deal with this situation was the right move.

Two days passed since Rong Yuheng’s self-reflection, and the filming of Huai Qing’s scenes in “Plain Robe” had entered the first stage. This meant that Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng’s scenes together were about to begin.

When Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng acted together for the first time, Rong Yuheng clearly felt the difference between Wen Zhecheng and the others. Wen Zhecheng’s acting was too good, and even though Rong Yuheng was trying to keep up, he sometimes struggled to match Wen Zhecheng’s performance.

Offstage, Qian Xinlei kept shouting, “Cut, cut, cut!” Rong Yuheng cast a slightly resentful glance at Wen Zhecheng. It was all because of Wen Zhecheng’s overly outstanding acting!

However, what Qian Xinlei said wasn’t an accusation directed at Rong Yuheng. “Teacher Wen, your expression is not right! You two are supposed to be meeting for the first time and are still strangers. You shouldn’t be gazing at each other so lovingly!”

The crew burst into ambiguous laughter. Rong Yuheng sighed, “…”

Wen Zhecheng apologized to Qian Xinlei, “I’m sorry. I’ll control it better.”

His pet hamster was recently showing signs of maturity, and he had trouble controlling himself.

Rong Yuheng thought, “I’m done,” and Qian Xinlei shouted, “Cut” once more, dismissing everyone for lunch.

After finishing a particularly challenging scene, Rong Yuheng was exhausted, and he didn’t want to move. Wen Zhecheng was still peeling shells for him tirelessly, like a highly skilled laborer.

Rong Yuheng wondered if Wen Zhecheng was being so kind to him because of the “Main Feeder Script.” Did Wen Zhecheng’s statement that “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” could be taken seriously mean what he thought it did?

Rong Yuheng had never considered accepting love before, as he had never been in a romantic relationship. Perhaps it was because he often witnessed his parents, Rong Tianshen and Wen Qin, arguing, making him wonder if love was always defeated by time and trivial matters. Even those who loved each other so deeply ended up separating.

Friendship seemed to have a longer shelf life and greater tolerance than love. He cherished Wen Zhecheng and wanted them to be together for a long time.

Suddenly, Rong Yuheng found it hard to eat the shrimp in his hand. If he only wanted to treat Wen Zhecheng as a friend, he couldn’t accept this kindness so comfortably.

Rong Yuheng gently nudged Wen Zhecheng’s elbow and said, “Stop peeling, I’m full.”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “You haven’t eaten much.”

Kuang Zhao looked at the two piles of shells and thought, “…”

Rong Yuheng didn’t say anything. Wen Zhecheng’s hands were greasy, so he leaned over and touched Rong Yuheng’s forehead with his own. “Are you worried that I’ll get tired from peeling? Don’t worry, as long as it’s for you, I’ll never get tired.”

Rong Yuheng blushed intensely. All his previous doubts and concerns were instantly burned away by this gesture. He cursed inwardly; how could he be just friends with Wen Zhecheng like this?

Wen Zhecheng’s gaze lingered on Rong Yuheng’s blushing ears for a few seconds, and then he felt secretly pleased. Having his big brother, Rong Congyan, deal with this situation was the right move.

Two days passed since Rong Yuheng’s self-reflection, and the filming of Huai Qing’s scenes in “Plain Robe” had entered the first stage. This meant that Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng’s scenes together were about to begin.

When Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng acted together for the first time, Rong Yuheng clearly felt the difference between Wen Zhecheng and the others. Wen Zhecheng’s acting was too good, and even though Rong Yuheng was trying to keep up, he sometimes struggled to match Wen Zhecheng’s performance.

Offstage, Qian Xinlei kept shouting, “Cut, cut, cut!” Rong Yuheng cast a slightly resentful glance at Wen Zhecheng. It was all because of Wen Zhecheng’s overly outstanding acting!

However, what Qian Xinlei said wasn’t an accusation directed at Rong Yuheng. “Teacher Wen, your expression is not right! You two are supposed to be meeting for the first time and are still strangers. You shouldn’t be gazing at each other so lovingly!”

The crew burst into ambiguous laughter. Rong Yuheng sighed, “…”

Wen Zhecheng apologized to Qian Xinlei, “I’m sorry; I’ll control it better.”

His pet hamster was recently showing signs of maturity, and he had trouble controlling himself.

After that, the challenging scene was completed. It was now early afternoon, just before lunchtime. Qian Xinlei called for a break and told everyone to go eat.

Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng, after acting out a series of tormenting scenes, felt as if they had exhausted all their energy. Rong Yuheng, as he stepped off the set, suddenly felt too tired to move.

Seeing Rong Yuheng’s exhausted state, Wen Zhecheng, with an itching heart, wanted to knead and massage him. He decided to head towards the business car to fetch Rong Yuheng’s daily portion of personal food.

But before he could reach the car, Qian Xinlei called out to him, “Teacher Wen, when you go over there later, could you help deliver this bowl of porridge to Lin Yeqing?”

Qian Xinlei picked up a bowl of porridge from the table and continued, “Lin Yeqing hasn’t been feeling well these past few days. Her assistant just delivered the porridge and went back to get some stomach medicine. Could you bring the porridge to her later?”

Wen Zhecheng took the bowl and replied, “I’ll bring it over now. She’s not feeling well, after all.”

Qian Xinlei appreciated his help. “Alright, thank you.”

Rong Yuheng lounged on a small stool, gazing at the softly drifting white clouds in the sky, trying to relax. He didn’t want to move. Today, Wen Zhecheng had called for retakes too many times, and it resulted in multiple retakes for him as well.

Hmph, Mr. Award-Winning Actor, embarrassing himself.

As Rong Yuheng was silently scorning him, he suddenly saw his Feeder, Wen Zhecheng, approaching with a lunchbox. Rong Yuheng perked up at once – well, even though his Feeder was struggling with acting today, he hadn’t forgotten to feed him, which was forgivable.

But before Rong Yuheng could sheepishly approach, Wen Zhecheng took a turn midway and headed straight towards Lin Yeqing.

Rong Yuheng’s shy little face froze: ?

Wen Zhecheng placed the bowl of porridge in front of Lin Yeqing, who smiled at him. They seemed to be engaged in a pleasant conversation.

The first time left hanging on the side, Rong Yuheng’s inner hamster thought: ???

What’s going on here! Even though Sister Lin Yeqing is very pretty, I don’t accept this! And because of Wen Zhecheng, I had to redo many scenes, and I even waited for feeding while hungry. Is Wen Zhecheng now seemingly trying to impress other ladies?

Rong Yuheng leaped up in a flash! He exuded an unmistakable jealousy, like a vinegar-soaked hamster, completely ignoring the sidelong glances from the crew members along the way.

Rong Yuheng walked briskly behind Wen Zhecheng. About five or six meters away, Lin Yeqing had already noticed him, her eyes reflecting surprise and amusement.

Rong Yuheng loudly called out, “Wen Zhecheng!”

Author’s Note: Jealous hamster: Hmph!!!

15 September Happy Birthday for Our Translator Elsa!